Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide (2024)

Table of Contents
Main Game: Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 1 – 10 Day 1 Walkthrough Day 2 Walkthrough Day 3 Walkthrough Day 4 Walkthrough Day 5 Walkthrough Day 6 Walkthrough Day 7 Walkthrough Day 8 Walkthrough Day 9 Walkthrough Day 10 Walkthrough Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 11 – 20 Day 11 Walkthrough Day 12 Walkthrough Day 13 Walkthrough Day 14 Walkthrough Day 15 Walkthrough Day 16 Walkthrough Day 17 Walkthrough Day 18 Walkthrough Day 19 Walkthrough Day 20 Walkthrough Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 21 – 30 Day 21 Walkthrough Day 22 Walkthrough Day 23 Walkthrough Day 24 Walkthrough Day 25 Walkthrough Day 26 Walkthrough Day 27 Walkthrough Day 28 Walkthrough Day 29 Walkthrough Day 30 Walkthrough Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 31 – 40 Day 31 Walkthrough Day 32 Walkthrough Day 33 Walkthrough Day 34 Walkthrough Day 35 Walkthrough Day 36 Walkthrough Day 37 Walkthrough Day 38 Walkthrough Day 39 Walkthrough Day 40 Walkthrough Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 41 – 50 Day 41 Taffy Tales Day 42 Taffy Tales Day 43 Taffy Tales Day 44 Taffy Tales Day 45 Taffy Tales Day 46 Taffy Tales Day 47 Taffy Tales Day 48 Taffy Tales Day 49 Taffy Tales Day 50 Taffy Tales Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 51 – 60 Day 51 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 52 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 53 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 54 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 55 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 56 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 57 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 58 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 59 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 60 Taffy Tales Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 61 – 70 Day 61 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 62 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 63 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 64 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 65 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 66 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 67 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 68 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Day 69 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide Other Adult Games Guide
Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide (1)

Welcome to the Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide, where we will provide a step by step guide to unlock all the scenes with every available character in the game

Table of Contents

Main Game:

Taffy Tales [S5 v1.07.3c] [UberPie] (Ongoing) | Android + PC

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 1 – 10

Day 1 Walkthrough

  • Talk to Danny (Left blonde girl)
  • Click on home (map) > go to the Living Room > then kitchen

Day 2 Walkthrough

  • Go Downstairs, to the hallway, then outside > Talk to Becca > Taffy Town > School
  • School Hallway > Click on Principal > Click on Danny > Click on Clara > try to leave, then go to Principal’s office > Leave
  • Home > take the key from the living room (table) > Kitchen > click on Mary > go to mary’s room (upstairs) > get closer > go to sleep

Day 3 Walkthrough

  • Breakfast (dowstairs)
  • Go to School > ignore Danny, get in > enter the Class 1F (right) > click on Danny > Click on Sara (teacher) > Find out test results > Hallway > Talk to Becca > take her home
  • Go home and sleep

Day 4 Walkthrough

  • Leave the room and talk to Mary & Doctor
    • Lie (normal path)
    • Yes…(NTR path)
  • School > Sports Grounds > Click on Priscilla > Smoking area (left) > click on he girl > talk to Danny > Go inside > Take becca Home
  • Go to the Shop > Click on Natalie
  • Go home and sleep

Day 5 Walkthrough

  • School > Class > Priscilla > Mens toilet > click on them
  • Sports Grounds > Darnell
  • Home > Kitchen > Mary > outside > Darnell
  • School (inside) > Walk Becca Home
  • Go Bed > Think about Priscilla

Day 6 Walkthrough

  • Kitchen > Backyard > Peep through the hole > take the yellow flowers > Go inside > click on them > take the hammer (your room) > take the knife (kitchen) > Mary (french test) > backyard (peep again) > Your room & Bed (focus on the homework)

Day 7 Walkthrough

  • Backyard > Peep > Your room > Mary > Bed > Watch TV > Click on the Comics > Take the Sunglasses (chest) & the shirt (floor) > Sleep > click on the woman

Day 8 Walkthrough

  • Take the mask (globe) > Living room > kitchen > Living room > Bathroom > Peep
  • School > Classroom > Sara (Stay at the lesson) > Boys bathroom > Stall (try to F*p) > Hallway > Give flowers to Becca > Classroom > Becca (the black hair girl)
  • Home and sleep

Day 9 Walkthrough

  • Living room > Bathroom (Peep)
  • School > Classroom > Sara
  • Home > Your Room Bed > Check the special container > Sleep

(From now you can earn money using the special container in the boys toilet)

Day 10 Walkthrough

  • Bathroom (peep)
  • School > talk with Clara > boys bathroom > f*p 3 times
  • Go to Sleep

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 11 – 20

Day 11 Walkthrough

  • Repeat Day 10 but talk to Clara again in the bathroom

Day 12 Walkthrough

  • Kitchen > Fridge > Get some food > j**z on salad > living room > kitchen
  • School > Classroom > Becca > f*p teacher’s photo > Becca > help you > f*p again
  • Go to sleep

Day 13 Walkthrough

  • Outside > Becca > Map > Priscilla’s house > Becca
  • School > f*p 3 times
  • Go to sleep

Day 14 Walkthrough

  • Go to the shop > go for the scales and buy everything in the shop
  • Home > Backyard > Fix the fence > Peek through the window (left to the chimney) > Your room (plumber’s outfit) > go to the shop and buy the screwdriver > House bathroom > calibrate it > Kitchen > Store > buy the glue
  • Priscillas house (plumber outfif) > place the 3 cameras > 1 bathroom/shower > 2 Priscilla’s room /big wall mirror > 3 round footstol/chair to the right of the room > Leave & talk to Gerda
  • Home > use your computer (spy the cameras) > map (skip time twice = night) > go to the kitchen > scale sabotage > Sleep

Day 15 Walkthrough

  • Kitchen
  • School > Bathroom with Clara > Hallway > talk to Danny > convince her for a talk with her mother > Mens toilet > Apply glue to Clara’s mop > Talk to Clara > Help her or leave her alone > Classroom > Sara > Corridor > Talk to Priscilla > Bathroom f*p (middle option)
  • Go to the stall and phone Becca again (with the replacement phone you bought) > get back in and call her again
  • Home > ninja calibrating of the scale > Sleep

Day 16 Walkthrough

  • Kitchen > Mary
  • Store > Printer kit, underwear and also sleeping pills
  • School > Bathroom stall > message Becca > Classroom > Sara > Learn French > Bathroom > more cash (twice)
  • Home > Laptop > research for the project with Priscilla > Sleep

Day 17 Walkthrough

  • Fix the printer (you have bought what you need) > print pictures > kitchen > give the sleeping pills to Mary > Mary’s bedroom inspection
  • Store > buy Razor and Cream
  • School > Clara > Class (french lesson) > Clara > Learn French > photo & save or rip her…> bathroom cash >
  • Head home to Becca (evening) > knock > talk to Becca in her room > Studying session > go home to sleep

Day 18 Walkthrough

  • School > Class > Sara > Keep Studying > Any choice > classroom > Sara Keep Studying again > Tail Darnell (front of the school) > go back inside > follow Sara into the Trackfield > grab her purse
  • Go home > Marys bedroom > sleep

Day 19 Walkthrough

  • Store > buy the coar and mask
  • Go into the school and switch into your disguise > Talk to Darnell outside > Follow him
  • Follow Chantelle to Darnell’s house > Enter through the backdoor (right, the key is on the pot) > Darnell’s bedroom > upper painting > lower picture > now you have the drugs
  • School > Trackfield > Smoking area > Clara >
  • Home > Marys bedroom > go to sleep > think about Darnells house

Day 20 Walkthrough

  • School > toilets to make cash 3 times
  • Home > Marys bedroom > sleep

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 21 – 30

Day 21 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > Knock on the front door > Priscilla’s room
  • Home > Marys room > check your computer > sleep

Day 22 Walkthrough

  • School > Class > Sara > Keep Studying > Worm her off drugs > Talk to Clara > Smoking Area > Pick up the Rope (bench) > talk to Clara
  • Priscilla’s house > Click on the teal wall to the left of the house > Click on the tree
  • Home > Sleep

Day 23 Walkthrough

  • School > Clara (upper square) > talk to Clara in the hallway > Exit the school and go back
  • Home > Pick the ruler (in front of the door to Tiffanys room) > Your room to make extortion plans > Backyard > Jennifers Yard > take the CD disk > click on the phone on the ground
  • Shop > buy Scotch tape and also Fake phone
  • School > Bathroom for cash > classroom > Sara > Classroom > Clara
  • Home > Your room > computer > call harry and extort him > sleep

Day 24 Walkthrough

  • School > Classroom > Sara > Get some studying done > Hallway > Clara >Bathroom cash > Classroom > Sara
    • Key: Principal’s office > Desk
    • Candles: Your house > Bathroom > Bathtub
  • School > Class > Clara > Bathroom cash > go to Sleep

Day 25 Walkthrough

  • School > Class > Sara > Hallway > Clara > Mens restroom > Clara > Hallway > give her the money > Toilet > Talk to Clara again
  • Darnell’s house > No, we have to help him…
  • Go to school > Talk to Sara outside (evening) > Classroom > Sara
  • Home > Sleep > Think about revenge

Day 26 Walkthrough

  • Talk to Mary about skipping school > Sleep the day away > Try to wake

Day 27 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > knock front door > gardening for Gerda > go to sleep

Day 28 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > knock front door > gardening for Gerda > go to sleep

Day 29 Walkthrough

  • School > Hallway > Clara > Class > Sara
  • Store > buy lingerie
  • School > give lingerie to Clara
  • Priscilla’s house > talk to Gerda
  • Go home to sleep

Day 30 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > climb over the left wall and Speak with Gerda and Harry
  • Home > Backyard > take the gym clothes ( line beneath the treehouse) > Mary > Play it off…
  • Mall > talk to Harry and Gerda outside
  • (no you can increase strength with the weightlifting minigame)
  • School > Class > Sara
  • Home > inside (wait until is dark)
  • Priscilla’s house > Climb over the fence use the chair to get to Priscillas room and climb in > Spy > Office > Sneak out through the kitchen > take the Spare Key (Kitchen counter) > exit through the back door
  • Home > bedroom > Call Clara (phone) > sleep

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 31 – 40

Day 31 Walkthrough

  • Class > Toilet > Blue Balls inside the toilet stall > Class > Sara > Sara again
  • Gym > Lift weights twice
  • (evening) Front of Becca’s house > Sara
  • Store > fun with Sara
  • Front of Becca’s house > Sara > go to sleep

Day 32 Walkthrough

  • Class > get some studying done (sara)
  • Gym > Train twice
  • Home > Living Room > Mary & Sara
  • Gym > Train > Sleep

Day 33 Walkthrough

  • School > Clara > Class > Sara > Study > Clara > Class > Ask for them back (Try to steal + Wait + Now grab the keys)
  • Trackfield > open the school closet (greyish door to the right – requires strength = 5) > Click on: Bench right + Bench fron + Cabinet behind the bench + Broken tv + Projector
  • Mens toilet > Clas
  • Priscilla’s house > knock front > Gerda
  • Home > choose the top one > Limo in front of your house > Barkeep > Gerda (toilet) > Sleep

Day 34 Walkthrough

  • Leave the house, go to another place and come back inside home
  • Shop > S** Toys
  • Home > Laptop > Buy the s** toys
  • Priscilla’s house > knock > Harry
  • School > Give the toy to Clara > Sleep

Day 35 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > Knock > Gerda > Basem*nt (Click on all the objetcs) > Ask about the stocks> then click on the knights armour > Sleep

Day 36 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > Gerda
  • School > Hallway
  • Mall > Priscilla
  • School > Class > Get some studying done maybe > hallway > Clara > Mens Toilet > Sleep

Day 37 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > knock the door > Study with Priscilla
  • School > Priscilla > Clara > Mens toilet > Clara
  • Mall > Priscilla > Her Home > Fun with Gerda > Lean Gerda over a chair Towards Harry > Sleep

Day 38 Walkthrough

  • Story > Ask about Secret Shop > Blackmail Natalia + Good thing i have photos then isnt it? + You don’t you’re my… > Go back to the secret area and buy the bonda… gear for clara
  • Priscilla’s home > Kitchen > Gerda > Sleep

Day 39 Walkthrough

  • Priscilla’s house > Gerda
  • Enter School > Priscilla
  • Priscilla’s house > Climb over the left wall > Stables (left of the house) > Priscilla > Sleep

Day 40 Walkthrough

  • Phone > Invite Gerda > to unlock all the scenes Vag + An + Vag
  • School > hallway > Clara > Instructions to unlock the motel > Class > get some studyin done maybe > Hallway > Girls shower > Trackfield > Girls shower window > Smocking area > Ladder > Hallway > Principal’s office > click on the top locker > Now you can take the ladder and reach the girls shower window (click twice on the window) > Hallway > Out the main entrance > Hallway again
  • Mall > Inside
  • Becca’s House > Knock
  • Priscilla’s home > Backyard > Stable door > Kitchen entrance > Priscilla’s room > Middle Drawer > find the key > Stable Door > Sleep (if you don’t find the key leave the house and repeat this last step)

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 41 – 50

Day 41 Taffy Tales

  • School > Hallway > Talk to Priscilla > Punch him
  • School again > Follow Becca & Jessica into the girls changing room > Girls toilet > Spy them > Outside in front of the school > Talk to Becca & Ryoko > Click on Jessica > Help her > Sleep

Day 42 Taffy Tales

  • Motel > Knock red door > Alan
  • Priscilla’s house > Basem*nt > Priscilla’s room > go outside > Harry > Click on Gerda

Day 43 Taffy Tales

  • School > Hallway
  • Home > Computer > set up a cam account for Clara > Sleep

Day 44 Taffy Tales

  • Store > Buy Love potion
  • School > Give instructions to Clara > Beca (about a favor) > Make some cash or go to sleep

Day 45 Taffy Tales

  • Pass time until night > Danny’s place > Becca > once inside, click on everyhting > Danny’s room > Bookshelf > Click this objects in this order: Basketball + Piggybank + Book (upper shelf/2nd from the right) + Book (lies on the bottom of the two that lies on their sides on the upper shelf) + Book (lower shelf / 3rd from the left) >Your choice (trap clara or not, trap is better) > Clara’s room > Cam show > Sleep (phone S…)

Day 46 Taffy Tales

  • Motel > Alan
  • School > Hallway > Becca > Sleep (message – Do the next Clara Cam show whenever)

Day 47 Taffy Tales

  • Pass time until night > Danny’s place > Becca > go inside > Clara > Clara’s room > next camshow
  • Home > Phone Becca > Sleep

Day 48 Taffy Tales

  • School > Hallway > Clara
  • (Evening) Danny’s place > Danny & Clara > Danny’s room > Danny > Clara (Kitchen) > Danny’s Room > Danny > Kitchen > Sleep

Day 49 Taffy Tales

  • Jessica’s Place > rummage around in her room when she is in the shower (middle slightly smaller drawer under the bed > CD + Old diary) >
  • Home > Bed > Read her diary > sleep

Day 50 Taffy Tales

  • School > Becca > Leave the School and Enter afain > Jessica > Exit the school again > Jessica
  • Pass time to night > Clara’s place > Becca > Danny (Listen i need a favour + i really need to check on her…) > Clara’s bedroom > camshow
  • Home > Are you gonna skip town… + Any last words for Danny you’d… + Where will you go? > Sleep > Go outside > Mary > Becca > Any choice > Becca you really should stay here > Mary > check the car > Search the glove compartment (disk + gun) > Mary > Any choice
  • Home > bed > Try to get some sleep

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 51 – 60

Day 51 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Store > buy breath mints
  • Hospital > Check up on Danny > Any choice
  • School > Class > Clara > get some studying > Any choice
  • Home > computer > check the file > sleep

Day 52 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Hallway > Clara
  • Clara’s house > her door
  • Mall > red payphone > any choice
  • Home > sleep

Day 53 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Leave the house > Becca
  • Mall > Bowling (75% power & release before hits the middle) > Pizza and co*ke
  • Your room > Becca > sleep

Day 54 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Becca
  • Clara’s home > 2nd choice > 3rd choice > 1st choice
  • School > Class > Sara > get some studying > 1st choice > Did you get any number plate
  • Home > your room (gun + file)
  • Warehouse > semicircle window (brick + hit the window) > Climb inside > clcik on the fusebox > Leftmost wooden box > pick up her clothes > Warehouse bd**section > machine (left) > get the key & click the machine > use the dials/buttons > Box > Box > 3rd choice > 3rd choice > 1st choice > scooter
  • Your room > 2nd choice > 1st choice > 2nd choice > SAVE here and try both > Call Clara & sleep

Day 55 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Class > get some studyin > Follow Clara & becca (mens toilet) > Any choice Sleep

Day 56 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Jennifer’s place > click on everything in the room > her room > drawer (right) > switch her
    birth control pills with your breath mints > Sleep

Day 57 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Class > Study > Becca > Any choice > Hallway > Clara
  • Store > 1 phone for Clara
  • School > give the phone to Clara > Make some money or sleep

Day 58 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Leave your room > 3rd choice > 2nd choice > 3rd choice > Kitchen > Mary > Any choice > Any choice
  • School > Hallway > Becca & Danny
  • Store > Natalie > ask for a favour
  • Priscilla’s house > Harry (inside) > Sleep

Day 59 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Mall > Mary > Clothes shopping
  • Park > Mary
  • Mall > Danny, Becca & Clara > Danny > 2nd choice > 2nd choice > 2nd choice > sleep

Day 60 Taffy Tales

  • School > Clara & Becca
  • Store > ask Natalie for the package
  • Danny’s place > knock >Click on the letter (Danny’s room table) > Sleep after the scene

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide – Day 61 – 70

Day 61 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Class > Becca (near Darnell) > Trackfield > Storage space (where the camera was) > Principal office > Sir there’s been an accident > They’ve just leaked your tax report > Mini game (click very fast on the 1st 2 items, then be careful, and extremely careful with the last) > ger the keys > back to the storage space > Kinda busy… > i’m uh…> It’s someone in this school > Clara & Becca > Sleep

Day 62 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Clara > Make money os pass time
  • Danny’s place > knock > Clara > Becca > Diary (Shelf) > Clara’s room > Sleep

Day 63 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Jessica’s place > Birthcontrol surprise
  • Home > your room > sleep

Day 64 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Kitchen > Mary
  • School > Becca > I just wanna make sure… > Class > Principal’s office > Find a ladder (Trackfield > school closet) > Click twice on the window to the principal’s office (above to the left of the storage closet) > Create a distracion > 2nd choice > 1st choice > Any choice
  • School > Library > Back shelf (book 3 & mysterious book)
  • Home > Mary > Sleep

Day 65 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Kitchen > mary
  • Store > buy Clothes for Mary > go home > Mary
  • Park > Violet’s diner > Violet
  • Home > Kitchen > give Mary the clothers
  • Gym > Mary & Chantelle > Mary > minigame: Click quicky, Stop Click not very quickly and keep the power between > Sleep

Day 66 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Gym > Yoga with Mary
  • Diner with Violet > offer to close the place to get the keys > Office > Laptop (te password is in the photo = BANANA42)
  • Home > check the mailed info
  • Priscilla’s place > ask harry > sleep

Day 67 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • School > Becca
  • Priscilla’s place > Harry
  • Gym > look for Mary > Gerda4
  • Home > Kitchen > Mary
  • Gym > Gerda & Chantelle
  • Home > Kitchen > Mary > get her to go back to the gym with you > Sleep
  • Kitchen > Mary > Sleep

Day 68 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Priscilla’s place > Harry > Experimental drugs
  • Diner > Violet
  • Gym > Mary
  • School > Gerda & Mary
  • Home > Read the note
  • Gym > Any choice
  • Fox Club > Lostraven > Back Alley > Click on the Exit to the alley > Talk to them > Sleep

Day 69 Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide

  • Leave your room > Store > Booze
  • Gym > Gerda & Mary
  • Pass time until night > Fox Club > Give them the booze > Reach the ladder by standing on top of them & enter the club > Bathroom > Punch him > exit to the bar & chat with Violet > escort her home > home > sleep
  • Visit Harry to get some answers
  • Home > Mary

Other Adult Games Guide

| Milftown Drama Walkthrough |

Taffy Tales Walkthrough & Guide (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.