Palo Alto Co, Newspapers (2025)

Palo Alto County Newspapers

From the Palo Alto Tribune - Wed. Jan. 6, 1914:
Resolutions of Respect
Hall of Medium Lodge No. 253, I.O.O.F.
Emmetsburg, Iowa December 22, 1914.
Whereas our lodge mourns the loss of brother, William Richardson, whodeparted this life on December 14th, A.D. 1914, and Whereas our order has lost aworthy member, the family a devoted husband and father, and the community anesteemed and honorable citizen; therefore be it
That we extend to the bereaved family the heartfelt sympathy of the members ofthis lodge;
That in honor of our departed brother our Charter be draped in mourning for aperiod of thiry days;
That these resolutions be made a part of our lodge records, a copy sent to Mrs.Richardson, and copies sent to the local newspapers for publication.
S.D. Bickford, Arthur Anderson, J.C. Franklin, Committee

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
7 Jan 1914

Joseph and Miss Kathleen CULLEN of Whittemore were in Emmetsburg Wednesday
visiting friends.
Mrs. J.A. ALLEN went to Estherville Wednesday to visit her parents, Mr. and
Miss Clara CLASSEN of Rock Rapids spent the last of the week with her
cousin, Emil HAASE, of this place.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PRIESTER of Whittemore, aged fourteen
months, died last Wednesday.
The Journal says that Mr. and Mrs. A.W. McFARLAND of Sioux City spent the
holidays with relatives at West Bend.
Miss Grace BEEDY of Waverly has been visting for several days at the home of
her uncle, H.W. BEEBE, of this place.
Misses Maud and Pearl IRVINE of Vinton have of late been guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. S.C. IRVINE of this place.
Mrs. Gusta HOLIDAY of Rock Rapids, a sister of Harold HOFFMAN, was an
Emmetsburg visitor several days during the past week.
Herman HELMKE of Ivanhoe, Minnesota, who had been visiting S.H. SCHNETZER
during the past week, returned home a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. C.E. FENN of Rodman mourn the death of their baby, aged four
months. Their numerous friends sympathize with them in their loss.
Mrs. John JACOBS of Superior died a few days ago from the effects of an
operation at Rochester, Minnesota. She was one of the highly esteemed women
of that place.
The buttermakers of Iowa will hold their annual convention at Fort Dodge
February 18,19 and 20. The attendance will probably be from 800 to 1,000.
Fort Dodge is becoming widely known as a convention town.
Brother P.H. McCARTY of the Rock Rapids Review mourns the death of his
mother who passed away at Sheldon a few days ago. He has the sincere
sympathy of his newspaper brethren in northwest Iowa.
Jesse COREY of Ruthven was arrested a few days ago charged with selling
intoxicating liquors contrary to law. He was brought to this city by Sheriff
CULLEN and placed in jail. his bail bond was fixed at $300.
Mart DYER, formerly of Cylinder, has moved from Germania to Bancroft. He
will take charge of the big creamery at that place. The creamery at
Germania, in which he was employed for some time, did a $50,000 business
last year. Mr. DYER is a successful butter maker.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLAUGHLIN returned to Rockwell Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James MURRAY and family were Whittemore visitors Wednesday.
Miss Josie REARDON of Clay county has of late been visiting relatives in
Arthur AULT of Ft. Dodge, aged 16, died of inflammatory rhuematism a few
days ago.
Miss Hazel STALEY of Algona came to Emmetsburg Wednesday to visit Miss
Elizabeth LAWLESS.
T.M. CLARK, the deputy food inspector, was in Emmetsburg Friday examining
the local meat markets.
Rev. Wm. SHERIDAN, who was a pioneer Baptist pastor of Humboldt, died at
Toledo, Ohio, a few days ago.
Henry HAASE of Rock Rapids was the guest of his brother Emil of this place
several days during the past week.
Geo. M. NETZGER, city editor of the Mason City Globe, has been appointed
deputy revenue collector by Louis MURPHY.
Harold L. BRERTON returned to Chicago Sunday evening to continue his studies
in Rush Medical college. He was home for the holidays. He will complete his
course in March.
W.I. KORTRIGHT, the foreman in the Spirit Lake Herald office, has resigned
to become field deputy of the Yoemen. He is succeeded in the Herald office
A.H. PETERSON of Norfolk, Nebraska.
Walter GRIFFIN of Chicago, who has prepared plans for a great many buildings
in northern Iowa, has won a prize of $8,500 offered for the best plan of the
new Commonwealth building for the capital of Australia.
Dr. J.C. FULLER and Miss Opie GILETTE of Milford were married December 30.
Dr FULLER is widely known as a physician and republican.
W.F. JACKMAN, who was killed near Estherville a few days ago while auto
riding, was one of the supervisors of Jackson county, Minnesota.
We notice that supervisor DOOLEY of Pocahantas county, brother of J.J.
DOOLEY, is having an auction sale today. He has 90 head of livestock.
Misses Marguerite and Vivian VOGEL of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, have for
several days been guests at the W.E.G. SAUNDERS and Frank ILLINGWORTH homes.
A few days ago Roy MURRAY, a small boy at Livermore, fell while running, a
sharp weed piercing the roof of his mouth. Blood poisoning set in and he
died soon after from the effects of the injury.
Mrs. C.E. CLARK and Miss Cora BABCOCK of Ruthven came to Emmetsburg Monday
and took the south bound Rock Island passenger train for Los Angeles,
California, where they will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. CATAMOLE of Storm Lake arrived in Emmetsburg Saturday and are
rooming at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert KINSLEY. Mr. CATAMOLE will travel
through the county selling patent medicine.
H.E. McCOY announces his candidacy for the republican nomination for sheriff
of Emmet County. He has been engaged in the lumber business for several
years. He had charge of the John PAUL yard at Armstrong for some time.
Michael CALLAHAN of Blairsburg had an auction sale a few days ago the netted
him $14,547. He advertised it widely and he attributes his success largely
to the value of printers' ink. The man who says it does not pay to advertise
is back a number.
F.W. SENNEFF of Britt, a bother in law of Dr. McGRADER of this place, is a
candidate for the republican nomination for county attorney. Attorney
HASTINGS, formerly of Algona, will be his opponent in the primaries.
Postmaster E.J. MITCHELL of Graettinger spent New Year's with relatives in
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel SHERLOCK of Ayrshire spent New Year's with relatives in
this city.
Attorney W.J. FISHER is now occupying the second floor of the postoffice
Henry KNEER arrived home from Anita, Iowa Saturday evening after an absence
of seven weeks. He is installing a water works system at that place.
James CUNNINGHAM of Ankenny is visiting F.F. RILEY. He was looking for a
place to rent. Messrs. RILEY and CUNNINGHAM were old neighbors in Dubuque
Henry SHERLOCK has been home from Omaha for several days visiting his
parents, Mrs. and Mrs. P. SHERLOCK, of Emmetsburg township. He is one of the
teachers in a telegraph school of that place.
We notice that George W. EGAN of Sioux Falls has sued the Sioux City Daily
Tribune for $10,000 for publishing defamatory articles against him while he
was a candidate for governor of South Dakota.

Palo Alto Tribune
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
Wednesday, 21 January 1914

Mrs. James H. GANNON and daughter were down from Graettinger Wednesday. The
latter is treating with Dr. JANSSEN.

L. PETERSON visited his son Elmer at Clark's Grove, Minn. He visited the
C.J. SHAUGER family at Medford for a day.

Mrs. M.B. MYLES came up from Clarion Saturday evening with her sister, Mrs.

A.L. FISHER was down from Graettinger one day last week. He was accompanied
by a cousin, Carl CHRISTOPHER of Webster City.

B.O. SEARLS of Mason City who is traveling freight and passenger agent for
the C.M. St. P. Ry. Co. was here Monday.

Frank MEADE and son Hugh left Tuesday of last week for Syracuse, N.Y. The
former has a daughter residing there.

There is a Walnut table on exhibition at the Hub made by Pete HOELZNER of
Walnut that was used here fifty years ago.

Mrs. H. HILTON is expecting her sister, Miss Minnie ANDERSON, from Battle
Creek to visit her in the near future. She probably will remain during the

Mrs. Bessie GUNDERT and little daughter returned to their home at Tolstoi,
S.D., Tuesday after an extended visit with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. H.C. SHADBOLT, Mr. and Mrs. E. MIDDLETON and daughter Margaret left
Tuesday evening for Atlantic ,Georgia. They will be absent about three
months. Mrs. SHADBOLT and Mrs. MIDDLETON will visit Jacksonville, Florida
during the time.

Black Beaver, the trapper, will give his scenic spectacular thrilling
illustrated experiences "From Seattle to the Arctic Sea" the ChiefTrapper,
the celebrated Indian Fighter, the Great Scout and Alaskan Guide. The man
who captured John SPOON-the worst Desperado-and lived sixteen years in the
arctics, will meet you and tell you his three thousand thrilling words and
show you his hundred wonders, Thursday evening, Jan. 22 at the Methodist

Charley JONES spent a few days at his home last week.

Mr. W.D. SALISBURY returned Saturday evening after a short visit with
friends at Kanawha, Ia.

Mr. and Mrs. DOWD and Mr. and Mrs. PUGSLEY spent Saturday at the SUTTER home
east of town.

Vern COOK is spending a few days visiting his friends in town.

Rev. WARDLE preached at Whittemore Sunday.

Sheriff CULLEN was in town one day last week on business.

Mr.and Mrs. John GEODERS spent Sunday at the Fred STREET home.

Miss Hazel BARNES spent Sunday at her home.

Richard LOTHEEN left Monday morning for a short visit at his home in
Bloomer, Wis.

Lester REID spent Sunday at his home in West Bend.

Miss Minnie GRONBACH attended a wedding at Whittemore Friday.

Frank KELLY was in Emmetsburg one day last week shopping.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
11 Feb 1914


Senator GORE of Oklahoma, the blind gentleman who delivered a lecture at the
Emmetsburg chautauqua two or three years ago, is now the defendant in a
$50,000 damage case at Oklahoma City. The complaining witness is Mrs. Minnie
BOND, who alleges that the Senator attempted to assault her in a hotel at
Washington last March. She asks for $50,000. The case has been on trial
during the past ten days and so far the evidence is not very strong against
Mr. GORE. He is probably the victim of a blackmailer. Mrs. BOND's husband
was a candidate for a political appointment and the Senator did not
recommend him. Several of her leading witnesses were also aspirants for
political honors but were not very successful.

A E HARRISON was an Emmetsburg visitor last week.

Col. BAIN delivered a lecture at Ruthven last evening. He spoke under the
auspices of the local lecture course.

Miss Agnes JOYNT, who is a trained nurse, was called to Swea City a few days
ago to take charge of a critical case.

J.P. JENNINGS had quite a successful sale Saturday afternoon. Prices were

Father J.P. BARON of Boone will leave in a short time for Europe. He will
take a trip to the Holy Land before returning.

The buttermakers of Iowa are holding a convention at Fort Dodge today. They
will remain in session until Friday. There will doubtless be a very large

Frank BRENNAN has bought M.F. KERWICK's quarter block just north of CONWAY
Bros.' place. He will build on it during the summer. His mother's property
will join it on the west.

Seventeen persons were frozen to death in New York city Friday and Saturday.
Over $1,000,000 worth of property was destroyed. Losses in many of the large
cities of the east were large.

L.P. ANDERSON of Spencer was called to Ft. Dodge to take charge of the
butter that was entered for scoring at the State Buttermaker's convention.
There are a large number of entries.

Mrs. O.P. DOYLE has bought Dr. T.A. O'BRIEN's residence. We understand the
Doctor intends building a new house on the lot south of it. Mrs. DOYLE and
family will move to Emmetsburg in a short time.

A few days ago Dr. E.L. WATSON of Bode was a victim of ptomaine poisoning,
but he was able to be about again a couple of days later. He is the
gentleman who was badly injured in an auto wreck at Ft. Dodge a couple of
years ago.

J.K. MARTIN intends moving to Texas soon to remain for a couple of years. He
owns 640 acres of land west of Houston. He will prepare it for the growing
of rice. He intends selling after improving it. In this issue of the
Democrat he advertises his residence for sale.

Geo. A. BURT, wh was in Emmetsburg a couple of weeks ago looking after the
marketing of his crops writes us from Henry, Illinois taht he found
considerable snow on his return home. He had to pick up his shovel and get
busy. He publishes the Republican at that place.

T.D. TRICKEL, who came to Emmetsburg from Illinois a few years ago, takes
several newspapers, among them a couple from his home state. Mrs. TRICKEL
tells our reporter taht hte Democrat is the favorite among them when they
reach her household. She has only words of praise for our excellent news
service. It is needless to say we appreciate such compliments.

Sunday evening Father NUGENT of Des Moines delivered a lecture at Ft. Dodge
on "The Home, the School, teh Church, the Hope of the State." Thesubject is
an old one but it is one of the most important of our time. People who give
sufficient attention to the work of the home, the church, and the school
will not find much necessary for discussing sex hygiene and similar

A.K. C. Class will be initiated at Algona next Sunday.

J.J. JACOBSEN of Mason City is a candidate for the socialist nomination for

H.P. JOHNSTON left for Boone yesterday to attend the marriage of one of his

Miss Theresa DORRIS, who had been visiting her mother and brother, returned
to Spencer Monday morning.

The M.E. ladies of Algona are buying a new bell for their church. It will
weigh 500 pounds and will cost $728.

Miss Lillian DEMPSEY of Marcus arrived in Emmetsburg Thursday to visit her
sister, Mrs. Dell MURPHY for a short time.

Robert HENDERSON, who lives northeast of Emmetsburg, is planning on putting
up a new residence during the coming summer.

We understand that H.E. HAUSCHEN of Emmetsburg township will enlarge and
improve his house during the coming season.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'BRIEN, Jr., of Great Oak township last
Thursday. The Democrat extends congratulations.

Father COSTELLO was up from Livermore Friday evening. He appears to be
unusually hearty and his voice is strong and clear. He says he never felt
better. He is greatly encouraged.

Mrs. Henry HUGHES, who had been visiting her sons and daughter in this city
for a couple of weeks, left for Charles City Friday to visit Mr. and Mrs.
E.M. HUGHES. From there she will return to her home at Amery, Wisconsin.

Rev. John BOWEN, who was for serveral years state chaplain of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians, and who will be remembered by many of the local
members, died at Mercy Hospital, Dubuque last week. He was for several years
pastor at Delmar, Iowa.

C.V. FINDLAY of Fort Dodge has filed nomination papers for congressman on
the progressive ticket. His action has aroused the friends of Judge QUARTON
of Algona, who has for some time has his eye on the nomination. It is more
than likely that Mr. QUARTON will yet enter the field.

At the farmers elevator state convention held at Waterloo last week a
resolution was adopted asking to have binding twine made in the
penitentiaries of our state. Minnesota and South Dakota have for several
years had laws providing for this and they seem to give general

Fred WOLF of the Primghar Bell was in Emmetsburg Thursday. He is still with
the Redpath people. He has become quite fleshy. During the winter months he
sells lecture and chautaqua courses and during the summer season he conducts
chautaquas. He has been very successful in this line.

Miss Frances FOGARTY Becomes the Bride of Joseph MONTAGUE.

At the Catholic church in West Bend on Wednesday morning of this week
occurred the marriage of Miss Frances FOGARTY to Mr. Joseph MONTAGUE. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Father DOBBERSTEIN in the presence of a large
congregation. Miss Beatrice DUFFY was bridesmaid and Edward MONTAGUE best
man. Mr. and Mrs. MONTAGUE will, we understand, make their home on one of
the HALSEY farms between here and West Bend, the groom being employed as a
foreman. The bride in this instance, is one of the well known and popular
young women of this section, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
FOGARTY, and takes to her new home the kind wishes of many friends and for a
happy and prosperous life. - Whittmore Champion.
Have Dissolved Partnership.
Wm. BERKLER and John SCOTT have dissolved partnership in the garage
business. Mr. BERKLER is putting in a line of farm machinery in the building
and solicits the general patronage of the public. Mr. SCOTT will keep one or
two of the autos and will do a livery business. Mr. BERKLER is still doing
drainage work. He has a contract in Kossuth county and also one south of
Ayrshire. He employs nineteen men.
Were Inspecting Their Line.
Friday and Saturday C.W. HUNTINGTON, vice president, and E.E. KERWIN, the
new general superintendent, passed over the local division of the M. & St. L
road on a tour of inspection. They intend making a number of changes during
the coming year but they are not yet prepared to announce their plans.

Mrs. Thos. BRENNAN and children returned to their home at Faith, South
Dakota on Wednesday afer visiting relatives in this city.

Ray McNALLY came up from Garner Thursday evening to hear Judge CAVANAUGH.

We notice that the families of Alex HUSSACK and P.J. CLAER, who were
quarantined with small pox at Spencer for several weeks, have been released.
The contagion was not allowed to spread.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
4 March 1914


Another son has gladdened the home of Mr. and Mrs. REED of Great Oak township.

Mr. BARBER, who has charge of the Boardman Creamery, has moved his family toAlgona.

It is reported that Mr. DELEVAN of the Estherville Vindicator, is to becomestate fish commissioner.

M.L.BROWN, M.F.COONAN, W.E.G. SAUNDERS and Patrick NOLAN shipped several cars ofcattle to Chicago last week.

The McNULTY school district in Emmetsburg township has the largest attendance ofany country school in the county.

Messrs. GYLLING & VanGORDEN have dissolved partnership. Mr. VanGORDEN willengage in the hotel business.

P.O.PETERSON has rented his farm in Fairfield township. He will have a big saleMarch 6. He will move to Algona.

C.R. VanGORDEN was called to Oskaloosa Monday by the serious illness of hischild.

E.E. JOHNSON is now quarantined in a hospital in Chicago, but he is reported tobe much better and will soon be ready to come home.

Fred DeLONG has resigned as buttermaker of the Highland creamery.

A new girl is reported in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. GUERDET.

Postmaster LANGE of Laurens was in Emmetsburg Monday.

J.W. CRAVENS and C.P. BENNETT have organized a savings bank at Spirit Lake.

John BAILEY has rented the HAYES barn for a veterinary stable.

Friday A. EASTHOUSE arrived in Emmetsburg with two cars of stock and farmimplements. He recently bought the K.A. ERSLAND farm.

Jerry O'DONNELL has bought a home at Nevada, Iowa.

Editor ALDEN of Whittemore was in Emmetsburg yesterday.

P.J. COLLINS went to Mason City Satruday to attend the funeral of Mrs. COMFORTwho died Thursday.

Miss WRIGHT of Pennsylvania is visiting her uncle, Hull HOAGLAND, of this place.

The republicans have nominated W.G. HENRY for mayor, O.O. WILLIAMS for assessor,P.O. REFSELL for alderman in the First ward and A.J. ARMSTRONG for alderman inthe second ward.

A few days ago E.R. McALLISTER was kicked in the face by a horse. His nose wasbadly broken.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry MEADE of West Bend on February 20.

Paul SCHANEY of Graettinger is enlarging his livery barn.

D.T. WALKER has moved onto the S.J. KENNEDY farm near Ayrshire.

X.S. LOOMIS died at his home in Booth township a few days ago.

A gentleman named C. METZ of Monmouth, Illinois, will soon open a harness
shop at Ruthven.


Current News
Former Whittemore Lady Dead
Relatives of Mrs. M. RYAN in Whittemore received a message Wednesday that
this good lady had passed away at her home in Chicago at seven o'clock
Wednesday morning. Several from here left on the evening train to attend the
funeral. She wil lbe buried at her old home, El Paso, Illinois.-Whittemore
Mrs. Caroline Brennan Surprised.
Friday evening Mrs. Caroline BRENNAN was pleasantly surprised by a number of
relatives, the occasion being her 67th birthday. A few hours were spent in
local recreation. Refreshments were served during the evening. Mrs. Brennan
was the recipient of a fine rocking chair, a flower stand, and other
presents that she will long treasure in memory of her thoughtful and
generous donors. The Democrat hopes she will have the happiness to enjoy
many more birthday parties.
Dairy Association Meeting March 12
The Palo Alto County Dairy association will meet at the Court House
Thursday, March 12 at 1:30. L.P. ANDERSON of Spencer and T.A. CLARK of West
Bend will be present and will address the gathering. Several others will
also appear on the program. All buttermakers and farmers who can possibly
spare the time should attend this important gathering. Our people are not
giving sufficient attention to improving the dairying interests of our
county. A great deal of valuable information can be had by attending the
gathering of this kind and listening to the addresses and discussion. The
meeting should be a large and enthusiastic one.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
18 March 1914

St. Patrick's Day Celebration in Emmetsburg.

One of the Largest and Most Successful in the History of the Community.

The St. Patrick's day exercises held in this city yesterday were as usual,
largely attended. Many were in from the surrounding country and scores came
from neighboring towns. The day was rather squally, but not particularly
A large number of Hibernians were out. They attended high mass in a body at
St. Thomas church at 10 o'clock. Father McNERNEY was celebrant. Very Rev.
P.F. FARRELLY preached the sermon. Though he had been an invalid for three
weeks, many who heard him considered him at his best. The review of the
achievements of St. Patrick, his high rank among the great bishops and
missionaries of the church, his frequent and fervent appeals to God for
light, wisdom and strength to carry out his life's work, his prayer's for
the preservation of the faith of the Irish people and the loyalty of the
sons and daughters of the Emerald Isle and their descendants to the teachings
of their great apostle, despite the many persecutions to which they had for
centuries been subjected-what a masterly effort. The speakers' inspiring,
patriotic, and heartfelt utterances made a profound impression on the large
number present, for the church was filled with worshippers. He made no
effort to display any power of oratory. It was not necessary for him to do
so. He was full of his subject and he spoke readily and earnestly from the
depths of his heart. The discourse was indeed a treat to all who had the
good fortune to be present.
The dinner served in the basement of St. Thomas church by the Assumption
ladies was generously patronized and there was plenty of choice victuals for
all. The total receipts were $227.25.
The play, Shaun Rue," which was given at The Iowa during the afternoon and
evening, was the best that has been rendered by amateurs in Emmetsburg for
years. The cast of characters was exceptionally strong and all interpreted
their characters readily and naturally. They were as familiar as
professionals with their lines.
T.J. COONAN, as "Larry Donovan," was very popular with the audience.He had
a very strong part and he was as much at home before the large audience as
if he had been before the footlights for years. In his disguise as "Shaun
Rue" he kept the hundreds present in uproarious laughter. his song, "A
Handful of Earth From the Land of My Birth," at his mother's grave was very
pathetic. His other vocal selection, "If They'd Only Move Old Ireland Over
Here," was very catchy and he changed a number of verses of it in making a
number of local hits. Mr. COONAN has indeed special ability as an Irish
comedian and would prove a favorite with any audience. His many friends have
reason to feel proud of his efforts last evening.
P.J. WALSH, as "Maurice Donovan," the old man was right at home in hispart.
He always does well. Eugene O'BRIEN as "Gerald Kavanaugh," made anideal
hero and lover. His voice was good and his appearance on the stage was
strongly in his favor. W.P. KERWICK took the character of "Patrick
Kavanaugh". He had an excellent make up and his articulation and conception
of his part made him a very strong member of the cast. He had big words to
spare and then some. Leo J. McMAHON as "Peter Callagan," handled his
character faultlessly. It is difficult for a young man to represent an old
gentleman. It must be conceded that he did his part admirably. C.J. McNALLY
was the villain and he proved himself an artist. The average professional
could not have done better. His stage appearance made him a favorite with
the audience despite the devilish part assigned him. James FAY impersonated
"Tim," the half starved boy. A better selection could not have beenmade.
All who were present complimented him highly for the creditable manner in
which he acquitted himself. He also represented the minor character of
"Teddy Phatts." M. MILLER took two parts- "Wm.Summerfield" and "Waddy, the
Lawyer." He always does justice to his character and he handled both parts
successfully on Tuesday evening. He has a good voice and his make up added
to the effectiveness of impersonations.
Miss Mildred DAILY had the character of "Dora Kavanaugh", Larry's
sweetheart. It was difficult and somewhat exacting, but she was more than
equal to its requirements. She well deserved the generous praise that was
given her for her efforts. miss Vera RUTLEDGE, as "Kate Donovan,"Larry's
sister, was exceptionally good. At times she was truly dramatic. She has
special ability for work of this kind. She was one of the strong members of
the cast.
Mr. and Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS had charge of the rehearsals. They worked hard for
several weeks and they have reason to feel proud of the result of their
efforts. The members of the A.O.H. feel deeply indebted to them for their
sacrifices of time and labor in making the day's exercises so creditable.
The attendance was the largest in the history of the organization. Every
seat was taken in the afternoon and fully 100 could not secure seats in the
evening. The day will often be recalled as a memorable one in the history of
Palo Alto Hibernianism.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
25 Mar 1914

The news of Mowbridge, South Dakota of March 13 says:
"Yesterday M.F. RYAN received a message from Washington informing him that
the senate had confirmed his appointment as postmaster at Mowbridge. The
appointment of Mr. RYAN comes as a well deserved recognition of his generous
efforts of the democratic party and because he is qualified to attend to the
duties connected to the office. While the News regrets the retirement of
Judge VAWTER from the postition, there is no one in the democratic ranks we
could sooner see have the job than that good old warrior- Matt F RYAN". Mr.
RYAN is a brother of the Supt. Margaret RYAN and step son of Mrs. Matt RYAN
of this city. He is well known to all of our citizens.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
8 April 1914

Mrs. M.W. JOYNT of West Bend has been quite ill since the beginning of

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of March 21, 1894

J.C. BENNETT has bought A.W. UTTER's interest in the Reporter. We understand
he will sell it to L.H. MAYNE of Algona.

The Farmers' Mutual Life Insurance association of Iowa was organized in
Emmetsburg last week. A.W. GREEN of Spencer was elected president., W.B.
FORBES of Wall Lake vice president, Geo. H. BAKER of Emmetsburg, secretary,
and A.B. CARTER, of West Bend, treasurer.

T.W. FOY of Rhinelander, Wisconsin, is in Emmetsburg today.

A son was born to Mr and Mrs. John McNALLY Monday.

Thomas EGAN is building a new residence.

FARRELL Brothers have moved to Ledyard, Kossuth county.

John PYPER is back in the KAUFMAN Brothers clothing store.

Patrick MULRONEY is building a large barn.

Attorney G.W. ADAMS is to be given charge of the Estherville Vindicator.

John FARRELL has bought a quarter section farm in Emmetsburg township. He
will erect buildings on it and will move onto it in a short time.

P.O. PETERSON of Fairfield township will move to Algona.

A son was born to Mr and Mrs P. F. MAGUIRE of Ayrshire about a week ago.

J.S. GIBSON has sold his large farm in Emmet county to J.J. WATSON for

Mr and Mrs. E.E. JOHNSON returned from Chicago a few days ago. The Chicago
surgeons were not able to find the ball in Mr. JOHNSON's abdomen. However,
he is feeling fairly well.

Jay LETSON returned from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin a few days ago where he had
been for several months.

Mr and Mrs. Charles McCORMICK celebrated the 25th anniversary of their
marriage Friday evening.

The instructors chosen for the teachers' institute are Professors YOUNG and
RUMMELL and Miss Agnes B. MARTIN. P.H. DONLON will also assist in the work.

GRAHAM Brothers from Illinois arrived last Thursday. They will build on
their new half section farm, which they recently bought from Blairgowrie.

Henry PENMAN returned to Emmetsburg yesterday to remain for a short time.

P. CLAER of Great Oak township is building a new home.

Mr. JEFFRIES, a Sheldon painter, has located in Emmetsburg.

The new creamery north of Independence township will be ready for business
April 1.

Joseph LAUBENTHAL of Rodman has moved his family to Plover.

Miss Mollie PATTON finished her term of school at Cylinder last week.

H.J. HUSKAMP drove in from Independence township Monday evening to hear

Mr. John KIRSCHNER and Miss Hattie FRAZER were married in Blackhawk county
March 8.

S. CRISSMAN and family have moved onto their farm west of West Bend.

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of March 28, 1894

Messrs. KLUSS and HOLMAN of Hampton have rented the store room in the
Waverly block and will put in a stock of furniture.

Adam DOMEK returned from Hot Springs Saturday morning.

Mr and Mrs. E.W. REID of Wallingford are visiting at the home of Mrs. REID's
parents near Cylinder.

Fred HOWARD will leave for Colorado in a few days where he will remain for
some time for the benefit of his health.

It is rumored that the Burlington road will be extended next spring from
Armstrong to Estherville.

John McDONALD returned from Galena, Illinois, Wednesday where he spent most
of the winter.

A.H. HOTELLING has bought the old hotel building at Whittemore.

Mr and Mrs. Thomas TOBIN will return from California this week.

Miss Mary MEADE returned from Colfax Monday evening where she spent the
winter with her brother.

Miss Mary MAHAN of Chicago is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chris DONAHUE.

Thomas EATON of Emmetsburg township will build a new residence.

Mr. DELEVAN of Estherville will take charge of the state fish commisioner's
office April 1.

Saturday night M.F. COONAN shipped two cars of livestock to Chicago,
BLAIRGOWRIE six, KIRBY and MULLEN two and MULRONEY Brothers four.

Miss Bridgie McEVOY entered Mt. Carmel at Dubuque last Monday to become a
Sister of Charity.

Miss ROYLE of Chicago is the new trimmer in Mrs. MORRISSEY's millinery

Mr. Albert JOLLIFFE and Miss Anna GRETHEN were married in this city Monday.

Mr. Peter J. PAULSON and Miss Mary SMITH wree married in Emmetsburg Monday.

P.V. NOLAN has been elected school treasurer as successor to P.O. REFSELL.

J.N. HUNNELL of Jasper County has moved onto a farm in Vernon township.

A.T. HORTON has sold his stock of boots and shoes to ALLRED Brothers of

Mr. G.W. BRUCE and Miss Ella WALLACE were married last Wednesday. They live
on a farm in Walnut township.

A.W. UTTER and Claude HENRY have bought E.S. BRIGG's stock of furniture.

Mrs. TIPP was called to Linn county a few days ago to attend the funeral of
a sister.

>From Rolfe to Exira.
F.R. KUHNS, the day ticket agent at the Rock Island depot and the friend of
all travelers through Iowa City, has just received notice of his appointment
to the position of ticket agent at Exira, in Audubon county.-Rolfe Reveille.

Mrs. P. HABEGER of West Bend Dead.
On Tuesday evening at 6:15 occurred the death of Mrs. Peter HARBEGER at her
home. She had a stroke of paralysis May 17, 1912 that she never really fully
recovered from and she gradually failed till at last death came as a relief
to her suffering.

Fell from Chair Broke Ribs.
Last Saturday, Mrs. E. BIGGLESTONE used a chair and stepped upon the top of
the cook stove to brush off some dust on the pipe. When she went to get down
she missed the chair and fell heavily upon the back of it, breaking two of
her ribs.-Laurens Sun.

Goes to Kansas City for Operation.
The many friends of Mrs. F.A. KASSELL will be very sorry to hear that it was
necessary for her to leave the first of the week for Kansas City and medical
treatment. We all hope that she will return in a short time having received
the help that she is seeking.-Ayrshire Chronicle.

HANSON Had Close Call.
"Bill" HANSON came near having a serious accident Tuesday. He was onhis way
home after hunting and had a number of shells in his pants pocket. He struck
his pipe against his leg to empty it and in doing so struck a cap on one of
the shells, exploding it and burnt nearly all the skin off his
hand.-Ringstead Dispatch.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 15, 1914

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of April 4, 1894

Monday Charles DUNCOMBE was appointed postmaster of Fort Dodge.

Mrs. O.D. RANK of Rodman recently recovered from a long and severe attack
of typhoid fever.

Mr and Mrs. Wm. DEAN left for Dubuque last night where they will make their
future home.

M.F. KERWICK is remodelin the interior of his residence

Wm. KANE of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, is visiting his brother, J.J. KANE of
this place.

L.H. MAYNE made his bow to the readers of the Reporter last week. He
promises to give them a good republican doctrine.

A marriage license has been issued to Frank L EATON and Anna TONER, to John
HOLLANDER and Lucy M ADAMS and to Wm WILLARD and Minnie COWELL.

GRAHAM Brothers have completed their new residence on their farm northeast
of Emmetsburg.

J.L. MARTIN has sold his lumber yard at Mallard and will return to

Mr. Charles STURGIS and Miss Nellie SULLIVAN were married at Assumption
church Monday morning.

Matt WHITE was renewing acquaintances in Emmetsburg the first of the week.

L.H. MAYNE has moved into the NICHOLAS residence in the northeast part of

L.J. MULLEN is hauling lumber for a new barn on his farm in Nevada township.

Dr AVERITT of Mallard will move to the south part of the state.

M.A. MUGAN of Jefferson will open a marble factory in Emmetsburg.

Mr. J.K. BENDA and Miss Mary KOELIK (or KOSLIK) were married at the Jesuit
church in Chicago yesterday.

Herman EKERT has retired from the firm of Eckert & Spies at Graettinger.

Mr. TIPP of Canada is visiting his niece, Mrs. A.J. WOLFGANG, of Graettinger

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. T. SULLIVAN of Osgood a few days ago.

Monday Mrs. James ANGLUM, who lives four miles north of Ayrshire, was thrown
into a well by a horse. The animal fell in on top of her, pinning her to the
ice. The horse broke his neck in the fall and died after some struggling.
Mrs. ANGLUM was sitting on the ice with her feet in the water and the horse
on top of her. She remained in that position for six hours. Seh was rescued
by her husband when he returned home in the evening. She is in a serious
condition but will probably recover.

At the meeting of the city council held Monday evening, John McNALLY was
elected marshal, D.W. BURLINGAME, clerk and Patrick O'BRIEN street

A Few Items Taken From the Files of The Democrat of April 11, 1894

Word received from St. Francis, Kansas states that I.M. EGAN has been
admitted to the bar at that state.

Fred HOWARD will leave for New Mexico in a short time for the benefit of his

Yesterday Mr. B.S. KINGSLEY and Miss Mattie SCOTT were married in this city,
Rev. H.M. CASE officiating.

A.J. WOLFGANG has been very ill at his home in Graettinger during the past
ten days.

A week ago one of T.W. MARTIN's sons accidentally shot himself. His
condition is not serious.

A son was born to Mr.and Mrs. Joseph MARTINI Monday.

Postmaster RANDOLPH of Estherville has bought the outfit that was used in
the Iowa building at the World's fair in Chicago.

Mr. SAUNDERS shipped three cars of cattle to Chicago last week. He has 300
head more ready for market.

F.W. WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter WHITE of Great Oak township, died

W.C. KING will leave for St. Paul next week to accept a position in a
wholesale house.

John BRENNAN of Walnut township informs us that there are 99 first cousins
in the Brennan families of this county.

Mr. Thomas BRAND and Miss Mary HOWE were married at Iowa Falls a few days
ago. The bride is a niece of Patrick HOWE of Estherville.

T.J. WHITE and J.J. REARDON have bought the Emmetsburg Conservative.

C.R. CONWAY is now buttermaker in the Garfield creamery north of West Bend.

J.A. ANTHONY has sold his farm north of Ruthven to an Illinois gentleman.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. T.J. MILLER of Great Oak township Thursday.

Miss Bessie WARD, who was in Emmetsburg last summer, has opened a
kindergarten school at Estherville.

John BALLAN of Fort Dodge is under arrest charged with the murder of a
gambler named TIFFANY.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, IA
22 Apr 1914

Nelson Building
J.C. BENNETT informs us that the Nelson building, now the property of
Charles SLATER, which was moved down Broadway last Thursday and east to the
old Fitzgerald block near Mr. FREEMAN's home, was brought to Emmetsburg from
West Bend township nearly 40 years ago. It was hauled by a number of oxen.
It was at that time the property of Dr. DAY, who served as county
superintendent during pioneer days. A.B. CARTER says that as near as he can
learn it was built on Section 17 in West Bend township, the Doctor having
lived on a homestead for some time. Later he moved to Sioux City. Mr.
SLATER has also bought Mrs. WAY's cottage in the east part of town and is
moving it onto his lots near Mr. FREEMAN's. He will overhaul all of his
houses and rent them. He will soon become one of the prosperous landlords of
our community. The buildings he has bought are in fairly good condition.
Reports Terril Booming.
C.G. LIGHTER, Mr. TWEDTEN and Mr. LONG, all of Terril, were in Emmetsburg
Thursday afternoon. They made the trip by auto. Mr. LIGHTER formerly resided
at Rolfe but bought the Terril Tribune a short time ago. He has made a great
improvement in it and thinks Terril is a promising field. He says the town
is having a rapid and substantial growth. Last year thirteen new houses were
built and at the present time five new residences and a double store
building are in the course of erection. The upper part of the store building
will be used for an opera house. The Methodist people of the town have
subscribed $10,000 for a new church and the people of the consolidated
school district voted last week to put up a $50,000 school building.
He Improved His Condition.
Joseph MIHLFREAD, who was up from Mallard Friday, told the writer about a
man who came to his neighborhood from Germany a year ago. He was receiving
very small wages in his native country but this spring he hired out to
Andrew RUNNEBERG for $35 per month, with board and washing and the use of a
driving horse whenever he may need one. There are doubtless a great many
young men who would be glad to come to this country and work for such wages.
Auto Accident at Clare.
Wednesday an auto driven by M.J. and Dan LAHIFF of Clare plunged into a
dictch five feet deep. The former had two ribs broken and one of his
shoulders dislocated and the latter was injured internally. They were
extricated from the perilous position by parties who were passing in another

A Few Items Taken From the Files of the Democrat of April 18, 1894

P.S. KNUDSEN is building a new residence

Miss Anna CULLEN of Ayrshire is visiting Emmetsburg friends.

Estherville is to have a new creamery. E.W. REID, formerly of Wallingford,
will have charge of it.

C.J. BERGER has gone to Dyersville to attend the marriage of one of his

W.H. SPRAGUE is the gentleman who is now in charge of the lumber yard near
the Burlington depot.

W.W. FROST has sold his farm of 120 acres in Ellington township to L. M.

Mrs. J.V. JENNINGS returned to her home at Minneapolis Thursday.

Miss Pearl ISMOND has gone to Jasper, Minnesota, where she has secured a
good position.

A.M. CARLSON has sold his restaurant to G.F. RUNCHEY.

Edward McNALLY has bought the HIGLEY dray line.

John WALSH recently recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia. He is 87
years of age.

The present attendance at St. Mary's Academy is 160.

E.A. MORLING of Emmetsburg is mentioned as a probable candidate to succeed
Judge CARR.

Mrs. Henry KOCH was called to Cassville, Wisconsin, last week by the death
of one of her sisters.

It is reported that Earl BRONSON has been appointed postmaster at Spencer.

C.G. SARGENT spent Sunday at his home at Hampton.

John THOMPSON of Fern Valley township is building a new residence.

MULHALL Brothers of Sioux Falls have sold 3,550 acres of land near Sioux
City for $80,000.

T.F. McGOVERN has bought J.J. KNOER's feed store at Whittemore.

August JOHNSON of Cylinder has gone to Minnesota where he will engage in the
livery business.

Peter GRETHEN of Ellington township shipped a car of cattle to Chicago a few
days ago.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W.H. WALSH Saturday.

The A.O.H. division of this city will attend the national convention of the
order to be held in Omaha in June.

W.H. AMLEY have an exhibition of the serpentine dance at the Woodford show
at Music hall Saturday night.

Julius HEIDER, who lived on the FOY farm, died from the effects of blood
poison Saturday morning.

Mr. P. CLAER and Miss Matie DAILY of Ayrshire were married yesterday.

Mr. John HOLLANDER and Miss Lucy M. ADAMS were married at Assumption church

Mrs. Peter M. SMITH and Miss Alice SMITH of Pocahontas county were married
in Emmetsburg Monday.

A Mr. SMALL has moved to Emmetsburg and will become a partner of Mr. RUNCHEY
in the restaurant business.

Patrick FLEMING of Highland township has gone to Des Moines to attend
Dress Goods, Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Etz.
Millinery--the nobbiest up-to-date at popular prices.
209 Broadway, Emmetsburg, Iowa
Strawberry Plants.
Dunlaps and other leading kinds. State inspected. J.C. BENNETT, Emmetsburg.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
29 April 1914

News of Twenty Years Ago.
From the Democrat Files of April 25, 1894
Messrs. MUGAN and SHANNON have rented the building south of Emmetsburg hotel
and are using it for a marble shop.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, May 28, 1914

Thos McDONOUGH spent the last of the week in the Twin Cities.

Henry HELGEN was a business visitor to Joliet, Illinois, Thursday.

Miss Mildred FRYE of Rodman visited in Emmetsburg township.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph SCHUMACHER were up from Mallard Thursday.

Mrs. Earl BROWN visited her parents at Columbus Junction last week.

P.H. DONLON was a passenger to Cedar Rapids Saturday morning.

Mrs. John SULLIVAN visited the last of the week with relatives in Ellington

Rev. O.M. BOND of Spencer will deliver on the Memorial address at Ruthven

Rev. J.E. BRERTON and P.O. REFSELL were passengers to Marshalltown Tuesday
of last week.

Walter ALLEN is now taking contracts for fencing. His ad appears elsewhere
in this issue.

Mesdames IVEY, BOOKMAN, and FISHER of West Bend were Emmetsburg visitors
Tuesday evening of last week.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John ADAMS Thursday. Their many friends
extend congratulations.

The Sentinel says that Thomas BERNE of Hartley has bought a motor hearse.
This will be quite a novelty at funerals.

John PFIFFNER arrived home from Iowa City Saturday morning. He had been
attending the State University of Iowa.

A few of our citizens were wearing straw hats last week, but custom holds
that they should not be worn until June 1.

Mrs. WARDLE and little daughter of Cylinder went to Hardy, Iowa, Saturday
morning to visit relatives for a few days.

Ewart SAUNDERS arrived home from California Saturday morning. He had been
attending Leland Stanford university.

It is claimed that over 500 soldiers died in Iowa during the past year. The
old veterans are gradually passing to the great beyond.

The Estherville Democrat says that Conductor M.B. MILLER has been in the
employ of the Rock Island company for thirty years.

Miss Gail EGAN arrived home from Cedar Rapids Saturday morning. She will
become the stenographer and bookkeeper in the Democrat office.

B.J. BRADLEY, who has been principal of the Algona high school for some
time, has been chosen superintendant of the Armstrong public schools.

Miss DUFFY who had been visiting her sister, Mrs. J.P. STEBBINS for several
weeks, returned Wednesday to her home at Erie, Pennsylvania.

W.E.G. SAUNDERS, Robert LAUGHLIN, H.W. BEEBE, and Mr. PFIFFER of Waterloo
were trying their luck at fishing at Spirit Lake Tuesday of last week.

The commencement exercises of the Ruthven public schools will be held this
evening. Dean W.F. BARR of Drake university will deliver the address.

The Journal reports a new girl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John DENINGER of
West Bend. This will be good news to the local friends of Mr. and Mrs.

Mr. AUSLAND reports that Mrs. AUSLAND is able to be out again as usual
although she has not yet fully recovered her strength.

W.D. DONOVAN and Leo MULRONEY recently returned from Minneapolis where Mr.
DONOVAN bought a Buick car. They made the trip by auto in a day.

Oscar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred JENSEN, formerly of West Bend, died at
Pocahontas Tuesday of last week from the result of an operation for

O.B. ANDERSON of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Friday. He was on his way
home from Booth township where he had been touching up his farm buildings.

J.J. McEVOY of Fort Dodge was in Emmetsburg several days during the past
week soliciting for the Royal Union Life Insurance company of Des Moines.
F.L. DORRIS is the local agent.

Miss Anna DONOVAN arrived home from Estherville Thursday where she was
called by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. J.P. KIRBY. Mrs. KIRBY is
still very week but is improving some.

Mr. and Mrs. William GALLEGER of Burt arrived in Emmetsburg last week for a
few days' visit with relatives. Mr. GALLEGER recently sold out his barber
shop at Burt. He intends locating at Clear Lake.

There will be an eclipse of the sun August 21, but it will not be visible in
this locality. It is claimed that the people of northwest Iowa will not have
another opportunity of seeing an eclipse of the sun until 1918.

John FINN was in Emmetsburg Friday. He had just returned from Wellsburg,
Iowa, where he had been building an elevator. He was accompanied by his
friend, Charles DRESSLE. They went to Whittemore Friday evening to work on
the new elevator at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. Olaf ANDERSON of Cylinder moved into their new home in the
Fourth ward Tuesday of last week.

Daniel HICKEY, whose father died a few days ago, informs us that the members
of the family were never all at home at the same time. There were eleven
sons and daughters and some of the older members of the family left home and
were doing for themselves before one or two of the younger members were
born. This is something that can not be said of very many families.

Marshal BRENNAN has arrested three or four different parties during the past
week for driving their autos faster than is allowed by the ordinance
governing the speed limit. He wishes to warn other drivers and owners of
machines that the ordinance will be strictly enforced and for them to be on
their guard. There is entirely too much reckless driving. Drivers who booze
should also be taught a lesson. They jeopardize their own lives and the
lives of others.

Sim ROBINSON of West Bend was greeting Emmetsburg friends Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. John SYKES, Jr. and little baby left for Ottumwa Sunday evening.

Rev. C.E. MALTAS was a passenger to Faribault, Minnesota Sunday evening.

Mrs. T. SULLIVAN of Graettinger visited Emmetsburg relatives over Sunday.

John and Patrick MILLER are home from the west visiting their parents, Mr
and Mrs. P. MILLER.

Joe WOLLNER came up from south Great Oak Saturday and took the south-bound
Rock Island passenger train to Rodman.

Lyle SCOTT returned last week from Indianapolis, Indiana. He attended the
Indianapolis Dental college during the past year.

P.J. CALLIGAN of West Bend mourns the death of his brother, John L CALLIGAN,
who was buried at Rolfe Tuesday of last week.

J.H. RUBY, who has been principal of the Sanborn schools for some time, has
been elected superintendent of the Sutherland school.

Mrs. McQUEEN, who lives in the fourth ward, has been very ill for the past
couple of weeks. Her many friends hope to learn of her early recovery.

Superintendent MEREDITH of Boone is now receiving $2,200 per year. He has
the supervision of sixty-five teachers. One of his teachers is receiving
$1,500 per year and two are given $1,000 each.

Mr. and Mrs. Emmet MOORE were down from Swan Lake neighborhood Thursday.
They came on business but visited Mr.and Mrs. M.F. COONAN a short time while
in town. Mr. MOORE informs us that he is milking 80 cows this spring. He
keeps six hired men. He is working over 700 acres of land. His foreman,
Jacob JENSEN, left for New York Thursday evening where he intended to meet a
young lady who came from Germany to become his wife. They were married at
that place soon after her arrival. Mr. and Mrs. JENSEN will live in one of
Mr. MOORE's houses and will board the hired men.

FOR SALE: 1,000 pound road mare and good size refrigerator. A snap. Enquire
of F.L. DORRIS 17-tf.
White Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching purposes. Price 75 cents for 15 or $4
per hundred-Mrs. P.F. CONLON 14-tf.
Cement Work
I am prepared to do foundation, cistern, and other cement work.-James P.
JONES. 14-12t.
FOY & WILCOX have made arrangements with SHAFER & Son of Dows for a saleof
flowers on Friday, May 29, for Memorial day. Those desiring flowers should
call early and see the assortment.
To Farmers.
My full blooded Shire stallion St. Blaze, Reg. No. 3354-weight 2030, will
stand for service during the year 1914 at the P.E. SHUGART place on-half
mile west of Rodman. Service fee $12.50 to insure colt to stand and suck and
$10 for the season.
R.A. JOHNSTON, owner. 16-Stx.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, June 3, 1914

A.A. WHITMER is suffering with inflammatory rheumatism in every joint in his
body. He is perfectly helpless. He has secured a nurse to care for him.

School closed Friday. The teachers left for their respective homes Saturday.
Miss MASON, the primary teacher, will not teach the coming year. Miss YOUNG
has the primary room for next year.

George EDWARDS and family were down from Ayrshire Sunday.

Jim WHITMER was an Algona visitor Sunday. He returned with a new Maxwell
car. He has secured the agency for the Oakland and Maxwell cars.

Oran DROWN has purchased a Maxwell car from Jim WHITMER.

Miss Eva GRAFF came up from Mallard Friday evening and is visiting at the
A.A. WHITMER home.

Mrs. V.W. FISK and children, Avery and Florence, will leave for Aurora,
Illinois, this week to visit her parents.

Memorial Day Observed in Emmetsburg
A Large Attendance and a Splendid Address by Rev. C.E. Maltas
The Memorial day exercises held in Emmetsburg Saturday were in every way
creditable and they brought out a large attendance from our little city and
the surrounding country. The day was bright, pleasant, and warm and the
streets were lined with people during the greater part of the day.
Early in the forenoon the parade formed on Broadway and hundreds visited the
cemeteries and decorated the graves of those who many years ago defended our
nation in its hour of peril. The afternoon program was held in The Iowa. The
lower floor and balcony were filled with spectators. After the invocation by
Rev. Herbert CLEGG, and the singing of a selection by the male quartette,
Bernard SCHROEDER delivered Lincoln's celebrated Gettysburg speech. He
deserves much credit for the manner in which he acquitted himself. A flag
drill, by a large number of school children was received with enthusiastic
applause. It was exceptionally good.
The address, by Rev. C.E. MALTAS, was thoughtful, scholarly and impressive.
It was one of the best discourses that has been given in Emmetsburg on an
occasion of this kind for several years. All who heard it were enthusiastic
in their praise of it. The program was brought to a close by the singing of
"America" by the audience.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
17 June 1914

Town Topics of a Week

Miss Gladys HASTINGS left for Ames Saturday.

John MONTGOMERY was down from Graettinger Saturday.

Miss Irene McNEIL went to Cleveland, Ohio, Thursday.

E.J. SCOTT went to Marshall, Minnesota, Wednesday on business.

Howard HUGHES went to Amery, Wisconsin, Monday to visit his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. John BANWART of Rodman were Emmetsburg visitors Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. T.J. WOODS and family went to Rock Rapids Sunday morning to
visit relatives.

Leo J EGAN returned from Davenport Monday. He attended St. Ambrose college
during the past year.

Thomas O'CONNOR is at Toledo, Ohio, this week taking in a rather stormy
convention of the Woodmen.

Harold FRIES was over from Spencer on Saturday. He has been working at that
place for the last six weeks.

Joe KERWICK arrived home from Iowa City Sunday morning. He has been
attending the State University of Iowa.

Senator Leslie E. FRANCIS delivered the commencement address at the high
school graduating exercises at Estherville.

Prof. Earl T. BOWEN of Terril has gone to Iowa City to take a summer course
in agriculture and manual training.

J.J. DOOLEY came over from Algona Sunday to attend the K.C. doings He had
business with the board of supervisors Monday.

The Chronicle says that Robert KAHLEY of Ayrshire returned from Marshalltown
a few days ago. He was attending school during the past year.

Mr. and Mrs. P. MALIA and a number of their lady friends of Ayrshire came to
Emmetsburg Sunday in their fine new Cadillac auto, which Mr. MALIA bought at
Fort Dodge a few days ago.

Ray McNALLY left for Cedar Rapids last evening to accept a position in the
finest drug store in Iowa. It has just been opened. He will make good. He is
a capable and most deserving young man.

Paul NELSON, Robert POWERS and Lloyd FROST are home from Iowa City. All were
students at the S.U.I during the year. Bert FROST went from Iowa City to
Denver. He will spend the summer in the mountains.

Mesdames W.H. BARRET, Peter MULRONEY and John MULRONEY of Mallard were
guests of Emmetsburg relatives Sunday. Their husbands all joined the Knights
of Columbus and the ladies came to spend the day in town.

Joe EARLY was at Spirit Lake Sunday.

D.T. O'NEILL spent Wednesday at West Bend.

Dave DONOVAN was at Spencer Sunday evening.

John YOUNG was a Spirit Lake visitor Sunday.

Charles SEYMOUR was up from West Bend Friday.

Patrick EATON was a Marshalltown visitor Firday.

Mr. and Mrs. HINKLEY went to Sanborn Thursday.

John CORK of Fort Dodge was in Emmetsburg Saturday.

Mrs. Thor KNUDTSON of Ottosen was in Emmetsburg Friday.

Mrs. Elmer ELLIS was a passenger to Burlington, Iowa, Monday.

Vincent HAND and John Manning were Algona visitors Saturday.

Samuel BREKKE of Montana is visiting his parents at Graettinger.

Miss BARTLETT of West Bend was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday.

Miss Bertha CAMERON of Telluride, Colorado, is here visiting her father and

Mrs. H.D. BENNETT and Miss PATTERSON of Curlew were shopping in Emmetsburg

Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph LANUS and Miss LANUS of Pocahontas were Emmetsburg
visitors Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur SKOWBO went to Armstrong Monday. Mr. SKOWBO's parents
reside at that place.

Mr. and Mrs. T.B. WALSH were at Ayrshire Monday attending the

Mr. and Mrs. John McNALLY and Thos. McNALLY were at Ayrshire Monday
attending the THOMPSON-MAGUIRE wedding.

Miss Elvira MELQUIST was at Humboldt last week attending the graduating
exercises of the Humboldt Business college.

Mrs. Chas. BROWN and son and daughter of Lohrville were visitors Friday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.J. McCARTY.

E. SANDERS was at Creston and other southern Iowa points several days during
the past week. He bought a farm in Ringgold county.

Misses Colette SAMMIN, Mary NEARY, Josephine MORRISSEY and Bessie WHITE went
to Cedar Falls Saturday to attend the Iowa Teachers' college.

Clifford MAYNE is home from Iowa City. He has been attending the State
University of Iowa. He has become foreman in his father's office.

Mrs. M.M. MAHER returned to Ruthven Monday after several days' visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McNALLY, of this place.

Miss Edna KERWICK arrived home from St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, Thursday
evening. She was a student at the college at that place during the past

Captain and Mrs. E.B. SOPER were passengers to Mt. Vernon Saturday. Mr.
SOPER is a member of the board of trustees of Cornell College. They went to
be present at the commencement exercises.

Miss OLIVER of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. KNUTSON were passengers west yesterday.

Miss WHIRRY went to Eagle Grove Monday to visit friends.

Mr. and Mrs. J.H. KNOBLAUCH went to Chicago Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Clint SMITH were lake visitors the last of the week.

Mr. TOD and Mr. ROGERSON were in from Independence township yesterday.

Miss O'BRIEN of Muscatine county is visiting Miss Josie McEVOY of this

Miss YOUNG was a passenger to Ames Monday. One of her sisters lives at that

Miss GREEHEY of Estherville recently visited her sister, Mrs. John DOOLEY,
of this place.

Miss Cora WILCOX recently returned from Sandy, Utah, where she had been
teaching school during the past year.

Father CHARLES of Chicago visited Mrs. JOYCE, Mrs. E.J. HIGGINS and other
Emmetsburg relatives Thursday.

Miss Helen WHITE came over from Whittemore last evening to attend the St.
Mary Academy graduating exercises.

Mr. and Mrs. PFIFFER of Waterloo, who had been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
H.W. BEEBE, returned home Tuesday.

Miss Ruth O'REILLY arrived home from Dubuque yesterday. She attended Mt. St.
Joseph college during the past year.

Miss Margaret GLEASON, who has been visiting relatives in Ruthven during the
past three weeks, spent Sunday with friends in this city.

John GALLEGER received his new sprinkler Friday. It works fine. It is
needless to say that he is proud of it.

Norman NORLAND recently returned from Northfield, Minnesota. He was a
student at the Lutheran college at that place during the past year.

Misses Mildred DAILY and Vera RUTLEDGE went to Cedar Falls last week to be
present at some college class doings that were held at that place.

J.F. RICHIE of Blunt, South Dakota, has been visiting his brother, J.M.
RICHIE, of this place for several days. He has been assisting him some in
carpenter work.

We notice by the Whittemore Champion that Thomas CARMODY has bought a fine
new five passenger Paige auto. In the future Mr. CARMODY will come to
Emmetsburg in grand style.

We notice by the Chicago dailies that Mrs. SCHUMAN-HEINK has been granted
her divorce. She probably appreciates the decree but she did not need the
advertising that she received in securing it.

Mrs. John MULRONEY and daughter, Miss Alice, of Mallard, left Emmetsburg
Monday morning for Milwaukee. From there they will go to Chicago. The will
spend several weeks visiting friends and relatives.

The Champion says that W.J. O'BRIEN and E.L. DULLARD have sold their quarter
section farm southeast of Whittemore to Simon ELBERT, Jr. They are said to
have received a fancy price for it, but the consideration is not given.

Misses Agatha HAND and Veronica JENNINGS graduated as professional nurses
from St. Joseph's Hospital at Sioux City a few days ago. Miss Agatha arrived
home last Friday. Miss JENNINGS will remain in Sioux City for some time.

Alex CULLEN and Owen McNULTY were Omaha visitors last week.

Mr. GRADY came up from Britt Sunday and became a Knight of Columbus.

Thursday Hariet TAYLOR of Ruthven was granted a pension of $12 per month.

Mrs. Alfred KRIEG and Mrs. Jesse COBURN were Ft. Dodge visitors Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank MORRIS and family visited Whittemore relatives last week.

C.C. WILSON enjoyed a visit Monday from his mother and sister who live at

James DUNGAN arrived last evening from Wagoner, Oklahoma to visit his mother
and sisters.

Tom J. WHITE of the Champion was over fomr Whittemore Sunday taking in the
K.C. exercises.

We have not had any rain for four or five days. The weather seems to have
cleared up.

Mrs. J. Reade CLARK is enjoying a visit from her friend, Mrs. HOLMAN, of
Terre Haute, Indiana.

Henry THOMPSON came up from Mason City Sunday to attend the K.C. doings.He
visited his mother and brother while in town.

Mr. Walter F. HUGHES and Miss Renie LAUGHLIN are to be married at St. Thomas
church this morning. Particulars next week.

Mrs. W.J. O'BRIEN and two of her children came over from Whittemore last
evening to attend the St. Mary commencement exercises.

Hon. M.F. HEALY of Fort Dodge will be orator of the day at Whittemore July
4th. Whittemore people will enjoy a patriotic treat.

Mrs. M.L. MURPHY and little daughter arrived from Graettinger last evening
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HIGGINS for a few days.

L.E. BEVARD and his son, Raymond, left last evening for Bagley, Minnesota.
Mr. BEVARD will visit his sister, Mrs. Fred REED, for a short time.

Mr. GREEN of Primghar has been elected manager of the Farmers' Elevator
company of this place. He travels for the Walters Bros. Commission company.

Mrs. Sid HIGLEY and Mrs. William KELLY of Mason City were Emmetsburg
visitors the last of the week. They came to attend the THOMPSON-MAGUIRE
marriage at Ruthven.

The Auxiliary tea will be given by Mrs. HORTON, assisted by Mrs. Ralph KING
and Mrs. Edith SMITH, June 24. Cake and ice cream will be served. All are
cordially invited to attend.

At a meeting held a few evenings ago, John SCOTT, J.S. GIBSON, A.J. BURT,
A.T. HORTON, J.H. GODDEN, E.B. SOPER, Jr. and J.J. WATSON were elected
members of the Trinity church vestry.

Myrle KERWICK arrived home from Dubuque last evening where he attended St.
Joseph College during the past year. He spent a few days with his sister,
Mrs. McLAUGHLIN, of Rockwell while returning home.

Miss Margaret CARNEY, Mrs. J.J. McCORMICK and Master Vincent returned from
Des Moines Friday. Vincent is improving steadily and will soon be able to
walk without crutches. Dr. STEINDLER treated him.

Mr. John SULLIVAN has been quite ill since going to Hardwick, Minnesota. Mr.
SULLIVAN writes us that the storm of last Wednesday evening was very severe
at that place. The hail was something terrific. Small grain was ruined.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 June 1914

Miss Josephine STEIL was a Whittemore visitor Wednesday.

Dennis MARTIN of Ayrshire autoed to Emmetsburg Friday evening.

P.J. McCARTY of Graettinger spent Friday in Emmetsburg. He made the trip by

A.E. HARRISON was at Terril a few days ago looking after his business
interests in that section.

Miss Mary KINSELLA came over from Whittemore Wednesday for a visit with her
sister and brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin KNUTSON were at Ruthven Tuesday of last week attending
the funeral of a relative.

Last week was quite cool for the latter part of June. There was snow in
Colorado and other western states.

Andrew YOUNG was up from Eagle Grove last week visiting his parents. He is
an engineer on the Northwestern road.

Father CARROLL of Ayrshire attended the St. Mary's Academy exercises at the
Iowa Tuesday evening of last week.

Miss Mildred POWERS, who teaches in the Salt Lake City schools, is home to
remain during the summer vacation.

Walter JOHNSON of Curlew was in Emmetsburg a couple of days last week
visiting his brother, D.A. JOHNSON, of this city.

Mrs. James CALHOUN and two-children of Plover are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan VEDDER, who live north of town.

The Lutherans of Lotts Creek neighborhood will hold a "schulfest" next
Sunday. This is an annual custom with them.

Mrs. E.J. SCOTT arrived home from Frederick South Dakota last week. She had
been there for some time visiting one of her sisters.

We notice that Mr. and Mrs. McKITRICK, formerly of this place, now of
Spencer, are spending the summer at Wenatchee, Washington.

We notice by the Whittemore Champion that John S. CULLEN has been serving as
United States juror at Fort Dodge during the past ten days.

Dave DONOVAN has gone to Sheldon wehre he has secured a position in a barber
shop. He is a very deserving young man and will be missed by our many

We notice that Superintendent and Mrs. BLACKMAR of Ottumwa are spending
their vacation at Heron Lake, Minnesota. Mr. BLACKMAR owns some land at that

WEGENER Bros. of Fairfield township shipped another train of live stock to
Chicago a week ago Sunday morning. They usually send several trains each

Miss C.M. JOHNSON spent Saturday at Ruthven.

Mrs. CHURCH of Emmetsburg township was a passenger to Ruthven Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. CRETZMEYER of this city were over Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs.

Mrs. John R. JOYNT of this place and Mrs. SLAGLE of Ruthven went to Sioux
City Saturday morning to visit friends.

Miss Margaret EAGAN recently returned from Humboldt. She attended the
Humboldt college during the past session. Her friend Miss Bertha CLOE came
with her to visit her for a short time.

Miss Mary McGUIRE, who recently returned from Denver, Colorado, attended the
St. Mary Academy exercises at the Iowa Tuesday evening of last week. She and
her sister, Miss Ruth, left the last of the week for Slayton, Minnesota,
where their parents reside. We understand that Miss Mary intends teaching
school during the coming year.

Money to loan on first or second mortgage. F.L. DORRIS.
White Plymouth Rock Eggs for hatching purposes. Price. 75 cents for 15, or
$4 per hundred.- Mrs. P.F. CONLON.
Cement Work.
I am prepared to do foundation, cistern, and other cement work.-James P.
If you want to sell your farm, if you want to buy a farm, call on or write
WATSON & HELGEN Land Co., Emmetsburg, Iowa. Office in McCORMICK Bank room.

A Few Items Taken from the Files of June 20, 1894

Friday evening Company K of the Fourth Regiment of the Iowa National Guards
was mustered into service in theis city by Colonel C.E. FOSTER and Captaion
O.C. SERVIS of Sioux City. The membership is forty-six. It will be increased
to sixty. The commisioned officers are as follows: Captain P.O. REFSELL;
first lieutenant, A.H. KELLER; second lieutenant, C.M. HENRY. An officer
named BROWN from Omaha will remain for some time to instruct the new company
in military tactics.

President ALLEN of the First National bank of Estherville has been appointed
receiver of the American investment company of this place.

Prof. RUMMEL has been re-elected superintendent of the Emmetsburg schools
for the coming year. DL. DAILY will succeed Frank HENRY as assistant
principal. The other teachers chosen are Mr. CASE, Miss KELLY, Miss Lil

The contract for the new school house at Whittemore was let yesterday to Mr.
SWANSON for $5,200.

Mrs. George C. CALL of Algona is to be married today to Miss SPEAR of
Portland, Maine.

J.J. WILSON will build a new flouring mill at Algona provided he is given a
bonus of $1,000.

Rev. W.J. JOHNSON of this place will deliver the Fourth of July oration at

Earl BRONSON has taken possession of the Spencer postoffice.

Professors JOHNSON and LILLY are the new managers of he Algona Normal

Misses DONOVAN, BLACK and LIGHT returned from Lost Island lake last week
with as red noses as if they had been drinking. The had been fishing for
some time.

George B. McCARTY is very busy this week telling fish stories. They are
whoppers. He was at Lost Island several days last week.

Rev. P.F. FARRELLY of Sheldon will deliver the address at the commencement
exercises of St. Mary's Academy this week.

H.B. FLOM returned from Europe last Wednesday morning. He has been spending
some time in Norway.

Dr. POWERS is building and addition to his residence.

Miss Henriette KELLY has accepted a position in the Rock Rapids schools.

Mr. and Mrs. TREADGOLD are visting at their old home at Morrison, Illinois.

Mr. McCARTY, of Emmet county, a brother of J.D., has gone to Iowa City where
he will have a serious surgical operation performed.

Cornell University has conferred the degree of Doctor of Divinity on Rev.
F.H. SANDERSON of Spirit Lake. He was formerly pastor of the M.E. church at
this place.

E.C. DIMMICK, our local cigar man, pays about $4,000 per year in revenue to
the United States government.

Mr. and Mrs. E.P. McEVOY left Saturday for Ottawa Canada. They will visit
Montreal and Portland, Maine, before returning.

The following are the newly elected officers of the A.O.H. President, W.J.
O'BRIEN; vice-president, M. JOYNT; corresponding secretary, J.J. DENEEN;
financial secretary, P.H. HAND; treasurer, M.F. KERWICK; sergeant-at-arms,
M.D. KANE; doorkeeper, Charles FLYNN; county president, Dan KELLY.

[End of News of 1894]

In Honor of Miss Ruth McGUIRE

Wednesday evening a number of the young ladies of this city attended a
farewell party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.B. WALSH in honor of Miss Ruth
McGUIRE, who left during the last of the week for Slayton, Minnesota. Miss
McGUIRE has attended St. Marys Academy in thsi city for a number of years,
during which time she made many warm friends. They will regret to learn of
her departure.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 22, 1914

The FROST and RANDALL families, who are camping at Lost Island, were home
Sunday. They returned to their camp Monday morning.

Mrs. W.S. WILSON, who was postmaster at Okoboji for twenty-five years, has
resigned. She is succeeded by Mrs. Frank ELSTON.

Lou LAUGHLIN, who had been visiting his mother and other relatives in this
city for a couple of weeks, returned to Canada Tuesday of last week.

Mr and Mrs. CONSIGNEY left for St. Paul Saturday morning. From there they
intend going to Chicago. Later they will return to California.

Friday Joe HANSON, who lives near Ruthven, threshed his wheat and barley.
Nine acres of wheat yielded 175 bushels and his barley averaged 35 bushels
per acre.

J.J. DOOLEY, of Algona was in Emmetsburg Saturday. His wife and family
recently returned from Pocahontas county where they had been visiting
relatives. Mr. DOOLEY spent his vacation at Shakopee, Minnesota.

The Free Press says that Elmer WIGDAHL will attend the Iowa State college at
Ames next fall.

Miss Kate SCOTT wnet to Spirit Lake Tuesday evening of last week to visit
her sister, Mrs. Ray NORVILLE.

James PENDER, who had been visiting local friends and relatives in this
locality for some time, returned to Waterloo Saturday.

Mr. Henry SANDVIG and Miss Matilda LAFFERNZEN, formerly of Ruthven, were
married at Dodson, Montana, July 7. We glean from the Free Press.

Keith McDONALD, who now lives in the neighborhood of Graettinger, has been
visiting during the past week at the William FULLER home in Armstrong.

Mr and Mrs Percy GODDEN left for the lakes Friday to remain for some time.
Mr. GODDEN has been on the sick list during the past week or ten days.

Mrs. E.E. BICKFORD of Cretopa, Kansas, is visiting Mr and Mrs. S.D. BICKFORD
of this place. Mrs. BICKFORD lived in Great Oak township a number of years

We notice that Tom J. WHITE of the Whittemore Champion has invested in an
auto. He has had the fever for two or three years. He deserves the best that
the town affords. He will doubtless enjoy his new machine.

Patrick DUFFY of Great Oak township arrived home from Harpers Ferry Thursday
morning. He was called to that place by the illness of his daughter, Mrs.
MOONEY. We are pleased to report that she is some better.

Miss Alice NEILSON, the well known American singer, whose records are
familiar to all owners of Victorolas, will be the attraction at Fort Dodge
Chautauqua, August 23. She ranks high among the vocal artists of our day.

The Ringsted Dispatch reports a new boy at the home of Mr and Mrs. Fred
MASTERS, who live near Hoprig.

Mr and Mrs T.J. HUGHES recently enjoyed a visit from their son, Attorney
Charles HUGHES, who is now practicing law at Belle Plaine.

John MONCRIEF, Jr., recently resigned as deputy sheriff. He is giving
exclusive attention to writing life insurance and selling safes.

Francis ALBRO, of Estherville, son of Frank ALBRO, formerly of Ayrshire,
will play with the Dunbar orchestra during the Chautauqua season.

Mr. REIDY and his two sisters, the Misses REIDY, of Chicago, attended the
K.C. dance at this place Friday evening. They had been guests at the
McGOVERN home at Whittemore for some time.

Miss Anna KORLESKI of the Emmetsburg telephone force, is having a vacation
of three weeks. After spending a couple of days with her parents near
Cylinder, she will go to Brandon, Wisconsin, to see her sister who lives at
that place. Later she will visit friends at Princeton, Illinois, and she
will spend a short time with relatives in Chicago before returning home.

Thos. JENSEN will not be able to attend the democratic state convention to
be held at Council Bluffs tomorrow. He is the local agent for the Bovee
Furnace Company of Waterloo and when he had arranged to go to Council
Bluffs, he was asked by D.E. McCARTY of High Lake township to install a fine
furnace in his home. Mr. JENSEN is one of the most enthusiastic democrats in
our country and he takes special pleasure in attending state conventions.

Miss Margaret JOHNSTON of Boone county is visiting her aunt, Mrs. H.P.
JOHNSTON, of this place.

Miss Charlotte GILL, who had been visiting Mr and Mrs B.F. SCHROEDER,
returned to her home at Dubuque the first of the week.

Mrs. CHURCH lost a brown crocheted hand-bag a few days ago between this city
and the Patrick JOYNT farm in Emmetsburg township. The finder please leave
at the Emmetsburg exchange.

Ed ARNETT has made a great change in the appearance of his farm in Walnut
township. His new house and barn are very neat. They add 100 per cent to the
appearance of the place. Mr. ARNETT is up to date in his ideas.

J.H. KNOBLAUCH and C.J. BERGER visited Nashua last week. From there Mr.
KNOBLAUCH went to Cedar Rapids and Mr. BERGER to Elkader. They made the trip
to learn about the ability and standing of several gentlemen, who are
applicants for the superintendancy of the Emmetsburg schools.

J.F. DEALY has engaged in the real estate business. He will give special
attention to Minnesota lands. Many of the leading real estate men are
directing their attention to Minnesota this year. The state has developed
wonderfully during the past ten years and lands are advancing rapidly in

Father COSTELLO of Livermore, who went to eastern Canada, a short time ago,
left Montreal early in July and landed in Liverpool July 9. A card from him
states that among the passengers was the captain of the ill fated Empress of
Ireland. Many of the other survivors were on board. Several of them were
penniless. One man had his arm broken. Father COSTELLO, will, we understand,
spend several weeks in Europe.

W.C. SUNDERMEYER, formerly of this place, now editor of the Rake Register,
is the progressive nominee for recorder of Winnebago county. Mr. SUNDERMEYER
was never very much of a politician. However he is a gentleman of activity
and ambition and he is likely to make his competitor go some. He is a very
deserving gentleman and will, if elected, make a first class officer. The
Democrat wishes him success.

Mrs. John JOYNT, Sr. has been quite ill during the past week.

Mrs. P.F. LITTLETON of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.

T.J. WHITE and family were over from Whittemore Friday evening in their new

Mrs and Mrs. ZELLER of Sheldon celebrated their sixtieth anniversary of
their marriage last Wednesday.

Dr. C.B. MURRAY and Miss Sallie NOELL, formerly of Spirit Lake, were married
at the Visalia, California, July 6.

Mrs. Margaret GLEASON of St. Paul is visiting her sister, Miss DONLON, of
Ruthven. She is accompanied by her daughter, Miss Eulalia.

Fathers FARRELLY and SWEENEY, Mrs. MAGUIRE and Miss MAGUIRE, Father
FARRELLY's sister and niece, and Miss CURTIS autoed to Lost Island lake last

Maurice ALYWARD came from Green River, Wyoming, Thursday to see his mother.
He is a fireman on the Union Pacific road. His run is between Green River
and Cheyenne.

The Chicago butter and egg board has been enjoined by Judge LADIS from
publishing quotations on butter, eggs and other products. It is claimed that
he board arbitrarily fixes prices.

Friday the Rock Island company and seven other lines were fined $30,000, on
115 different accounts for not feeding and watering live stock every
twenty-four hours while in transit. Judge LANDIS handed down the decision.

Clifford MAYNE met with a painful accident last Friday. He was feeding the
job press at his father's office and he had some of his fingers badly
nipped. However, no bones were broken. All printers know how to sympathize
with people who have misfortunes of this kind.

Friday James F. GRIFFITH shipped his two bull tractors to Sheldon. He bought
them to Emmetsburg in June intending to break up his quarter section of land
near the Burns bridge and sow it to flax, but the overflow of the Des Moines
river prevented him from doing so.

Dan McNALLY was a Ruthven visitor Saturday.

Mr and Mrs. Dan KELLY and family spent Sunday afternoon at Lost Island lake.

Mrs. C.J. BERGER, who had been at Rochester, Minnesota for a couple of
weeks, returned home Saturday.

Mrs. George WILLIAMS, who had been visiting at the STEDMAN home, returned to
her home at Cedar Rapids Friday.

We understand that Mr. GOFF, who lives near Dickens, refused $200 per acre
for his 90 acre farm a few days ago.

Joseph and Melvin HAND returned from Dubuque Saturday. They had been
visiting relatives in that city for some time.

Miss Bernadette SHANEY returned from Waterloo Saturday morning where she had
been visiting for a couple of weeks.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
2 Sep 1914

Charles KREIG of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.

There are a number of cases of smallpox in the vicinity of Bancroft.

John MARTIN of Ayrshire was a business visitor in this city Saturday.

Miss Olive NOBLE of Graettinger is visiting her friend, Miss WELLS, of this

Mrs. Mary CUMMINGS of Iowa Falls is visiting her sister, Mrs. O.O. WILLIAMS.

Mrs. P.CARROLL and two children spent Monday with Mrs. CARROLL's brother,
M.L. WEIBEL, of Milford.

Miss Ella BURKE of Whittemore spent a couple of days with her friend, Miss
Claudia LAUGHLIN, of this city.

Mr. and Mrs. JORDEN and Mrs. John BURK of Fort Dodge and Mrs. Will CARPENTER
of Cherokee was visiting at the P.J.NALLY home during the past week.

A.B. COPLEY, who was trainmaster at Estherville for some time, has been
appointed assistant general manager of the third district of the Rock Island

Father ZIMMERMAN, wh has been pastor of the Catholic church at Bancroft for
some time, goes to Audobon, Iowa, where he will being the erection of a new

Mr.and Mrs. Martin KELLY have been visiting during the past ten days with
relatives at Jamestown, North Dakota. One of Mr. KELLY's brothers lives at
that place.

Chris DILOCKER came up from Laurens Wednesday to see his step-son, Isaac
VEDDER, who has been very low for some time. he was accompanied by Levi DEAN
of that place.

Miss Blanche NELSON of Clarion, deputy clerk of the district court,
attempted to commit suicide a few days ago by drinking chloroform.
Despondency was the cause of her rash act.

Matthias ERZ of Worthington, Iowa, visited his sister, Mrs. M. MART, of this
place during the past week. He and Mrs. MART visited friends at Inwood a few
days during the past week.

Miss Bridgie MARTIN, who had been spending her vacation at Clear Lake,
returned to Emmetsburg Friday evening. She went to Algona Monday morning to
resume her duties in Judge QUARTEN's office.

The new hotel at Ames will cost $96,000. It will be a very fine structure.
W.S. ZITTERALL of Webster City has secured the contract for building it.
Ames has for some time needed a first class hotel.

Miss Catherine MULRONEY and Misses Alice and Nellie O'BRIEN were passengers
to Des Moines Friday. Miss MULRONEY's sister, Miss Margaret, is taking a
course for a trained nurse in a hospital in that city.

Saturday a number of parties from Lohrville came to Emmetsburg by auto to
look at farms. They were, we understand, brought here by H.M.HELGEN.
Lohrville people are taking considerable interest in Palo Alto real estate.

Miss Mary and Veronica NALLY went to Sioux City Thursday. They will visit
for a few days with their uncle, William NICHOLSON. Miss Mary started
teaching in the Sargent Bluffs school last Monday at a salary of $60 per
month. Miss Veronica will return home to teach near Curlew.

The school for the deaf and dumb at Council Bluffs will open September 6.

Miss Elizabeth STEIL was a Cylinder visitor Wednesday and Thursday of last

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. CURRANS of Ruthven were in Emmetsburg Thursday and

Miss Mabel HUGHES of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Thursday and Friday visiting

The Mail says that Mrs. John HEIDEMAN of Mallard recently visited relatives
at Milford.

J.A. WAREHAM, a relative of Mrs. P.S. BROWN, has bought a $6,000 residence
at Iowa Falls.

Miss Florence UNDERWOOD went to Mason City Thursday where she will teach
during the coming year.

The Lutherans of Mallard and Ayrshire recently held a picnic at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. ZECH of Mallard.

Eugene CLENNON of West Bend has been enjoying a visit from his old
classmate, Leo RYAN, of Harper Ferry, Iowa.

Rev. and Mrs. Herbert CLEGG returned from Clear Lake Wednesday where they
had been spending a couple of weeks.

Mrs. Bishop of Charles City arrived Monday for a visit with her parents,
Mr.and Mrs. Charles SLEIGLE, and other local relatives.

Mrs. Major S.W. SMITH of Mason City was in Emmetsburg the last of the week.
She was on her way home from the lakes.

Will BECK who works in a packing house in Sioux City, returned to that city
Saturday morning. He spent his vacation in Waterloo and Emmetsburg.

Miss Vae ROSS, who had been visiting her friend, Miss Grace WOLFGANG of this
city, for some time, returned to her home at Iowa Falls the first of the

The Ladies' Aid society of the Catholic church of Ayrshire will hold a
sociable at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. James McNAMARA Thursday afternoon and
evening. All are invited.

Miss Ella MAHER of Ruthven, who had been visiting her grandparents, Mrs. and
Mrs. Myles McNALLY, and other relatives of this city for a week, returned
home the first of the week.

The Dispatch reports that the Ringsted Auto company has sold the Overland to
Jens F. JENSEN, traded a 1914 Overland to Hans TOFT for his 1912 model and
sold a second hand Overland to Cleave RACE.

James MULLEN of Miles City, Montana, who had been visiting his brother, C.J.
MULLEN of this city, returned to Montana Monday morning. He was at Iowa City
and other Iowa points for some time.

The Journal of West Bend says that while attempting to cross the track just
north of the depot Tuesday afternoon, Jas. SPENCER had an exciting
experience while the train was switching in the yard. A Rock Island car
bumped into his auto. One wheel was smashed and the fender and lights were

Dr. W.P. SHERLOCK of Keokuk spent the last of the week with his parents and
other relatives in this city.

Miss Winifred WILMERS recently visited her friend, Mrs. HILGER of West Bend.

H.M. HELGEN left for Rockwell City the last of the week to look after real
estate interests.

P.C. NARY took a trip to Fort Dodge Thursday and brought home a fine new
Overland auto.

Prof. ANNAN of Havelock will have charge of Bristow, Iowa, schools during
the coming year.

Ford McGAR, who had been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret ALLUM, and
other relatives in this city for a couple of weeks, returned to Canada
Thursday morning.

Peter HOELZNER was a Graettinger visitor Wednesday. While there he sold his
share of the oats on his farm for 40 cents per bushel. He considers this an
exceptionally good price for August.

Rudolph COOKLIN went to Laurens last week to attend the marriage of a
friend. From there he took a trip through Minnesota. He intended buying a
farm if he could find a suitable one.

Mrs. A.J. SEBREL of Osgood, who was quite badly injured in a runaway at this
place a short time ago, is not yet able to be about. She has suffered a
great deal from her injuries. Her friends and neighbors hope they will not
be permanent.

Miss Josie PETTIBONE, daughter of one of the early settlers of Kossuth
county, died a few days ago. She taught in the Algona schools for a number
of years. Her parents will be remembered by many of the older residents of
this county.

William MARESBECK, who is now living in Clay county, was a pleasant caller
Wednesday. He reports that he has raised a good crop this year. He comes to
Emmetsburg occasionally to visit his brother Gus and to greet old friends.
He has prospered since locating in Clay county.

The Algona Upper Des Moines says that Filo POARCH has not yet been located
in Germany. We hope he has not been pressed into the Kaiser's army. Mr.
POARCH was always a peaceable man and would not, we are sure, care to point
a gun at a Frenchman, a Russian or an Englishman.

While talking over a telephone do not be looking around. Keep the mouth
reasonably close to the receiver. This will save a great many requests to
repeat statements or to talk louder. The Democrat finds it quite difficult
to understand a great many people because they are careless when using their

Mr. and Mrs. Peter HOELZNER, Miss Lucile and Miss Leah CAMERON were Spirit
Lake visitors Wednesday.

Mrs. and Mrs. John MIKES and family of Fredericksburg, Iowa, visited the
Joseph and Adolph MIKES families at West Bend last week. We glean from the

Mrs. and Mrs. W.H. WALSH went to Mason City Saturday evening. From there
they took a trip to Dubuque to see their daughter, Sister Mary Mamerta, who
is a member of the order of the Sisters of Charity.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
7 Oct 1914

George H. STEINHILBER of Pocahontas was in Emmetsburg Monday. He brought
with him a part to look at some land near Rodman.

We understand that Peter O'BRIEN is quietly but determinedly practicing to
win from M.F. BRENNAN the laurels he has already won as a jig dancer.

The regular meeting of the L.A. of the A.O.H. will be held October 13.
Important business is to be transacted. All members are requested to attend.

The state deputy game and fish warden has decided that parties who
participate in shooting contests in which clay pigeons are used are not
required to take out licenses.

Postmaster NEFSGAR of Terril was reported very ill with appendicitis Sunday.
He was considered in a very serious condition. He was appointed postmaster a
couple of weeks ago.

James F. NOLAN and the members of his household joined the Ruthven boosting
party that visited Emmetsburg Monday morning. They favored the Democrat
office with a brief call while in town.

R.J. DOOLEY is in receipt of a letter from P.F. DAWSON of Waurika, Oklahoma,
stating that a fine boy arrived at his home last Saturday morning. Their
local friends are pleased to learn of the good news.

C.J. McNALLY arrived home from the Crookston, Minnesota, neighborhood last
Saturday. While there S. J. GUERDET informed him that he would thresh his
flax soon and send a report to some of his friends in Emmetsburg.

Last spring J.B. WILLIAMS gave to L.H. TAYLOR the greater part of an ear of
seed corn that was sent to him by his brother of Elizabeth, Illinois. Mr.
TAYLOR planted it and this fall husked ten bushels of excellent corn. It is
well matured.

Last week in speaking of the net amount that would be given to the St.
Anthony Orphanage at Sioux City from the estate of the Rev. J.J. SMITH, the
Democrats figures should have been $12,000 instead of $1,200. The error was
a typographical one.

Miss Regina McKUNE,who taught in the Estherville schools for some time, died
at her home at Lawler Sunday. The funeral was held Tuesday. She was a friend
of Supt. Margaret RYAN of this city. She was a young lady of the highest
standing in her home community.

John O'CONNOR was down from Graettinger Monday morning on business. Our
reporter asked him why he was not riding around in a six cylinder auto. He
replied that he could not afford to endanger his spirit of humility by
purchasing one. Mr. O'CONNOR is a typical Christian gentleman.

Miss Margaret WALSH of Austin, Minnesota, has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
W.A. DOTY, and other relatives in this section during the past ten days.
Miss WALSH and her sister, Miss Agnes, have been in the employ of Mr. and
Mrs. FOX, formerly of the Waverly hotel, for twenty-one years. They report
that Mr. FOX is doing a good business at Austin.

Miss Anna BRENNAN spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. CURRANS, of Ruthven.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MULRONEY and Mr. and Mrs. M.F. BRENNAN spent Sunday at

Hon. E.P. BARRINGER was looking after business interests in Emmetsburg

H.J. HUSKAMP of Independence Township attended the northwest Iowa Veterans'
Association at Mason City last Wednesday.

Father McNERNEY was at Algona Monday assisting in officiating in the
services at the funeral of Thos. MURTAUGH, who was killed on Friday.

Special prayers for the restoration of peace in Europe were offered in the
various churches of Emmetsburg last Sunday. There were large numbers in

Mr. and Mrs. Court HOWEY left for Spencer a few days ago. They will, we
understand, live with Mrs. Martha CLARE. The best wishes of their many
friends accompany them to their new home.

J.R. NELSON, a well-known journeyman tailor, had one of his legs taken off
at LeMars Saturday while attempting to board a freight train. He was under
the influence of liquor at the time of the accident.

W.H. COONAN and his son, T.J. left for Ada, Minnesota, Sunday morning. Mr.
COONAN owns considerable land in that locality. They will visit Crookston
and the Twin Cities before returning home.

Mr. and Mrs. R.J. NOLAN of Mankato, Minnesota, were called to Emmetsburg
Monday by the dangerous illness of Mrs. Nolan's mother, Mrs. M. JACKMAN. Mr.
NOLAN reports that crops in the vicinity of Mankato are excellent.

Hugh McLAUGHLIN, Jr., returned to Rockwell Friday. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Dr. O'BRIEN and Misses Mary and Bernadette. Misses Mary and Bernadette
returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. O'BRIEN will remain a short time.

The Ladies Guild will hold a tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
FREDERICK, who live northeast of town, on Wednesday afternoon, October 14.
All who can are invited to drive out for the afternoon. Refreshments will be
served from three o'clock till all are accommodated. Price 10 cents.

O.O. WILLIAMS, Jr., came down from Minneapolis Saturday evening to visit his
parents and other relatives for some time. He is employed in the BROWN &
PHELPS Linotype company of that city. It is the biggest establishment of the
kind west of Chicago. Mr. WILLIAMS likes Minneapolis and has done will since
moving to that city.

Chas. WALDRON has moved his barber shop into the building the first door
east of McCARTY & McCARTY.

Miss Edna BEEBE went to Lansing the first of the week to attend the marriage
of her brother Earl.

Owen KELLY and his son Frank of the Ayrshire neighborhood were in Emmetsburg
Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. AYLWARD and family of Mason City arrived in Emmetsburg
last evening for a short visit.

George WALSH, who was visiting Mr. and Mrs. F.H. DICKEY, returned to his
home at Omaha Sunday evening.

Father SWEENEY came down from Spirit Lake Thursday evening and was the guest
of Father FARRELLY over night.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. COONAN and Mrs. J.M. COONAN and Miss Mary were Graettinger
visitors Friday afternoon.

Mrs. D.E. COLLINS, who had been visiting local relatives for some time,
returned to her home at Marshalltown Thursday.

J.H. GODDEN has bargained for the lumber on the base ball park. Our business
may decide to retain the ground as a park.

C.J. SHAUGER writes us to send his Democrat to Buckeye, Iowa. He was
recently transferred from Grundy Center to that place.

Walter BARTON, who attended the Algona schools for several years, is spoken
of as a member of the new S.U.I. team at Iowa City.

Harold QUARTON, son of Judge QUARTON of Algona, has been made second
vice-consul at Berlin. He has been in Germany for several years.

Mrs. John KERBER was the guest of relatives at Sherburne, Minnesota, several
days last week. She left for Manson Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. Ernest
BROWN, for a short time.

Tuesday of last week, John, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.P. JOHNSON, celebrated his
ninth birthday. His guests were nine of his boy friends. The gathering was a
most enjoyable one.

We notice that M.O. GRODLAND, Graettinger's auctioneer, is planning on
invading the Terril territory during the fall and winter. He is a generous
advertiser and believes in keeping busy.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H.BEEBE started out Thursday on an extended automobile trip.
They intend visiting Grinnell, Waverly, Waterloo, New Hampton, and Lansing.
They will attend the marriage of Earl BEEBE at the last named place today.

J.B. WILLIAMS, George BOWERS, David EGGENBERGER, Chris CLAER, Jr., and some
other party left for the Twin Cities Monday evening. Some of the members of
the party intended going to Bagley, Minnesota. All are out on a land
inspecting trip.

E.A. WELSH of Inwood, Iwoa, was visiting local friends Friday. He was
formerly employed in the National bank.

Last Wednesday evening Mrs. Andrew GEORGE of Fort Dodge was shot and killed
by her husband while she was nursing her four months old child. The murderer
was employed in the gypsum mill.

Mr. Earl BEEBE Married.
Affair to Take Place at Lansing, Iowa Today

Mr. Earl BEEBE and Miss Viette BAKEWELL are to be married at hte home of the
bride at Lansing, Iowa today. We have not learned full particulars. Mr. and
Mrs. BEEBE will take a short trip after which they will return to this city
to reside.
The bride is not a stranger to the people of Emmetsburg. She had charge of
the music classes in the public schools of our city last year and while here
made many warm friends. She is a most estimable lady and will, we are sure,
be gladly welcomed back to our community as a permanent resident. Mr. BEEBE
is the oldest son of our well known clothier, H.W. BEEBE. He is genial and
popular and is one of hte most promising young business men of our city. He
wlll, we understand, continue in the clothing store with his father. The
Democrat extends hearty congratulations to the newly wedded pair and wishes
them many blessings in life.
An Enterprising Busy Man.
R.E. KING came up from Atlantic by auto Wednesday but he was so busy that he
had scarcely time to greet his friends before starting home again. Mr. KING
is one of the most active and enterprising men in Iowa. He is at present
busy putting up a three story flat in his home town. It will cost $25,000
and will accommodate four families on each floor, or twelve families in all.
The material is chiefly of brick and steel. The floors will be tiled and the
apartments will have all of the modern conveniences. There will be a gas
range for each family and a vacuum cleaner in the furnace room will be
connected with pipes in each room so it can be operated by the janitor, who
will have well arranged quarters in the basement. Mr. KING will heat and
light the building and funish his tenants with water. The rental charge will
be $30 per month per family for the summer months and $35 per month for the
winter. Mr. KING figures that he will receive a 22 per cent dividend on his
Sued Rock Island Company for Damages for Abuse.
Edward FERGUSON has sued the Rock Island company for $500 damages. He claims
that on September 18 he bought a ticket from Clarion to Galt. He rode on a
freight and when he tendered his ticket to the conductor it was accepted.
Soon after the conductor, W.F. WOODS, claimed that the ticket was dated
August 1 and demanded cash payment of the amount of the fare. Mr. FERGUSON
insisted that the ticket he gave the conductor was dated September 16. Warm
words followed, the conductor accusing him of trying to cheat the company
and calling him ugly names. For the offense he seeks damages.

The Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
4 Nov 1914

Has Voted for 61 Years
Yesterday Peter JONES, who will be 89 in January, walked down town and cast
his ballots. He came to the United States from Ireland in 1849 and he first
voted in 1854. This makes him a voter of 61 years. His first presidential
vote was for James BUCHANAN. He says he hs not missed an election since that
time. Mr. JONES was quite familiar with the names of the various candidates
on the critical ballot and his eye sight being fairly good he had no
difficulty in making his selections. The Democrat hopes he will be spared
his health and strength to cast his ballot at many more elections.

Mrs. George Bosold Mourns Death of Father
Yesterday we received a telephone message from Graettinger stating that Mrs.
George BOSOLD of that place was called to Rock Island, Illinois on Monday to
attend the funeral of her father, John LETTIG, who died of heart failure.
Although he had been an invalid for some time, his death was a great
surprise to the members of the family. He was a stone mason by trade. He was
71 years of age. Mrs. BOSOLD has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in
her sorrow.

Won Friendship of Little Folks
All of the little folks in Emmetsburg turned out last Saturday to accept
C.C. QUINN's invitation and they tell the Democrat reporter that he is all
that he claims to be as an entertainer. They have already decided that he is
the most popular gentleman in Emmetsburg.

Accident in Auto Race in Algona
Several from Emmetsburg attended the postponed auto race at Algona Saturday
afternoon. The Mercer car deiven by Mr. HANGDAHL blew a tire on the right
side during the first five miles of the race. He repaired the damage and
started up again but after making a lap or two the left front tire came down
and the machine turned over two or three times. Mr. HANGDAHL went over with
it each time and was finally pinned to the ground when the machine stopped.
We understand he was quite badly injured although he will recover. He had
several ribs broken.

Caught an American Eagle.
Sunday Fred ILLINGSWORTH caught an American eagle on Third Island in Medium
Lake. He wounded it in the wing and it could not get away. It is a fine bird
and measures seven feet from tip to tip. We understand some other parties
shot an eagle on the Island a few days ago and he did not succeed in getting

Tilers are Scarce
Nels MYKING reports that he could get twenty jobs of tiling, were it
possible for him to find men to do the work. He has a contract to do 6000
feet for J.A. SLATER in Vernon township and he is doing 27,000 feet south of
Emmetsburg for the county.

Wm. Kane Trades for Farms
Wm. KANE of this city has traded his residence property in this city and his
forty acre tract north of town to Mrs. M.P. CARRIGAN for her 20 acre farm
three miles north of Ayrshire.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
14 Oct 1914

Mr and Mrs. Frank ELLWANGER of Emmetsburg Township were Laurens visitorsSaturday. They have relatives living at that place.

Myles McNALLY went to Ruthven Wednesday to visit his daughter, Mrs. M.M.MAHER.Mrs. McNALLY had been in Ruthven for some time.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe SCHUMACHER of Ellington township Sunday.It is needless to say that Joe is all smiles these days.

Mrs. T.F. McGOVERN and her daughter, Mrs. CROWLEY of Milwaukee, came over fromWhittemore Thursday and spent the day with relatives.

Dr. Bert JOYNT recently returned from Iowa City where he had been taking somespecial work in his profession. He will not locate until January 1. He willdoubtless remain in Iowa.

Daniel ELLWANGER arrived home from Regina, Canada Wednesday where he had beenfor some time. He owns considerable land in that locality. His son FrankELLWANGER lives in Emmetsburg township.

Charles DUHIGG is building large barns on two of his farms near Swen City. He isalso putting up other outbuildings. He reports that a small unimproved farm neartown sold last week for $200 per acre.

Sunday morning's dailies announced that the Rock Island railway system would besold at auction in New York City within a few days. The obligations against thecompany demanding prompt settlement amount to something like $70,000,000.

Mr. and Mrs. James RYAN of Waukon spent a couple of days at the home of thelatter's cousin, Chas. WALDRON. Mr. and Mrs. RYAN were married at Waukon Tuesdayof last week and were on their wedding trip. They went from Emmetsburg to pointsin South Dakota.

Frank CHRISTIANSON, who has been at Havre, Montana, for some time arrived homeSaturday. his sister Mrs. J.A. THORSNESS, and her two children also arrived fromHuron, South Dakota. They will visit for some time with Mrs. CHRISTIANSON,mother of Mr. CHRISTIANSON and Mrs. THORSNESS.

O.O. WILLIAMS, Jr., returned to Minneapolis Saturday evening. He went by the wayof Mason City where he spent a short time with his brother, Captain J.E.WILLIAMS.He reports that N.C. O'CONNOR, a brother of Thos. O'CONNOR, is still secretaryof the typographical union at Minneapolis. N.C. was employed in the Democratoffice twenty-nine years ago. he has for many years been quite prominent inlabor organizations in the Twin Cities.

Tom LARSON was up from West Bend Monday. He informs us that his son Adrian hasresigned at Osgood and has gone to St. Paul to accept a position on the NorthernPacific Line.

B.F. HOUGH is building a new house on his farm in Great Oak township which hebought of the T.W. HARRISON estate some time ago. Geo NELSON is living on theplace.

Howard and Russell MEEKER of Clarion spent Thursday, Friday and Saturday at thehome of their aunt, Mrs. Ben CATTELL, of this city. They came to Emmetsburg toattend the football game.

B.J. BRADLEY, who was down from Graettinger yesterday, says he never saw fliesso troublesome in October as they have been during the past ten days. They makelife miserable for horses and cattle.

Mrs. and Mrs. T.B. WALSH have moved into the KENT residence on the north side,now owned by Mr. SCHIRMER. They will keep roomers and Mr. WALSH will be closerto his work. However, they will not sell their own house as they intend toreturn to it.

Neils TRUELSEN, who lives near West Bend, returned Saturday from Clear Lake,South Dakota. He bought a farm in that locality some time ago and has justtraded it for some other land. He reports that some of the crops in that sectionwere not very good this year.

As we go to press, H.J. WILSON writes us from Algona that the auto racesadvertised elsewhere in this issue to be held at that place this week have beenpostponed until Thursday and Friday, October 22 and 23. The change is made onaccount of the disagreeable weather.

B.L. BENSON was down from Graettinger Saturday. He lives on the BREKKE farm ashort distance east of that place. He reports that his oat crop yielded 48bushels per acre this year. With present high prices, he feels well repaid forhis summer's labor. He formerly lived in the vicinity of Cylinder.

H.A. SWEENEY, who has been looking after his mother's real estate interests inthis county, was called home to Illinois October 1, to attend the funeral of hissister, Mrs. J.J. SCHEIBEL of 5485 Harper's building, Chicago. Her mother, Mrs.F.F. SWEENEY, lives at Bonfield, Illinois. Services were held at St. Francischurch on Monday at 10 o'clock. The burial was at Wilmington. Mr. SWEENEYreturned to Emmetsburg Wednesday.

Roy BROWN of Manson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John KERBER several dayslast week. He returned home Monday. John KERBER accompanied him as far asSpencer.

C.F. STEIRHILBER of Strawberry Point, Iowa, has bought the residence property inthis city which was formerly owned by Chas O'FLYNN. J.L. SULLIVAN and family areliving in it.

Mondy Jess TRAVERS of Emmetsburg plead guilty to the charge of sellingintoxicating liquors contrary to law and was sentenced by Judge LEE to pay afine of $150 or serve 45 days in the county jail.

W.H. COONAN and son Tom arrived home from Minnesota a few days ago. Mr.COONANreports crop conditions in that state very satisfactory. He says potatoes areselling at Ada for 28 to 50 cents per bushel.

Dr. A.M. WRIGHT's professional card appears elsewhere in this issue. Thoseneeding his services should give him a call. His ad will bring him in touch witha large majority of the farmers in the county.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael JOYNT and several members of the family enjoyed an autotrip to LeMars and Marcus a few days ago. Dr. R.J. JOYNT lives at LeMars and Dr.M.F. JOYNT at Marcus. Both are sons of Mr. and Mrs. JOYNT.

J.H. KNOBLAUCH reports that he is steadily gaining in strength, but he will haveto be very careful for some time. He considers himself very fortunate in beingalive after undergoing two severe operations-one for appendicitis and the otherfor removal of 337 gall stones. The only surprise is that he stood the tryingordeal. His many friends sincerely hope he will continue to improve.

John J. SULLIVAN came down from Hardwick, Minnesota Sunday evening to spend aday with relatives and friends. He is looking hearty, having put on considerableflesh since leaving Emmetsburg in June. He reports business very satisfactory.He says that when it comes to advertising, the mrechants and other dealers ofHardwick and Luverne as a class can put Emmetsburg in the shade. They areenjoying a big trade. Mr. SULLIVAN speaks highly of the enterprise and thehospitality of the southern Minnesota people. He returned
home Tuesday morning.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
3 June 1914

-Gus WEIDEKIND was a Superior visitor Monday.
-J.D. McCARTY was a Graettinger visitor Sunday.
-Attorney F.C. DAVIDSON spent Sunday at Graettinger.
-Arthur HAMERY left for Garden City, Iowa Thursday.
-Mrs. H.H. FISH spent Monday with friends at Estherville.
-James ALYWARD visited his brother at Graettinger Sunday.
-Vincent KELLY was a passenger to Estherville Monday morning.
-J.B. LAMBE of Graettinger spent Saturday with friends in this city.
-Art HALSTEAD made a trip to Huntington, Minnesota, Monday morning.
-Mrs. D.P. MURPHY went to Marcus Saturday to visit relatives for a short
-Mrs. Thomas CARMODY of Whittemore visited Emmetsburg friends Saturday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. STEINER of Mallard were Emmetsburg visitors Monday
-Dr. J.L. VAN GORDEN, J.H. KNOBLAUCH and Judge MACOMBER autoed to
Graettinger Monday.
-P.J. McCARTY of Graettinger was looking after business interests in
Emmetsburg Wednesday.
-J.M. Resh of the Ringstead neighborhood was looking after business
interests in Emmetsburg Saturday.
-Carl HOFFMAN was home from Sibley over Sunday. He bought a laundry at that
place about a month ago.
-Mrs. Julia STOOKEY of Kirksville, Missouri, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John DRUMMY, and other relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. BEAUDRY, who had been visiting relatives in this locality for
a month returned to Grand Forks, North Dakota, Monday morning.
-D. REIDY of Graettinger was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday afternoon. He
likes his new location and reports a very encouraging practice.
-H.J. PFIFFNER, who was home from Sioux City over Sunday, returned to that
place Monday evening. He is serving as U.S. juror in the MURPHY case.
-George GODDEN, James SCOTT, George FREEMAN, Harry HORTON, and D.P. MURPHY
went to Spirit Lake Saturday to see how much pike they could hall in.
-J.J. WATSON was a passenger east Sunday evening.
-L.C. HAHN of Mallard was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.
-Gus WHITTAKER was a passenger to Dover, Minnesota, last week.
-M.M. MAHER of Ruthven was the guest of local relatives yesterday.
-Roy BROWN of Estherville spent Sunday with Emmetsburg friends.
-Miss Carrie KOCH, of Whittemore, is spending the week at the Frank KOCH
-Clifford PHELPS was an Algona visitor Saturday evening. He made the trip by
-W.C. RICHARDSON has been at Sioux City during the past week serving as a
U.S. juror.
-Leo MAGUIRE and Earl MORRIS of Spencer were visiting friends in this city
-A.B. COVINGTON and daughter Edna of Curlew were in Emmetsburg Monday
-H.W. BEEBE was on the sick list a couple of days during the early part of
the week.
-Mrs. BRISBOIS and son Oscar will leave today for Dubuque and Chicago to
visit friends.
-Miss Beth IRVINE left Tuesday morning for Stanley, Iowa, to visit relatives
for a short time.
-Elmer MORTLAND recently sold a Shetland pony to a gentleman living in
Plymouth county.
-A marriage license has been issued to Mr. Arthur PUHRMAN and Miss JENNIE E.
LONG of Ayrshire.
-Mr. and Mrs. William KIRBY and little child of Valentine, Nebraska are
visiting local relatives.
-Frank STILLER and his sister, Miss Pearl, of Havelock, were visiting
friends in this city Monday.
-Lloyd REFSELL was home from Des Moines over Sunday visting his parents and
numerous friends.
-John PFIFFNER was home from Iowa City a couple of days during the past
week. He attends the State University of Iowa.
-Mr. and Mrs. PFIFER, who were visiting their daughter, Mrs. H.W. BEEBE,
returned to Waterloo Tuesday of last week.
-Peter PETERSON was down from Walnut township yesterday. He reports the
ground rather wet in his neighborhood.
-Ewart SAUNDERS arrived home from California a few days ago. He has been a
student at Stanford university during the past year.
-Willie YOUNG went to Eagle Grove Wednesday to visit his brother, Andrew
YOUNG, who is an engineer on the northwestern line.
-Carl WIGEN was over from Ayrshire last evening.
-A.F. HOLDER, who is now living south of Ruthven, was in Emmetsburg Monday.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.H. MORLING attended the graduating exercises at Ruthven
Wednesday evening.
-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph NOLAN and W.A. MOAN were among the Ruthven visitors to
Emmetsburg yesterday.
-Mr. VAN SCOTER, who was a guest at the JENNETT home for a few days,
returned to Minneapolis Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. George PUGSLEY and Miss PUGSLEY of Fairfield township were
Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.
-J.F. NOLAN, Cornelius, and Miss Loretta came over from Ruthven yesterday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. P. JOYNT. They made the trip by auto.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.J. FRYE and family came up from Rodman Thursday evening to
attend the graduation exercises at The Iowa. Their daughter, Miss Mildred,
was one of the graduates.
-L.P. DUHN was down from Walnut township Tuesday for the first time in
several months. He was under the weather during the early part of the spring
but he is feeling some better.
-Mrs. E.B. SOPER, Jr., arrived home from Chicago Wednesday. She was in a
hospital at that place for some time. We are pleased to note that there is a
marked improvement in her condition.
-M.W. CALLAHAN was over from Ruthven Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs.
P. JOYNT, whom he knew as a neighbor in Dubuque county over 40 years ago. A
large number of other Ruthven people came to be present at the obsequies.
-J.R. MOORE of Greeley, Colorado, visited Emmetsburg friends Tuesday evening
of last week. He had some business in this part of the state and could not
go home without seeing Emmetsburg again. We understand he is doing well at
-Monday John GALLEGER broke his water wagon and it cannot be repaired. He
has ordered a new one. It will probably be here in a week. The past few days
have been very dusty. Our people will have to be patient until the new
sprinkler can be put on the streets again.
-Among those who came from a distance to attend the funeral of Mrs. P.JOYNT,
were D.M. JOYNT of Marcus, Dr. R.J. JOYNT of LeMars, Thomas DUNN of Dubuque
county, Mrs. L.J. MURPHY and Mrs. SHANE of Sioux City and Miss Marie MULRY
of Chicago.
-Mrs. and Mrs. F.W. BEARMAN of New Hampton have bought the BARNES cafe. They
will paint it, paper it and add to its equipment. They propose to run a
first class restaurant. Their house is well located, has a fine large dining
room and has quite a number of good bed rooms. The Democrat is glad to
welcome them to Emmetsburg and wishes them success in their undertaking


Father STARK returned Friday night from a visit with FatherNEPPEL at Mallard.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward WASHINGTON were visitors in Emmetsburg onThursday.

Miss Mae KANE came down from Estherville Friday night for avisit with relatives.

Mr. JONES and Clement REDDEN of Spirit Lake spent Sunday in thiscity at the John REDDEN home.

Miss WHITE left Saturday morning for her home at Cedar Fallsafter finishing her term of school in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. F.L. EATON were visitors at Mallard Saturday.

Leo DOOLEY of Des Moines visited relatives and friends in thiscity Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank SULLIVAN of Estherville spent Sunday in thiscity visiting relatives.

A number of the children of the Sacred Heart parish of this citywill receive their first holy communion on Trinity Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. J.W. DARLAND of Colorado Springs, Colorado arrivedin this city during the past week for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HANSEN.

Miss Marie HENDRICKSON left Monday morning for a visit atBuckeye, Iowa, with her mother.

Edward KEENAN was a visitor at Sioux Rapids Saturday.

Mrs. M.T. WASHINGTON and Mrs. LEE went to Emmetsburg Mondaynight for a visit with relatives.

Bees for Sale.
25 colonies of Italians. Choice stock. Price $6.00 single colony or $5.00 percolony for two or more from now until June 15th. -F. FREEMAN

Miss Lucy Lammers of Vernon township was at Terrillast week visiting her sister, Mrs. Peterson.
Mrs. Robert Kinsella spent the last of the week withrelatives at Sioux City. She returned Saturday evening.
R.J. Johnson of Estherville graduated Friday from thecivil engineering department of Iowa State College.
J.J. Buckley, formerly of Nevada township, wasnominated for sheriff by the democrats of Emmet county in the June primaries.
Miss Emma Reno, who lives near Terril, graduated Fridayfrom the department of home economics at the Iowa State College.
Sister Marie DeSales was an over Sunday visitor withher sisters, Mrs. P. Carroll, of this place. She belongs to the order of thePresentation.
From May 15 to 26, the new train on the M. & St. L.line which passes through Livermore carried 950 passengers south and 976 northmaking an average of 269 each day. The train has proven a great money maker.
Miss Collette Sammin will teach in the Whittemore schoolsduring the coming year. She will succeed Miss Blanche Mehan, who goes to Montanato teach. Miss Sammin has been employed in the Mallard schools during the pastyear or two.
Mrs. Slagle of Ruthven visited her father, P. Joynt, ofthis place, Saturday.
The Free Press says that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Curranswill occupy the J.F. Reeley residence at Ruthven.
Myles McNally left for Burlington Wednesday to attendthe G.A.R. encampment. He will represent the local post.
Mrs. Emmet Moore arrived from Dubuque Wednesdaymorning. Her son graduated from St. Joseph's College the day before. Mrs. Moorelives in Emmet county.
Misses Anna McGuire and Ethel Kibby went to Denver,Colorado, a few days ago to remain during the summer months. Two of MissMcGuire's sisters live in that city.
The Journal says that Mrs. David Murray and children ofCrookston, Minnesota, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Phillips of West Bend. Mrs.Murray is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.
Mrs. Wm. Muir arrived from St. Paul Wednesday to seeher mother, Mrs. Lumery, who has been quite ill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Muirhave been living in St. Paul for several weeks.
The last of the week D.L. Randall had the bodies of acouple of his deceased children brought from Ellington township and interred inEvergreen cemetery. They died a number of years ago.
Wednesday evening the D. of I. gave a shower at the K.C.hall for Miss Renie Laughlin. Despite the inclement evening quite a number werein attendance and a most enjoyable evening was spent. Miss Laughlin was therecipient of many beautiful and useful presents.
We notice that James Donovan of Ayrshire has bought aFord auto.
The Journal says that L.J. Kohler of West Bend hadbought a fine new Overland auto.
Father Butler of Gilmore has gone to Ireland where hewill spend the summer. Father Casey of Sioux City is taking his place.
John A. Berg, one of Ruthven's leading merchants, leftfor Norway a few days ago where he will visit relatives for a short time.
A.E. Kupyer and Henry Dunn of West Bend were among thePalo Alto representatives at the Masonic Grand Lodge at Des Moines last week.
Miss Cynthia Cameron and Frances George of Graettingerattended the district Epworth league convention at Clarion Thursday and Friday.
Ray Moore, Matt hand, Ted Grady and Bernard Kellyarrived home from Dubuque Wednesday. All were students at St. Joseph's collegeduring the past year.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Darland left for Ruthven Wednesday tovisit their daughter, Mrs. Hanson. They intended leaving for Colorado SpringsThursday.
Miss Pearl Taylor went to Grinnell Friday to attend theAlumni meeting of Iowa College.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
24 June 1914

Mrs. A.E. BIGELOW of Estherville recently visited her daughter, Mrs. J.C.
ALLEN, of Emmetsburg.

The Sentinel says that a moving picture theatre at Iowa Falls recently
bought a mirror that weighs a ton. It cost $500.

The Chronicle says that Miss Alice O'BRIEN of Ayrshire has gone to Mitchell,
South Dakota, to visit relatives and attend school.

The Chronicle says that Miss Kathleen O'GRADY of Ayrshire returned from Des
Moines a few days ago. She was a student at St. Joseph Academy during the
past year.

The Ayrshire base ball team will play in Emmetsburg next Sunday. We presume
Brother COOKINHAM will be on hand to shout for his team. He is a jolly sport
and a mighty good loser.

A short time ago the Ancient Order of Hibernians presented Very Rev. P. F.
FARRELLY with a large, beautiful mirror for the mantle in his library. It is
needless to say that he appreciates this gift highly.

J.B. DYER, son of Mr.and Mrs. G.M. DYER, graduated from the law department
of the State University of Iowa last week. He has not decided where he will
locate for the practice of his profession.

We notice by the Estherville papers that Mrs. J.P. KIRBY has been at Colfax,
Iowa, for some time. She was very ill during the spring but is, we are
pleased to note, gaining in health and strength.

Wednesday we enjoyed a call from Mayor PENN of Graettinger. He reports that
the town is enjoying a good business, is growing steadily and that he finds
comparatively little difficulty requiring the attention of the mayor.

Brother ALTHOUSE of the Ackley World has installed an excellent paper and
book rolder. He is an up-to-date newspaper man and publishes a very
creditable paper. The World is among our favorite exchanges.
Congratulations, Bro. ALTHOUSE.

We are pleased to learn that Mrs. E.L. WALKER, who underwent a surgical
operation in the Mayo hospital at Rochester, Minnesota, last week, is
getting along nicely. Mr. WALKER accompanied her on the trip. She will not
be able to return home for some time.

Miss Elizabeth McNALLY, who has been attending the Estherville Business
college during the past year, reports that her room mate, Miss Clara
GOEDERS, of Algona, was left $15,000 in cash a few days ago by one of her
uncles who died in Wisconsin. Miss McNALLY and Miss GOEDERS will both
graduate from the college during the present month.

Miss Gladys HASTINGS is attending the summer school at Ames.

Mr. and Mrs. D.G. McCARTY were Humboldt visitors Friday evening.

Edward COLLINS of Fort Dodge was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday evening.

C.W. MONSELL and Wm. HAYDON of Ruthven were Emmetsburg visitors Friday.

Teachers examinations will be conducted today and tomorrow by superintendent
Margaret RYAN.

E.H. SOPER was at Mount Vernon last week taking in the commencement
exercises of Cornell College.

Miss Mary DUNIGAN is home from Cedar Falls. She has been attending the Iowa
State Teachers college.

Miss Genevieve DAILY arrived home last week from Cedar Falls. She has been
attending the Iowa State Teachers colldge.

Keith GOWANS recently returned from Vermillion, South Dakota. He was a
student at the South Dakota State University during the past year.

Miss Esther WALDRON has gone to Cedar Falls to take the summer course at the
Iowa State Teachers College. She graduated from St. Marys Academy a year

Charles JENSEN and Rev. A.R. CUTHBERT were down from Graettinger Friday
advertising the Chautaqua to be held at that place. Mr. JENSEN was a
pleasant caller at this office while in town.

M.J. CONWAY went to Garner Saturday. He will visit his brother at that place
and also his brother at Goodell. From there he will go to Conway, Iowa, to
spend a short time with his brother, Will.

Mrs. ESPELAND, wh was injured in an auto wreck a month or two ago, is still
at the St. James hotel. he will not be able to be about for some time. Mrs.
ESPLAND [Transcriber note: surname spelled differently] is very ill and is
in a serious condition. Those unfortunate people have the sympathy of our
many citizens.

During the past week T.F. McGOVERN purchased the 280 acres of land laying
just west of the old WALLACE section south of town. The land is unimproved
and was owned by Duncan McGREGOR of Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. McGOVERN paid an
even $100 per acre for the tract.-Whittemore Champion.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KIBBY and one of their daughters of Booth township came
to Emmetsburg Tuesday evening of last week in their fine new auto to attend
the commencement exercises of St. Mary's Academy. Miss Florence took part in
the operetta which was rendered. She returned home with them at the close of
the exercises.

A week ago, Mr. and Mrs. MOSHER of Walnut, Iowa, were Emmetsburg visitors.
They were on their way home from Tuttle Lake, Emmet County, where, in the
company with six or seven other friends, they had been enjoying camp life
for a week or ten days. The were going home by auto. Mr. MOSHER informs us
that he and his father have sold their bank at Walnut to local parties. Mr.
and Mrs. MOSHER are thinking seriously of locating at Cedar Rapids. Mr.
MOSHER and his associates in business own a great deal of real estate in
northwest Iowa. They think they can quite readily keep in touch with it from
Cedar Rapids.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
22 July 1914

William STEINER and his mother-in-law, Mrs. CONLON, of Mallard, were
Emmetsburg visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. STEINER reports that there was
some rain southwest of Mallard Thursday morning and that a large barn near
Plover was destroyed by lightning. He did not learn the name of the owner.

The new directory just published at Fort Dodge claims a population of 22,110
for that place. The last census gave it as 15,543. While the claims for the
directory may be somewhat exaggerated, Fort Dodge has probably a population
of from 18,000 to 20,000. It is one of the up-to-date and promising little
cities in the state.

Rev. John EARL and family of Des Moines were guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. H.P. JOHNSTON of this place Friday evening. They came by auto. They
were on their way to Minneapolis. Mr. EARL will, during the coming week,
deliver addresses at Chautauquas at one or two points in Minnesota. he is
president of the Des Moines College.

Miss Anna BRERETON, who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ellen CARMODY, for
several weeks, went to Ayrshire Friday and from there took the train for Des
Moines where she will spend a short time before returning to her home at
Keokuk. She was accompanied to Ayrshire by Mrs. CARMODY, who spent a couple
of days with old neighbors at that place.

John McNALLY recently visited Sioux Falls. He went to meet his son Will, who
was with the Sells-Floete circus. The big show had an immense audience at
Sioux Falls. From there it went to the Twin Cities, next to Grand Forks and
then into Canada. It will be at Marshalltown and Waterloo in August. While
at Sioux Falls, Mr. McNALLY met Mr. MARTIN, the chief of police, whom he
knew in Wisconsin over forty years ago. John BOX, formerly of this place, is
now employed in the Boston cafe near the Cataract hotel. he was enquiring
about his old friend in Emmetsburg.

A collision of two locomotives will be one of the attractions at the Mason
City fair. An exhibition of this kind was given at Des Moines a few years

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. FROST and Mr. and Mrs. M.L. RANDALL and families have been
camping during the past ten days on Mr. FROST's farm in Lost Island

Guy BURNSIDE, who conducts Hotel Orleans at the south end of Spirit Lake,
has employed Miss Frances ROSS to instruct young people and others in the
new kinds of dances.

The Democrat is pleased to note that Brother C.J. MITCHEL of the Storm Lake
Pilot, who recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, is able to
attend to his newspaper again.

Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. W.E.G. SAUNDERS, Ewart and Miss Vena and Mrs. Frank
ILLINGSWORTH and Francis ILLINGSWORTH autoed to Fonda where they visited
relatives during the day.

E.P. BARRINGER and Rev. L.O. WIGDAHL of Ruthven were in Emmetsburg Thursday.
They were on their way home from the republican state convention which ws
held at Des Moines Wednesday.

Miss Mae GILBERT, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. GILBERT, formerly of this place,
was married in California a few days ago to Charles LOOK. Mr and Mrs. LOOK
will make their future home at Seattle, Washington.

Brother COOKINGHAM of the Ayrshire Chronicle is not making such a good
record as a base ball manager as he did last year. He has a strong team, but
he has already been defeated by Emmetsburg, Laurens, and at Pocahontas. You
may want to ginger up, Cook, and get busy.

George HARRISON, who recently attended the home coming exercises at Juneau,
Wisconsin, reports a most delightful time. The attendance was very large
although Juneau is a place of only 1000 people. Mr. Harrison was accompanied
by Albert HARRISON. The latter went from that place to Oconomowoc to visit
friends before returning home. Juneau has eleven saloons, but Mr. HARRISON
says he was never in a more orderly town. When a young man he resided at

Mrs. S.D. HILL, who had been visiting relatives in Emmetsburg and in the
vicinity of Cylinder returned to her home at Brooks, Montana, last week. She
was accompanied as far as Minneapolis by her sister, Miss Pearl RICHARDSON.

Walter ERICKSON intends going to Winthrop, Minnesota, this week to visit his
parents. He was there July Fourth but remained only a day. Winthrop is on
the M. & S.L. line about half way between Estherville and the Twin Cities.

The Ayrshire Chronicle reports that George EDWARDS has sold twenty-two Ford
autos this year. It is claimed that the Algona district agent, who has
charge of three counties, ordered 1100 machines this year and that he had
already disposed of most of them.

S.J. GUERDET sends us one of the finest bunches of green flax that we have
seen for years. It was sown in the Red River Valley June 1. A man will not
starve in a country that can raise such flax in so short a time. We
understand that Mr. and Mrs. Guerdet are highly pleased with their new home.

Mayor BICKFORD and his little son arrived home from Milwaukee Wednesday
morning. Mr. BICKFORD reports that a most unfortunate explosion occurred in
the water works tunnel a few days before he reached that city. Twenty-one
men had their hands and faces very badly burned. They were brought to the
hospital in which Mr. BICKFORD's little son stayed. All will recover. Under
the liability insurance laws of Wisconsin, the city must pay their hospital
bills and sixty-five pre cent of their daily wages. Mr. BICKFORD says that a
short time ago 300 saloons were put out of business in Milwaukee but that
there are 2200 left. Hence there will not be any drought.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
5 Aug 1914

Glenn BROWN was a passenger to Parker, South Dakota, Thursday evening.
Miss Myrtle WAGNER was the guest of friends at Spencer Wednesday and
Miss SWEENEY of Sheldon visited last week, with her brother, Father SWEENEY,
of that place.
James WASHINGTON, Charles WALTERS, and Carl LARSON of Ruthven were
Emmetsburg visitors Thursday.
W.E. JACKMAN has bought a Ford auto. It has an electric starter and all of
the latest equipment.
Miss Esther WALDRON of Ayrshire was in Emmetsburg last week. She was taking
the teachers' examination.
Miss Loretta FOY, who had been visiting relatives at Waterloo for a couple
of weeks, returned home Thursday evening.
Henry DORWEILLER and one of his daughters were Emmetsburg visitors
Wednesday. They came to see one of the local dentists.
Misses Ethel and Florence KIBBIE and Miss STARKEY of Ayrshire visited with
Emmetsburg relatives and friends a couple of days last week.
Miss Hattie BLACK's sister, Mrs. MOLISON, and her little daughter went to
Kingsley, Iowa Wednesday to visit relatives for a short time.
Scores of our subscribers report that they had roasting ears of field corn
the last of the week. They usually do not have themn until August 15.
Mr. and Mrs. J.I. HOBSON enjoyed a visit last week from Mr. and Mrs. S.W.
HOWE of Warsaw, Indiana. Mr. HOWE is a brother of Mrs. HOBSON.
Mrs. M.E. CONLON of Dubuque, who had been visiting local relatives and
friends, went to Rapid City, South Dakota, Thursday to visit her parents for
a week or ten days.
J.D. McCARTY received word from his tenant near Aberdeen last week that a
great deal of wheat would not be cut in that locality. It was badly injured
by the warm weather.
Mrs. P.H. JENNETT of Oklahoma is visiting her son, Albert JENNETT and family
of this place. She had been at Sioux Falls for some time. Her husband owns
considerable land in that neighborhood.
James SLATER has rented his residence to Prof. VONKROG, the new school
superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. SLATER are enlarging their home north of Mr.
HOELZNER's and will move into it when completed.
Mrs. C.C. EGAN and sons, Thomas and William, and Miss Nellie MARTIN left for
Deer Lodge, Montana Wednesday to visit relatives for a month. Mrs. EGAN's
mother and three brothers live at that place.
Earl HENRY, who spent his vacation with his parents in West Bend, was in
Emmetsburg Thursday.
Miss Anna BRENNAN visited her sister, Mrs. Thos. CURRANS of Ruthven, the
last of the week.
Miss Margaret MULRONEY and Miss Catherine MULRONEY were Whittemore visitors
the last of the week.
Mrs. L. KUNZ of Mallard was in Emmetsburg Saturday. While in town she called
to subscribe for the Democrat.
Miss Vina THOMPSON is home from Spirit Lake where she had been spending some
time with her uncle, Postmaster NELSON.
Mrs. J.D. McCARTY and her daughters, Misses Agnes and Kitte, went to
Minneapolis Thursday to visit Mrs. Orville WILLIAMS.
Miss Clara MINGLE of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, has been visiting Mrs. Gene KANE
and other local relatives during the past couple of weeks.
Township and municipal officers should see that all noxious weeds are cut
promptly. The law providing for this is strict and should be enforced.
Estherville is to have a second hospital. It will be conducted by Miss May
HARCOURT, who has, it is reported, the backing of Drs. BACHMAN, BIRNEY,
Miss Helen APPELBY was at the Twin Cities last week visiting friends. She
will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. JACKSON, of Amery, Wisconsin,
before returning home.
T.C. WITT has sold his interest in the cement and house building business at
Spencer, to his partner, Peter NELSON. Messrs. NELSON and WITT have done
considerable work in this city.
Mrs. C.W. HODGKINSON of Chicago is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F.
KELLER, of this place. She is accompanied by her niece, a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur KELLER.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred James of Los Angeles, California, are looking after
business interests in this locality. They moved to that place last fall.
They own a farm northeast of this city.
C.L. HENDRICKS, who has managed the Western Electric Telephone Office at
Whittemore for some time, left that place last week. The Champion says that
Miss Adel REILLEY has temporary charge of the office.
Fourteen auto drivers were arrested at Milford one day a short time ago for
violoating the speed limit ordinance. The mayor and marshal must have had
more buiness than they could handle. Milford is on teh main road running
from Spencer to the lakes and there is a great deal of travel on it.
The Independent reports that W.H. BARRETT of Mallard has bought a farm near
Evan, Minnesota.
Miss Mildred SMIDTH recently returned from Spirit Lake where she had been
visiting relatives.
Mrs. F.E. TELLIER of Onawa visited during the past week with her brothers
and sisters of that place.
Mrs. Dan VEDDER went to Laurens Thursday morning where she will visit
relatives for a few days.
Miss Mary DUFFY was home from LeMars last week visiting her mother and other
local relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake GRETHEN of Ellington township were Emmetsburg visitors
Saturday afternoon.
The Free Press says Mrs. J.H. THATCHER of Ruthven has gone to Chicago to
consult an eye specialist.
The M. & St. L. people claim that the proposed strike of the engineers on
the western lines will not affect their company.
Miss Pearl RICHARDSON, who had been visiting for a couple of weeks in
Minneapolis returned to Emmetsburg Saturday.
Miss Frances DOLLIVER, daugher of the late Senator DOLLIVER, spent the past
week at the W.E.G. SAUNDERS' home in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer STRATEMEYER and family, who had been visiting local
relatives, returned to Carroll Tuesday of last week. They made the trip by
The People's State Bank will be organized at Germania, Kossuth county. It
will be capitalized at $25,000. L.T. CLEMENT, a former resident, is back of
the organization.
The Ft. Dodge Grocery company will establish a branch house at Estherville.
It will be in charge of J.T. JOHNSON. It will begin business about January
1. Six men will be employed.
Miss Edith HARDING of Chicago is visiting Miss Edna KERWICK of this city.
The Misses HARDING and KERWICK were classmates during the past year at St.
Marys's of the Woods, Indiana.
F.H. DUFFY, of Dubuque, a cousin of J.A. DUFFY, of this place, has been
re-appointed national lecturer of the Modern Woodmen of America. He has held
the position a number of years.
We notice that superintendent H.A. WELTY, formerly of Ruthven, who is at
present at Arnolds Park, has bought another quarter section of land
southeast of Terril. He intends moving onto it at some future time.

From the Emmetsburg Democrat
Palo Alto Co,IA , 26 Aug 1914:

Dr. Bert Joynt is Home From Northern Germany
Was Hungry in London and Found Shores in Greenland Very Cool

Dr. Bert Joynt arrived home from Vienna, Austria, Thursday morning. He left
for that place in January to take a post graduate course in special surgery.
He left there June 30 and went to Konigsberg, which is situated close to the
Baltic Sea and not far from the Russian border. He decided after war was
declared to remain in the hospital in which he was taking his course until
the close of hostilities, but he discovered that the cost of living was
advancing so rapidly that he could not afford to stay. Saturday morning,
August 1, he paid the usual price for his breakfast at the place where he
was stopping, but in the evening he was charged five times the amount for
his supper. He and his companion, who was also a student, concluded that
they would take the first train to Berlin, but they could not secure
tickets. However, three extras were leaving some time later and they managed
to come away. The train ahead of tehm was wrecked by a Russian who threw a
bomb under the bridge over which it was passing. The offender, was, of
course, promptly taken in charge by the military authorities. The train on
which Dr. Joynt came had soldiers in each car and on the footboards around
the car. The windows were closed, the lights turned down and the passengers
forbidden to look out. Dr. Joynt says he did not care to ask any questions
and was willing to obey all instructions to the letter. Military discipline
in Germany is very strict.

Berlin was reached at 1:30 Sunday afternoon, but the Doctor and his friend
could not secure their passports or tickets until 11:00 o'clock Monday.
However, they did not have any delay or difficulty in identifying themselves
as American citizens. They found 10,000 Americans in the city who were
anxious to come away. They walked from the depot to the place where the
train was making up and they managed to get seats before the rush. They
think the train they came on was the last one out. A large number of people
were left behind.

Flushing, Holland, was reached the following morning at eight o'clock. While
there both gentlemen's passports were demanded several times. People seemed
alarmed and it was impossible to find anyone who would carry trunks or other
luggage. The Doctor and his friend had to walk quite a long distance and
they were frequently stopped by soldiers, who inspected their grips. Tuesday
forenoon at eleven o'clock a steamer left for London. For some time before
their departure they were roped in on the docks and were not allowed to
leave. They reached Folkstone, England, at six o'clock Tuesday evening and
London about nine o'clock. They had in their possession $385 in German
money, $100 in American currency, and two shilings and six pence in English
denominations. All the cash was paper except 6 pence. The banks were closed
and they could not make any exchange. They put up at a hotel, but the
following morning the German and American money would not be taken in
payment of their bill. They could not secure breakfast and they had two
pence between them. They bought a bun and a doughnut and ate them in an
alley. They had to leave their grips at the hotel as security for their
lodging. Their bill for supper and beds was 34 shillings , which was
something over $8. Wednesday night they thought they would have to sleep in
the public park, but they went to a small boarding house where the landlady
said she would trust them until they could change their money for English
currency. They secured a small room and both occupied a narrow, poor bed.
They were glad to get it. The next forenoon they bought a cup of coffee.
They did not have enough cash to invest in a daily newspaper, but they
secured one that another gentleman had finished reading. In glancing through
it they noticed an item stating that Americans were being cared for at the
Savory hotel. They located the house and registered, but they could not
obtain any information that was satisfactory. They went to the American
embassy during the afternoon where they deposited 100 marks for two pounds
of English money. This was quite an accommodation. When they return the
amount they will get back their German currency.

During the evening they learned that an American gentleman, who was formerly
connected with the Pennsylvania system, but who is now manager of the Great
Eastern Railway company was changing money for Americans in order to help
them out for a short time. Dr. Joynt's companion approached him and swapped
$20 for four pounds of the standard of the English realm. He told the
gentleman that he had also a friend in need and he was given twice the
amount usually allowed to single individuals. Later Dr. Joynt went in to see
him, but did not tell him that he was one of the parties who had been
accommodated. He finally succeeded in exchanging $10 for 2 pounds of English

He and his companion next went to the offices of the Conard, the White Star
and the Red Star lines. They offered to work for their passage to New York
or Quebec, but they were told that a number of ship crews had been
discharged and that there were not any jobs for passengers. Thursday they
found that they could secure steerage berths on the Allen lines, which
belongs to the Canadian Pacific railroad company. They were told to take
them quick as others were rapidly applying for accommodations. They paid
down a pound each. Later they managed to exchange a few American bills for
English currency. They then had enough each to bring them to Quebec. During
the evening they started for Liverpool where they met Dr. White of Clinton,
Iowa, a friend, whom they knew in Vienna. He loaned them 10 pounds each.
With this amount they felt they could return home from Quebec.

They left Liverpool Saturday evening at eight o'clock on the steamer
Virginian. It was the third boat that had started from the harbor that
evening. The boats were sailing about two hours apart. The other two vessels
were the Teutonic and Lucona. The Virginian came over the north route
passing quite a distance north of Ireland. The passengers were told while on
the voyage that the captain of their vessel was sailing under sealed orders.
He opened them at various places and received wireless messges directing him
about the course of his voyage. It seems that an English cruiser was
following closely so as to guard against attack by hostile vessels. At one
time the Virginian was close to the coast of Greenland. Thursday and Friday
after leaving Liverpool the weather became very cold. The ocean spray froze
when it fell on the deck of the vessel. While on the voyage the pasengers
saw scores of large icebergs. At times they passed through heavy fogs. The
accommodations were very poor. The Doctor and his companion, however,
climbed regularly to the upper deck where they were allowed to remain most
of the days and evenings. The officers of the vessel knowing the
circumstances were not very strict in enforcing the rules. While on the trip
they had to sleep on ordinary shelves. Their bedding consisted of some
coarse excelsior, over which was spread Irish linen cloth. It was as stiff
as harvet canvass. Their bedding was so hard that their ears, the sides of
their faces and their heels became sore. There were 1500 persons on the
boat, including the passengers and the members of the crew.

The vessel reached Quebec on Sunday evening. The trip was made in eight
days. On landing they were treated like the ordinary emigrants. An emigrant
train hauled them to Montreal. They arrived in that city Tuesday morning.
>From there they came directly to Chicago.

Dr. Joynt says the English people are very bitter against the Germans and
that the Germans are more hostile toward the Russians than the English. He
thinks the Germans have a great army. The Austrian army is large but the
soldiers do not compare with those of the kaiser. While at Konigsberg he saw
from four to five airships going up daily. an raising towards the Russian
frontier. He considers them useful chiefly for observation purposes. Still,
he thinks the French air craft is the best in Europe. He did not see any of
the regular soldiers in England or in France, but he was told that the
French have a very capable land force. The English fleet is, of course,
superior to anything in the world. The Germans are intensely loyal to the
kaiser. Many of them would go to extremes to serve him. The German people
think the kaiser's oldest son, the crown prince, is more responsible for the
war than is the emperor.

Prince Ferdinand, of Austria, who was killed in Servia [sic], was considered
a deserving man. Still, the Austrians did not seem to be very indignant over
his death. Dr. Joynt does not care very much for the Austrian people. They
do not compare with the Germans, Belgians or English. ....

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
2 Dec 1914

Near By News

Hopes Joe Will Win
Joseph M DRESS and Joseph C ARTS, two sterling Democrats of Carroll arecandidates for the postoffice in their city and the fight will be a merry one.Here's hoping that Joe will win-John DALTON's Manson Democrat
Plenty of Turkeys at Whittemore
The merchants of Whittemore report having taken in about 10,000 pounds ofpoultry Tuesday of this week. This, however, is a much smaller amount than wasmarked here before Thanksgiving a year ago.-Champion.
Shot While Attending Church
It was a week ago last Sunday that a 22-bullet pierced the west window of theMethodist Church and slightly injured a little girl, but we did not notice anyless shooting about town last Sunday on that account.-Livermore
A Former Palo Alto Girl.
Miss Nellie CAVANAUGH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.W. CAVANAUGH, was married onThursday of last week to Mr. V. VAN ALLEN. The ceremony was performed by FatherHALPIN. Mr VAN ALLEN has been in the employ of H.R. Conway, contractor andbuilder for the last year or two.-Algona Courier.
Successful Lot Sale at Milford
L.F. MEYERS had an auction sale of town lots last Saturday. The lots sold werein the Meyer's addition to Mildord and west and north of the St.Joseph's church.37 lots were sold for a total of $4,410 for an average
price of a fraction over $119.000 per lot which is a little more than Mr.MEYERSreally expected.-Spirit Lake Herald
Robbers at Ruthven
There is again evidence of robberies being committed about the city. This time,however, it appears to be the work of expert safe men. The Farmers Elevator wasentered and the safe tampered with but nothing taken. This was on Thursdayevening. On the same evening two other business houses were entered and the safein each place was the object upon which the intruders centered their work,although the result of the robbers visit has not been given out.-Free Press
Knut IVERSON was a Minnesota visitor last week.

Thos LARSON of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Saturday.

J. M. RESH, who lives near Hoprig, is having his auction sale today.

Mrs. M.FLEMING of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday.

Miss Rose LAUGHLIN was a Thanksgiving guest of friends at Fenton.

James FAY spent Friday and Saturday with relatives at Whittemore.

Hugh SWEENEY of Sheldon was an over Sunday visitor with Emmetsburg friends.

Mrs. M.M. MAHER of Ruthven visited her parents in this city the last of theweek.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'NEILL and children were passengers to Greattinger Friday.

Miss Carrie and Arthur KOCH spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Frank KOCH ofthis place.

Mrs. Matt KILROY of Mason City enjoyed Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. andMrs. Thos. CONLON, of this place.

Mrs. C.A. THOMAS of Germania was in Emmetsburg several days during the past weekvisiting relatives and friends.

Miss Florence MORRISSEY came up from Livermore to visit her parents, Mrs. andMrs. Martin MORRISSEY, over Thanksgiving.

E.A. HUSKAMP came in from Independence township Saturday and bought one of H.S.FAIN's fancy Duroc breeding hogs.

Mr.and Mrs. Thos. CURRANS of Ruthven were Thanksgiving guests at the home ofMrs. CURRANS parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.F. BRENNAN, of this place.

Tomorrow West Bend's citizens will vote on the proposition of issuing bonds toput in an electric light plant. The proposition will undoubtedly carry.

Mrs. CAHILL came home from Graettinger Wednesday evening where she had been forseveral working days taking care of Mrs. QUIGGLE, mother of Mrs. C.S. GEORGE.

The Free Press says that Wm. RICE of Lost Island township recently shot an eaglemeasuring eight feet and ten inches from tip to tip. Eagles are numerous thisyear.

P.F. SWIFT of Vernon Township will have a sale Thursday, December 10. He hasrented his land to a neighbor but will continue to live on it.

A few nights ago rowdies ruined eight mail boxes near Clear Lake. TheU.S.authorities are after them and will doubtless get them. Uncle Sam usuallydeals severely with this class of people.

Misses Mary and Agnes JACKMAN will leave today for Mankato, Minnesota, their newhome. the best wishes of all go with them. Mankato is a place of 12,000. It hasseveral state institutions and other advantages not found in other places.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. CARNEY and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. CARNEY were Ayrshire visitorsThursday.

Wednesday was tag day at Mason City. Over $1,00 was raised for the Belgiansufferers.

We notice by our exchanges that there is considerable sickness among horses thiswinter.

Miss Josie McEVOY was a Thanksgiving visitor at the home of her brother atAlgona.

The lake dredge was started up again the first of the week. Mr. NUTZMAN does notbelieve in wasting any time.

P.H. DONLON went to Dubuque Thursday evening to assist for a short time in theoffice of the internal revenue collector.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm SMITH Jr., November 22. Of course thegood news is pleasing to many of their friends.

The postoffice at Klemme was robbed a few nights ago. Only a small amount ofmoney was secured. John WATERMAN is the postmaster.

Arnold BRUNNER, the assistant postmaster at Clear Lake was an Emmetsburg visitorFriday. He was formerly employed in the Emmetsburg office.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred HALSTEAD visited Mrs. HALSTEAD's sister, Mrs. Peter PHILLIPSof Seneca township, Kossuth county, several days during the past week.

Wednesday Prof Fred MAKANNAH, state inspector of normal training schools, toldthe people of Forest City that their school rooms were too crowded and that theywere in need of a new building.

W.A DOTY of Emmetsburg township will have a sale Friday, December 11. Mr. andMrs. DOTY will move to this city. They bought the Mrs. J. READE-CLARKE propertysome time ago.

Saturday evening H.J. HUSKAMP of Fenton left Emmetsburg for Grundy Center toattend the funeral of E.A. METZGAR, president of the Iowa division of thenational musicians of the Civil War. He was elected for life a short time ago.Mr. HUSKAMP had a very high regard for him and was chosen one of his pallbearers. W.J. JOHNSON, secretary of the association, who lived at Malcom, alsodied a short time ago. Mr. Johnson was a member of Mr. HUSKAMP's regiment, theFiftieth Iowa. The muscial organization to which all belonged played at the IowaState Fair during the past two years.

Yield and Sale of Alfalfa Seed
Our citizens are interested in the yield and sale of alfalfa seed. The SiouxCity Journal of Friday says: "Two cars of alfalfa seed were shipped out ofFaith, South Dakota last week to the Sioux City Seed and nursery company.
This shipment of two cars contained 1100 bushels of seed and brought $8,000. Allof this seed was raised near Red Owl postoffice, about thirty five milessouthwest of Faith. George HOLOCKER brought in 210 bushels which was raised on40 acres, making an average yield of 8 1/2 bushels to the acre. The largestyield per acre was raised by A.J. SHOUN, who had a field of six acres thatyuielded 13 1/2 bushels to the acre, netting him $26.20 per acre. This seed isall non-irrigated. From one to two carloads more will be brought in for shipmentfrom this vicinity this week. There is also considerable seed west and north ofFaith that is not yet thrashed. There is big demand for Faith alfalfa seed allover the country and the seed houses have men on the ground ready to buy just assoon as the seed is thrashed. The total receipts for alfalfa seed at thisstation will be $20,000.

Mrs. Earl Conway Loses Life Starting Fire with Kerosene

Sanborn, Iowa, Nov. 25.-Mrs. Earl CONWAY, who was burned while starting a
fire with kerosene, died of her injuries. The mother and 9 month old baby,
who also was fatally burned, were buried side by side in the Primghar
cemetery. The funeral services were held in the Methodist Episcopal church
of Sanborn.
Further details regarding the accident show that as Mrs. CONWAY was starting
a fire with kerosene to get supper, there was an explosion which set her
clothing on fire. She ran, screaming to her husband who was in bed asleep,
preparatory to a night run on his engine. He rushed to her assistance and,
with bedding extinguished the flames, but not until she had been fatally
burned. In the meantime the house had become a furnace. The 9 month old baby
was in the kitchen, and by the time Mr. CONWAY had rescued his wife the baby
was burned to a crisp.
The fire alarm was sounded and the fire department soon stopped the blaze
when it arrived. The total damage is about $1000.
Mrs. CONWAY was only 26 years old and the mother of three little children.
Her husband is a fireman on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad.

The Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, Iowa
4 Nov 1914

Has Voted for 61 Years
Yesterday Peter JONES, who will be 89 in January, walked down town and cast
his ballots. He came to the United States from Ireland in 1849 and he first
voted in 1854. This makes him a voter of 61 years. His first presidential
vote was for James BUCHANAN. He says he hs not missed an election since that
time. Mr. JONES was quite familiar with the names of the various candidates
on the critical ballot and his eye sight being fairly good he had no
difficulty in making his selections. The Democrat hopes he will be spared
his health and strength to cast his ballot at many more elections.

Mrs. George Bosold Mourns Death of Father
Yesterday we received a telephone message from Graettinger stating that Mrs.
George BOSOLD of that place was called to Rock Island, Illinois on Monday to
attend the funeral of her father, John LETTIG, who died of heart failure.
Although he had been an invalid for some time, his death was a great
surprise to the members of the family. He was a stone mason by trade. He was
71 years of age. Mrs. BOSOLD has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends in
her sorrow.

Won Friendship of Little Folks
All of the little folks in Emmetsburg turned out last Saturday to accept
C.C. QUINN's invitation and they tell the Democrat reporter that he is all
that he claims to be as an entertainer. They have already decided that he is
the most popular gentleman in Emmetsburg.

Accident in Auto Race in Algona
Several from Emmetsburg attended the postponed auto race at Algona Saturday
afternoon. The Mercer car deiven by Mr. HANGDAHL blew a tire on the right
side during the first five miles of the race. He repaired the damage and
started up again but after making a lap or two the left front tire came down
and the machine turned over two or three times. Mr. HANGDAHL went over with
it each time and was finally pinned to the ground when the machine stopped.
We understand he was quite badly injured although he will recover. He had
several ribs broken.

Caught an American Eagle.
Sunday Fred ILLINGSWORTH caught an American eagle on Third Island in Medium
Lake. He wounded it in the wing and it could not get away. It is a fine bird
and measures seven feet from tip to tip. We understand some other parties
shot an eagle on the Island a few days ago and he did not succeed in getting

Tilers are Scarce
Nels MYKING reports that he could get twenty jobs of tiling, were it
possible for him to find men to do the work. He has a contract to do 6000
feet for J.A. SLATER in Vernon township and he is doing 27,000 feet south of
Emmetsburg for the county.

Wm. Kane Trades for Farms
Wm. KANE of this city has traded his residence property in this city and his
forty acre tract north of town to Mrs. M.P. CARRIGAN for her 20 acre farm
three miles north of Ayrshire.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov 11, 1914

Miss Alice GREEHY was the guest of Estherville friends Friday.

Miss Nellie MARTIN attended the play in The Iowa last evening.

An excellent cut of Mrs. Lloyd REFSELL will appear in Sunday's Register and
Leader. She is a very prepossessing lady.

H.J. McCHESNEY, who was elected treaurer of Kossuth county last week, was
engineer in the cement plant at Armstrong a few years ago.

An automobile train will tour Webster county this week to gather
contributios for Belgian sufferers. Palo Alto county should contribute
generously to this worthy purpose. We have plenty. Let us help the needy.

Wedensday evening, while coming home from Graettinger, P.H. DOLAN met
Senator FUNK of Spirit Lake. He had just returned from the west where he
spent the summer. He was on his way to Des Moines. He was feeling quite
rugged again.

The Humboldt Electric Light company has had considerable difficulty in
transmitting current to towns situated at a distance from its plant. The
manager has decided to put on larger insulators. There are 6,000 of them.
The insulators originally used were not heavy enough and during rain storms
the current would escape to the ground.

Miss Olive NOBLE of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg Wednesday.

E.B. HIGLEY & Co. are now shipping hundreds of thousands of eggs to England.

Mrs. D. RUTLEDGE visited Ayrshire relatives several days during the past

There was a social hop at the K.P. hall Friday evening. Those who were
present report a good time.

Mayor Tom WHITE was over from Whittemore yesterday. He reports Kossuth quiet
since the election.

E.H. SKINNER arrived from Montana a few days ago and will spend the winter
at the home of W.H. GAYLORD. Mrs. SKINNER came some time ago.

David JOYNT recently bought the T.W. HARRISON block south of the city park.
He intends building on it during the coming year. The location is a good

Mr. and Mrs. Joe BAILEY recently enjoyed a visit from Miss Ella BURNS of
Britt. Miss BURNS was employed in the Reporter office of this place a number
of years ago.

John MAHER, formerly of Livermore, was in Emmetsburg yesterday. Of late
years he has resided in Canada. He has made a barrel of money buying and
selling real estate.

Albert FIFE is building a residence on his farm four miles west of this

Fred PAULSON arrived home from British Columbia last Friday after an absence
of three years. We understand he also spent some time in Alberta while away.

Miss Alice GUSLAND was at Des Moines last week. While there she underwent an
operation for some nose and throat ailment. We are pleased to report that
she is getting along nicely.

Thursday the Higgins Pharmacy gave a $3 premium to James FAY for having made
the biggest showing in the increase of business in the piano contest from
October 21 to November 4.

John YOUNG recently returned to Savanna, Ill. to look after his business
interests at that place. The Democrat hopes that the next time he comes home
on a visit he will be more fortunate.

Mr. and Mrs. P.O. BROWN of Jefferson, Iowa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J.W.
McCARTY of this place the first of the week. They made the trip by auto in
four hours. Mr. BROWN is a brother of Mrs. McCARTY.

People who have no visible means of support and who will not work are
generally suspicioned by police officers when crimes are committed, but
there are, nevertheless, some loafers who would not harm any one.

E.M. THOMPSON, the newly elected clerk of the district court, was down from
Graettinger yesterday. He has not yet secured a residence. It is needless to
say that Mr. THOMPSON feels elated over his election.

Postmaster and Mrs. E.J. MITCHELL of Graettinger autoed to Emmetsburg
yesterday. Mr. MITCHELL thinks that Maurice CONNOLLY should feel proud that
he polled 500 more votes in Iowa than Woodrow Wilson did two years ago,
despite the bitter fight that was made against him.

Some of our citizens mowed their lawns last week.

Mr. BOWDEN was a passenger to Ruthven Saturday.

Miss Bridgie MARTIN came over from Algona last evening.

August WORTH was a passenger to Minneapolis Saturday.

Miss Alice GREEHEY was at Estherville the last of the week.

Father MURTAGH of Estherville was the guest of local priests Tuesday.

Father KELLY of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg yesterday. He came in his

Charles JOYNT is having his vacation. He went to Seattle Monday evening.

Miss Mable HUGHES of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday and Saturday.

Father SWEENEY and Father MEYERS of Milford were guests of Father FARRELLY
Tuesday evening.

T.J. HUGHES of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg Monday. He left Monday evening for
Des Moines.

Thos. GALLEGER of Ellsworth, Minnesota, is spending his vacation with his
parents in this city.

Wm. MUIR, who had been visiting local relatives in this city, returned to
Minneapolis Saturday.

Miss Agnes KOCH of Whittemore spent the last week with her brother, Frank
Koch of this place.

Miss Nellie DONOVAN, who had been visiting local relatives for some time,
went to Estherville Monday for a few days' visit at the Edward DONOVAN home.
>From there she will return to her home in Minneapolis.

James and Miss Addie PRITCHER of Buffalo Center were guests at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. T.A. O'BRIEN of this city over Sunday.

Misses Mary McNALLY and Veronica HIGGINS went to Spirit Lake Monday evening.
They sang a requiem high mass for Father SWEENEY yesterday.

Charles J TOBIN, a Milwaukee brakeman, was killed at Canton, South Dakota,
Monday evening. He fell under a car. One of his legs was taken off.

Misses Girlie and Nellie DONOVAN and Misses Agnes and Lottie and Ray and
Chas. JOYNT made an auto trip to Estherville Sunday and spent the day at the
Ed DONOVAN home.

Miss Alice KANE, who is here from Davenport visiting her parents, went to
Camp Crook, South Dakota Monday to see her sister, Mrs. Britt CATRON, who
had been on the sick list.

Commissioner Dan BURNS must be credited with having done a great deal of
excellent work on our streets during summer. All will have to agree that he
made his efforts count.

The officers and members of St. John's Cemetery association tell our
reporter they are very proud of the condition of the cemetery. The sexton,
J.J. CARNEY, is tasty and industrious. Evidence of a long summer's toil and
care is apparent to all.

There will be a necktie sociable at the Fife school house next Friday
evening. All are invited. Miss Alice CARNEY is the teacher.

Miss Leah CAMERON received word the last of the week that her sister, Miss
Bertha CAMERON, was elected superintendant of schools in San Miguel county,
Colorado, Tuesday of last week. She has been teaching at Telluride for three
or four years.

Curt BECK has bought the George FREEMAN residence in the First ward. It will
make Mr. and Mrs. BECK a neat, convenient home. The consideration was $1850.
Mr. and Mrs. FREEMAN are moving to Cylinder. Mr . FREEMAN, as was stated in
last week's Democrat, is to be the new cashier of the bank at that place.
The Cylinder people will find Mr. and Mrs. FREEMAN splendid people

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 19 Nov 1914

Miss Brigie Martin, who had been visiting friends near Cedar Rapids for the
past week, returned home Tuesday morning.

Frank Brady, nephew of Mrs. H.H. Cook, left for Live Oak, Florida last
evening to visit his grandfather, James Keeler.

Mrs. Janey Johnson and two children left for Taylor, North Dakota, Monday to
visit her brother and two sisters who reside at that place.

Mrs. W.J. Tyson left the last of the week for Iowa Falls to visit her
sister, Mrs. L.E. Jones. She will remain until after the Christmas holidays.

Mr and Mrs J.L. Baker arrived in this city Monday evening from Maryville,
Missouri, to visit their son and daughter, J.L. Baker, Jr. and Mrs. Cord.

The Champion says that Mrs. W.J. O'Brien of Whittemore was called to Dubuque
last week to see her son, Will, who was recently injured in a football game.
He is getting along nicely.

Miss Mary Anderson of Britt visited her sister, Mrs. John Crowder, of this
place for a few days. She left yesterday for Harrisburg, Sought Dakota,
where she has accepted a position in a telephone office.

Mr and Mrs J.B. Jackson went to Amery, Wisconsin, Monday to visit their son
and family. They were accompanied by Mrs. Will Jackson, who will return to
her home at Turtle, Montana. She has been visiting local relatives for
several weeks.

Chas. Joynt returned from his trip to Seattle Tuesday morning. He visited at
Portland and Spokane while away. He informed our reporter that the weather
is still warm in that section of the country.

W.H. Coonan has rented his business building on South Broadway to a Chinaman
who will open a laundry.

Mrs. W.J. Black of Madison, Wisconsin, arrived in Emmetsburg yesterday for a
visit with her many friends in this city.

Robt. Mulroney left for Excelsior Springs, Missouri,. last week where he
will spend a short time for the benefit of his health.

Michael Jackman came up from Waterloo Monday evening to see his sisters
before their departure for their new home in Minnesota.

There has been a ten pound boy at the home of Mr and Mrs Pelton since
Wednesday, November 18. Their friends congratulate.

Supervisor Fleming of Ruthven was in Emmetsburg yesterday. He was on his way
home from Whittemore where he had been visiting his sons.

Frank Hanley, the Chicago horse buyer, will have a representative at the
Starr & Richardson barn Thursday, December 8.

Miss Nellie Delaney of Belmond, Iowa, is visiting at the home of her uncle,
John L. Sullivan, of this place. She intends returning to Belmond the last
of the week.

C.M. Carpenter of Osage came to Emmetsburg Wednesday and visited until
Monday with his son, E.W. Carpenter, and family, when he left for Ottumwa to
see his daughter. he intends spending the winter at Denver, Colorado.

W.H. Berkler, accompanied by Mr. Hamilton, the ascetylene plant salesman,
Eugene kane and Peter Hoelzner enjoyed a trip through Emmet county
yesterday, returning home by the way of Estherville, where they took in the
social doings at the Elks' hall. They report a very enjoyable time. They
doubtless had it.

Mr and Mr H.H. Cohan went to Marion Monday to visit Mrs. Cohan's parents, Mr
and Mrs. C.D. Stickney.

Mr and Mr A.J. Jenswold mourn the loss of their infant child, who died the
last of the week. They have the sympathy of their many friends.

I wish to announce that I am in the Piano Contest now being held at the
Higgins' Pharmacy. Coupons are given with every purchase. I would appreciate
very much any coupons that may be saved for me.
James Fay.

Mrs. George Oleson and Miss Inez were Emmetsburg visitors Saturday.

Harry Gmelin and daughter Viola came up from Mason City Saturday evening.
Viola will spend the winter here with her aunt, Mrs. Jo Yanke, while her
parents are in California.

Geo. Pugsley purchased the Ralph Butler residence. Mr. Pugsley will take
possession March 1.

FOR SALE- A two-year old registered Short Horn bull. Papers furnished with
him. J.D. Vedder. Emmetsburg, Route 8.

Farm for Sale
I wish to sell my 151 acre farm two and one-half miles from Cylinder. For
particulars, write me at Wenona, Illinois, Lock Box 22.
Wm. Lauf.

For Sale
F.X. Maurers hay press for sale. Complete with engine. Rig is practically
new. For sale cheap if taken at once.

Lost Watch
Has Hampden, gold filled case and 17 jewel McKinley movement. Please notify
A.G. Frey, Emmetsburg, or leave at this office.

Lost Mink Fur Collar.
Lost same between Emmetsburg and Estherville. Finder will please notify Mrs.
R.C. Tyler, Ft. Dodge, nad receive liberal reward.

Hay Pressing
Anyone having hay to press would do well to address Elmer Jenor, Terril, Ia.
he has a well equipped outfit which is now in Emmetsburg.

For Sale
A Sandwich horse-power hay press, a six roll Deering shredder, a 40x44
Rumley threshing separator and a Gar-Scott engine. F.S. Traver, Box 572,

Boars for Sale
I have a number of exceptionally good Poland China Boars for sale. Are of
March and April farrow. All have had double treatment for cholera. Papers
furnished if desired. Phone 7-88.
M.W. Fandel
Whittemore, Iowa.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto Co, IA
2 Dec 1914

Dr. Martin Joynt Loses Only Child

Dr. and Mrs. Martin JOYNT of Jessup, Iowa, mourn the death of their only
daughter and only child, who passed away last Thursday evening. She went to
school as usual the previous morning but she was taken ill during the day
and did not recover. She was five years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Michael JOYNT,
parents of Dr. JOYNT, were called to that place Friday to attend the
funeral, which was held on Saturday. This is a severe blow to Dr. and Mrs.
JOYNT. Their many relatives and friends in this locality extend sincere
sympathy to them in their bereavement.

Were Married Sixty-Seven Years Ago

November 28, Mr.and Mrs. Peter JONES, of this place observed the
sixty-seventh anniversary of their marriage, which took place in Ireland.
They came to the United States in 1849, locating in New York. Later they
moved to the vicinity of St. Louis where they remained for a couple of
years. In 1851 they settled onto a farm in Allamakee county. In 1872 they
bought a home in Great Oak township and a number of years ago moved to
Emmetsburg. Mr. JONES is eighty-nine years of age and Mrs. JONES is a year
or two younger. Their many friends sincerely hope they will have the
happiness to celebrate the seventy-fifth anniversary of their union.

Thirty-Five High School Pupils Expelled From Sheldon Schools

Thirty five high school boys and girls were expelled from the Sheldon high
school last week for disobedience. The directors are to be commended for
their firmness in standing by the superintendent. Young men and young women
who will not obey the rules are an injury to a school. Too many of the
growing up boys and girls of our time have never learned the ordinary
lessons of obedience in the home and in the school.

Mallard May Have Electric Lights.

H.H. HOUGH was up from Mallard Saturday. He informs us that the mayor and
council of that place are figuring on putting in an electric light plant.
They have visited several places and are about ready to submit to the voters
a proposition asking for authority to issue bonds to put them in a plant.
Mr. HOUGH is a member of the council. Mallard is one of the best little
towns in the state and should have electric lights.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph SMITH went to Wisconsin Friday for a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. LEONARD have returned to their home at Garner after a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. SHARTLE in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. T.J. BRENNAN spent Sunday visiting relatives at Estherville.
Mr. and Mrs. THATCHER and son Harry spent Thanksgiving with Mr. THATCHER's
parents at West Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph NOLAN accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank HENDERSON,
autoed to Emmetsburg Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred DEAN and daughter Miss Lucile, recently arrived in this
city from Wayne, Nebraska for a visit at the S. DEANE home.
Twin girls were born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. WASHINGTON on Sunday.
Congratulations a dozen of times.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanley MEEK and children visited relatives near Ayrshire
Miss Mabel HUGHES went to Curlew Monday morning where she will teach school.
Miss Bertha GAARD returned to Estherville Monday night after a days visit in
this city with her parents.
Mr. PARROTT, who lives on the Michael GEELAN farm east of town, recently
bought the Oscar SAMPSON house in town. He will move into it next spring.
Cornelius NOLAN went to Emmetsburg Tuesday morning to serve on the grand
Rex HUBBARD of Spencer spent Thursday in this city visiting relatives.
M.T. WASHINGTON and Miss Margaret were Emmetsburg visitors Wednesday.

Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto County, Iowa
30 Dec 1914

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CURRANS of Ruthven ate Christmas turkey with Mrs.
CURRAN's parents in this city.
Glen BOWMAN, formerly sheriff of Kossuth county, is the new manager of the
Royal Lumber yards at Rodman.
Mr.and Mrs. Caroll BRAGG arrived from Chicago Monday for a visit with Mr.
BRAGG's parents, Mr and Mrs. E.P. BRAGG.
Miss Carrie KOCH of Whittemore was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her
brother, Frank KOCH, of this place.
Miss FLAHERTY of Des Moines is spending her Christmas vacation with her
friend, Miss Marie SHERLOCK of this place.
J.E. TIERNEY, formerly of this place, who recently sold the Armstrong
Journal, has bought a newspaper plant at Panora, Iowa.
Bennie CATTELL arrived from Fort Dodge the last of the week for a visit at
the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben CATELL.
Frank DEALY was renewing acquaintances at Estherville Wednesday. He was
engaged in business at that place a number of years ago.
Mary McNALLY will leave Sunday evening for Cedar Rapids. She will attend
Business College at that place during the winter.
Mr.and Mrs. Will CONLON and little son Milford spent the last of the week
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CONLON and other Emmetsburg relatives.
M.L. BRADY, who was home for the holidays, returned to Madison, South
Dakota, yesterday. Real estate has not of late been stirring much in that
Ray McNALLY arrived home from Tama Christmas morning and remained until
Sunday evening. He recently bought an interest in a drug store at that
Dr. and Mrs. M.J. JOYNT of Jessup, Dr. M.F. JOYNT, of Marcus, and Dr. Robert
JOYNT of LeMars sepnt Christmas at the M JOYNT home in Emmetsburg township.
James DALE attempted to suicide in the New Algona hotel a few days ago. He
took chloroform. When he was discovered medical aid was promptly summoned
and he was quickly restored.
Mrs. B.E. KELLY visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.C. KIRBY of Estherville
Christmas day. She was accompanied by her sons, Vincent and Bernard and her
daughter, Miss Jean.
C.F. KERN of Fenton was in Emmetsburg Saturday. He had a fire recently and
was settling his loss with Mr. CARTER, secretary of the County Mutual. While
in town he paid this office with a brief call and subscribed for the
Rev. GILBERT of LeMars has accepted a call to become pastor of a church in
Dr. BALDWIN of Ruthven was at Spencer a few days ago serving as a judge in a
baby contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo CHRISTOPHER, we learn from the Mallard Independent,
returned to Edinburg, Texas, Tuesday of last week.
Chas. LYONS has bought the F.S. SHADLE & Co. drug store at Estherville and
has consolidated the two stocks.
Peter BERGUSON, who lives west of Iowa Falls, accidentally shot himself a
few days ago knocking out one of his eyes.
Matt COOK, who was with Dr. ASHLEY on the trip from Sherburne to Estherville
when John GRIFFITH was run over by their auto and badly injured, was
arrested Tuesday of last week and arraigned before Justice Fred PARSONS for
a hearing. He plead guilty as charged and was fined.
Mr. and Mrs. M.J. BRENNAN of Milwaukee spent Saturday with Mr.and Mrs.
CURRANS of Ruthven. Mr. Brennan is a brother of Mrs. CURRANS.
J.F. McFADDEN of Algona is becoming a rival of Judge QUARTON as a breeder of
dairy cows. He sold thirteen Holstein cows a few days ago at an average of
$100 per head.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.