The Lexington Herald from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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MONDAY JULY23 i THE LEXINGTON HERALD PAGE 2 John Dillinger From Cradle to Grave MAT 100 NITE jpiONI DILLINGER TO DEATH JOHN SHOT man behind him Than I heard two ahote and the man fell In the alley on hi face Than 1 woman running with har draaa pulled UP and blood atreaming from har left knee She Yell in front of the ehoa ahop two doore eouth of the alley The crowd oathered and I couldn't The crowd jjathered lENDSiTODAYi One Picket Diet richet Diet Arch Criminal Killed by Federal Agents as He Steps From Small Theater in Ml From Wound -SioTmi Friday Ar SiT1 SPENCER TRACY IN "Bottoms UP" ARBITRATION if TWO BYSTANDERS WOUNDED TRIO COSTIMTD FROM PAGE 051 co Pit Patterson John Bolaa Harry Graon Thelma Todd OUt MM atoned Industrial frost In Minneapolis uck drivers truck drivers SfariTUESDAY see mere" The picture Dillinger had been watching was "Manhattan Melo-drama" a story of New York gamblers and underworld characters Body Is "Bloody A reporter for the Associated Press who viewed body just before it was taken to tbe county morgye described it as a "bloody Residents living near the theater had become auspicious when tha non-unlfofmed federal men with their guns crowded the entrance of the theater They had turned in an 'alarm to police who came on the rush prepared to halt a robbery then stayed to watch the government end lte chase of many months Dlllnger strode out with two women glanced about furltlvely as he neared the street then straightened jauntily Then he was slain without pause Government men surrounded his body and would let no one near They placed it In an ambulance and word Went to Washington that Dillinger had been shot and would be dead in four or five minutes Tben the ambulance went to a bos-pltal but tbe body was not taken inside The ambulance stood In a driveway without lights closely guarded apparently awaiting word months Is in efftet'i ZF prevailed while fedemL oufht permanent ZjF picket wounded In Tr? in which person died Saturday bight Strike leaders said ing to open nfotiaUoZ' Plovera on th ployera on tha bails TArrto-u feMwC ter K- ered tiouely TM o2c JyCO CVroe if- EH suggestions but empioT enda of bis Angara were scarred apparently having bean treated with acid Purvis had definitely Identified him before the body was taken to the morgue Examination at the morgue disclosed a recent wound In chest about two Inches long wbicb had just healed and it was believed he had received it In a recent bank robbery raid Purvis said Ms last known raid was the robbery of the Peoples Trust and Savings Bank at South Bend hair was dyed coal Mack and cut very short His eyebrows appeared to have been plucked to a fine line Ho bad a small black mustache Hundreds of spectators crowded pushed and Jostled after the bleeding body of the outlaw was removed Dip Papers In Blood Souvenlor hunters madly dipped lipped wary The Ad cut or mat NG-1A 1 colall west orders last week-hopj settlement of the proW I strike The maxad by ths shorth pd walkout in San Franel 1 At Portland where trlaon- a agitation th for a general' sympathy with tha u-V tha ann SAN FRANCISCO STRIKE THOUGHT NEAR END MAT NITE TODAY TUESDAY Death of Defiant John Dillinger Marks End for United Most Desperate Bandit and Killer in Years a policy of watchful At 4 maintained pending euteen Brwel arbitration baiial labor decided to await ths ballot befors taking cFry general strike into cor 1 from Washington authorities DU-1 Strikers Will R1U WltatW newspapers in the blood that ataln- ilnter was shot at 10:40 cen-1 WlU Ballot Whether to Submit Difference! to ed the pavement' Handkerchiefs were whipped out and used to mop up the blood Traffic soon became so jammed that street cars were re-routed police lines established and traffic blocked out of the area tral daylight time Only yesterday tha bank robber I and ex-convict had been reported near Culver Ind The day before be bad been near Whiting Ind Each day almost without a skip he bad been reported from some Frustrated souvenlrhunterijiur pont btween the two coasts An authoratlve eourei hi 11 w8Ul prosecutor at Crown Point and the penalties were assessed others who ington disclosed that oeez woman sheriff were censured for chine in contact with the notorious I tlonal relations board tfc having been photographed with ths unmn: Harry Copeland 25 years I mined to strengthen povn! arm around them Estill 1 Indiana prison for aiding I gional labor boards sod rsder Dillinger in ths robbery of an In- funy to them the dlana bank: Evelyn Frenchttte I tratlnr disputes ot a two years Beth Green 15 months I rt Opal Long six months and Jean rnnilfl IMITfi An Crompton and Patricia Cherrlngton I UroUlLUlllU UF Ain two years each for harborng the moat hunted killer and Dr Clayton May Minneapolis physician charged with treating him two yeara Sixteen deaths dot the trail of the mob The list Includes: 10 -Year Development Nt dt-rers I Aiked fy He bad not been In custody however since March when he bluffed bis way out of tbe county Jail at Crown Point Ind 'with a wooden pistol At that time he was awaiting trial for tbe slaying of- Officer William O'Malley In the robbery of a bank at East Chicago Ind rled to the county morgue Police estimated 2000 persons rushed to the morgue for a view of the body and shouted and fought with police to gain entrance stringent lines were drawn there also Dillinger did not have a chancel to get away' "Every beck door both ways I down the street was watched" Pur- vie said Two agents were across the street In a restaurant two were in a go-1 BAN FRANCISCO July 22 WV-Tbe end of the protracted Pacific coast strike was forecast today as the striking stevedores prepared for a secret ballot on whether to submit their differ-encee to arbitration Ballots went out by airplane dur Ing the night to all ports of tbe western seaboard as the National board speeded plane for the voting which would place the-15000 workers back on tbe job possibly by' Wednesday- should they agree to arbitration of all points In the-dispute Meantime national guardsmen began moving away from the San Francisco waterfront while from Los Angeles came the report of the shooting and wounding of a police officer by dockworkers CHICAGO July 22 The death of swashbuckling John Dillinger today marked the Journey's end for the most dangerous desperado of the decade The machine-gunning outlaw and bis uhlans ranged the country for months raiding banks looting police station arsenals clashing with officers vanishing and reappearing like eo many modern headless horsem*n Escapades of the head man and his henchmen crowded police annals' Dillinger bullied bis way from the Crown Point Ind Jail drove through an elaborate official ambush In Chicago shot his way out of a federal trap In St Paul mocked the largest army the law ever assembled in the Middle West With his aides he was captured under dramatic circ*mstances in Tucson Aria only to take to the crime trail was defeated for renomlnatlon Meanwhile Dillinger was chased by the Chicago police on March wounded In the shoulder while plundering the Mason City Iowa bank on March 14 and forced a physician to treat bis hurts at fit Paul on March 14 Youngblood Slain Youngblood engaged In a death duel with officers on March 16 at Port Huron Mich He slew Under-sheriff Charles Cavanaough but was slain himself Government operatives trapped Dillinger Eugene Green and a woman companion in a St Paul apartment March 21 The outlaw FATHER "EXPECTED IT" But tha chancaa ara you keep your face atraight whan you aea tha Groat McGonigla Repertoire- Co porform that old time mallardrama DRUNKARD" The MOORESVILLE Ind July 22 VP) October 12 1913 Sheriff Jess Barber of Allen county Ohio slain by the band In freeing Dillinger from 11 December 14 Police Sft fihanley of Chicago killed by man WASHINGTON July I fr0raa Warning that the flnt next great war" vatuij house In the air the war rage two doors from tbe theater I two of the beat friends John and two on tbe sidewalk in front Dillinger had his father John Sr of tbe theater and bis sister Mrs Audrey Han- Body Is Locked Up I co*ck said tonight they "had been body was locked up In I expecting something like this to the morgue shortly after examine I happen to Johnny" when Informed tions were made A post-mortem Cf bia death at the hands of federal will be held Monday morning I agents bulled bl way "out behind a I UMtULek recommended the Ing barrage of bullets Green sue- John Hamilton with tt KENTUCKY MAN IS FOUND DEAD IN BED IN CHICAGO I the little Bohemia lodge In Wlscon- sin again and blast to freedom through a ring of government operatives at Charles Parker e(jer piUlnger barefooted physician said that DiUtngors face wearing a blue shirt and over-apparently bad been "tampered1 received Associated Press December Eugene Teague Indiana stats patrolman slain in gun battle at Paris HU as Edawrd Shouse Dillinger gangster was captured December Jack Klutas gang leader affiliated with Dillinger slain by police hunting Dillinger in Chicago auburb army air corps second ti The committee of 11 yc Jron civilians and general knit 1 Newton Baker capptfi haustive three moctfcr tan? air corps conditions 111 it tow "more financial support1 tary aviation Laying down fivs mni mendations along with ta minor suggestions th ccs alia an reporter In tbe sitting room where have scars lifted in the hla Mng body probabiy wlll He nd The report: "Dillinger sighted' was bulletined from coast to coast hi name wa bruited in the aenato said "I regret he got in had and foul ay la the death of Ray- chamber He wa the subject of had to he shot down that way but I mond Welllford 42 of Princeton1 Ky who was found I kinds been expecting It" dead in bed I endless editorials an object lesson He had a scar on cumbed to his wounds on April 11 but Dillinger survived through the aid he compelled a Minneapolis doctor to administers An automobile reputed to have been used by Dillinger was found on April 5 at Mankato and two days later the most hunted criminal was reported to have dined with his I father John Sr at the old homestead near Mooresville Ind While the central states were combed he and a companion raided police headquarters at Warsaw Ind lected weapons and went to visit I Hamilton's alster In Michigan The clan then held a reunion at parlor manner each cheek "Dillinger evidently had' been the subject of some expert plastic sur- gery" Purvis said "His nose was Mrs Hanco*ck who lives at May wood near here at first refused to WWUU IlCAl UVAVf LIIBV CiUBCU Ml January Policeman William slain by bank robbers at report to Secretary Jkng East Chicago Ind Dillinger waa 10-year development pnrs' charged with this crime standing waa a calMena quisltlon of 1000 nv tint Prominent In the itpari' March Herbert Youngblood the at a rooming bouse in Harvey Chi-1 cago suburb Police said the body bore marks! of violence although there was lit-1 tie disorder In tbe room The room- ing house proprietor said Welllford came there several days ago from Kentucky I 1 I originally a believe her brother had been killed was nearly straight I noticed in a hasty examination of the body I imagine his -hair had been dyed In She burst into tears when she entered the family borne and greeted her father Tears down ran the cheeks as be held his who accompanied Dillinger in -niHtmiB Crown Point Ind jail break slain which the army cinM Chicago He remained here in spite of the search for him because he I had friends here to shelter 1 aaunier- aged mail under dlfficultiM 32 the Little Bohemia lodge near Mer- by officers at Fort Huron Mich Both father and sister still clung to their belief that "Johnny was not near as bad as he was painted" Aid In Trapping John Four policemen from East Chl- cago Ind fellow-officers of two pa-1 They expressed regret however In the electric chair They are Pier-pont and Makley The third Clark was sentenced to life The three had gone to bed before word of the slaying of Dillinger was received here unaersnerm t-naries mlnKl(d impllei slain In battle with ketual uerformance duf Eugene Green who shot their way out St Paul on March SI gunshot wounds Inflicted agents Baum federal in battle with Dlllln-ger associates near Mercer MRS MITCHELL SIM IN SERIOUS COSt No change was Rpi night In the condltlos 3 Mitchell S3 of 622 Heritor who was struck by itf at Main and Walnut tnrt cer WIs Machine guna were mounted In the cupola while Dangerous John seven of his subalterns and three of their paramours revelled But on the night of April 22 federal agents surrounded the fortress Shota were fired Eugene Boise n-eau a CCC worker ran Into the cross-fire and waa killed Tbe gang- stera blasting their way out "cat-1 tered through the woods The gov-aRen 6uun ernment men took after them and one Baum was shot to death as he sought to halt Lester GU- Marcn Cavanaugh Youngblood April 11 with Dillinger of a trap in died of by federal April 22 and six Wla April trolmen allegedly slain by Dillinger recently on an Indiana highway were In office when word as to Dilllngeris whereabouts was received They took part In tbe I trapping of tbe outlaw but Purvis declined to say who fired the shots that dropped Dillinger The East Chicago officers were that "he had lived the kind life he had" After the first shock of the news bad passed the father sought information as to how be could legally claim his body He lndl cated a Mooresville undertaker will be sent to Chicago to claim the body and that It then will be EDGAR HOOVER IB ELATED day afternoon WASHINGTON July 22 Timothy Walter Conroy I hlrtitiierelor'tbe funeral Burial I Jurtice department Glynn Stretch and Martin Zarko- 5 almost ebeutlng their gratification he said will be In Indianapolis I over th death of john DMlnrer probably beside the mother 1 upon whose head the New Deal PALS ARE NOT TOLD THE OLD-EKSHIOBED Eugene Boisoneaun Its who was known In ths under-1 CCC employe slain Inadvertently in I world as "Babyface Nelaon" Four Eama battle I oters suffered wounds I June Tommy Carroll a bench- The largest law enforcement army I man slain by officers at Waterloo ever marshalled in the great mid- Iowa land empire was charged with re- June Policeman Harold Wag-taking Dillinger dead or alive ner shot to death by Dillinger and four comrades after robbery of a bank at South Bend July Dillinger himself slain by federal agents The following day April 23 officers near St Paul loosed a fusillade at an automobile bearing Dil-Unger They believed their shots Dillinger wore gray trousers that were well pressed a whits shirt open at the collar a wine-colored tie black sox whits low shoes and black belt with a plain silver buckle Story of Eye Witness Edgar Lalleman a garage em-I ploye was one of the first eye witnesses to tell of tbe battle He saw tha fight from a place directly I across the street Hie story waa: "I happered to be looking out the I window and saw a man in a white shirt walking south from the pic-j ture shew There wore two or three WtFECJ-IABTUMT JK BittSM Jffi1 filQ ui jin stcjuu fmaial fUlmrt COLUMBUS Ohio July 23 John former Harry Flerpont Charles Makley and Russell Clark slept In Ohio penitentiary tonight unaware the man they liberated from Allen county jail last October wee dead Two of the three men convicted of killing Sheriff Jess Barber October 12 at the Allen county jail in Lima in liberating Dillinger held on a bank charge are awaiting death BLAME PEEPERS FOR YOUNG MURDER had placed its first price tonight asserted that the man hunt would con tlnue until all Dillinger assistants had been run down Edgar Hoover chief of tbe bureau of investigation rushing to bis office at word that the desperado had been shot down told newsmen: "This does not mean the end of the Dillinger case "Anyone who ever gave any of the Dillinger mob any aid comfort or assistance will be vigorously prosecuted" He referred directly to George "Baby Nelson Homer Van Meter and another gangster Nelson named by the department as tbe killer of Special Agent Carter Baum In tbe Dillinger outbreak in the Wisconsin woods last April was described by Hoover as a "rat' Attorney General Cummings reached by reporters just as be boarded a train for the West the first part of a trip to Hawaii smiled in elation and termed tbe death of the desperado as "gratifying as well as Police Ley Slaying of Newspaper Employe to Persons Spying on Her found the target for a short distance away a blood-stained car was found But Dillinger had commandeered another machine and continued his flight The latter car was found flecked with crimson stains in Chicago on May 7 Reports that ths arch criminal had been sighted flooded the land He was reputed to have participated In the robbery of a bank at Flint Mich on May II and to have served as a lookout for the band which looted a Fostorls Ohio bank shortly afterward On May 24 the bodies of two East Chicago patrolmen Martin O'Brien and Lloyd Mulvlhlll were found in a car near East Chicago Mulvlhlll waa to have been an important witness against Dillinger in the O'Malley murder case A brush with police ended in the death of Tommy Carroll Dillinger atalwart on June 7 at Waterloo Iowa His last words were interpreted as hinting st the demise of his chief When Albert Reilly wss apprehended at St Paul on June MAT 15 NITE 25? TODAY WED to law enforcement officials a factor In politics Humorists found in him a fruitful source of gags and some civic authorities tha cause of chagrin Was Virtual Unknown On May- 23 1933 he was paroled from the Indiana state prison at Michigan City He was virtually a leering man of 31 with a hatred for law engendered during bla nine years of Incarceration A year later few world figures were more widely publicized Dillinger engineered the escape of 10 former fellow convicts from the Indiana atate prison on September 25 1933 But they emerged to find him a prisoner in thh Lima Ohio jail where he was held for bank robbery Four of tbe felons John Hamilton Harry Plerpont Charles Makley and Russell Clark hurried to the lockup on October 12 and demanded his liberty Sheriff Jess Barber resisted and was shot to death Picking up recruits the liberated Dillinger and hla thuga ranged ruthlessly through Ohio Indiana' 1111 nols and Wisconsin robbing and plundering Authorities hava estimated their booty In that swift campaign at $500000 most of carted out of banks in daring raids Chicago Waa Hideout They established hideouts In Chicago but darted out periodically to increase their riches Sgt Shanley happed upon Hamilton' in the garage and waa slain A 'Dillinger was Immediately formed by the Chicago police department and its 50 crackshot members set out to bring tbe outlaws In They raided an apartment bn December 21 slaying Lewis Katsewitx Sam Geinsburg and Charles Tilden ex-convicts who they had been certain were Dillinger and two lieutenants Still searching officers slew Handsome Klutaa a mob leader affiliated with Dillinger in a Chicago suburb on January 6 1934 The gangsters Dillinger In the van swooped down on an East Chicago Ind bank on January- 14 and shot Patrolman William O'Malley to death Aroused authorities massed their forces to strike but the marauders evaded the blow by fleeing to tbe southwest But Dll linger Makley Clark and Plerpont were caught in the bloodless coup carried out by police at Tucson Arlz Plerpont Makley and Clark were sent to Ohio and tried for the Barber murder The former pair were sentenced to death: Clark to life Imprisonment Dillinger was rushed to the Jail at Crown Point Ind Famous Wooden Pistol While preparations went forward to try him for the slaying Dillinger whittled a wooden pistol He whipped it out on March 3 cowed some 31 Inmates and keepers seized several machine guns and walked out Accompanied by Herbert Youngblood negro Jail mate he went to a nearby garage commandeered Sheriff Lillian car and wheeled away Deputy Sheriff Ernest Blunk end Edward Saagers garage attendant wetn carried along as far as Feotone 111 and there thrown out A nation-wide search was launch-ed Dillinger waa reported to have been seen In uncounted places Attorney General Cummtnga criticised Indiana officials a special grand Jury investigation of tha break waa begun Sam Cahoon turnkey and Blunk were accused of misfeasance but subsequently freed Robert Estill SHIRLEY TEMPLE INDIANAPOLIS July 23 Tbs shooting of Miss Garnett Bradley 25-year-old Richmond Ind newspaper employe as she sat in a secluded spot in a park here laat night with Georga Hendrlxon an Indianapolis bus driver waa attributed today by police to peepers who had been discovered spying upon the couple Miss Bradley who for several years waa employed in the accounting department of the Richmond Palladium and Item was fatally wounded by a bullet that entered PRAISES FEDERAL AGENTS SHE MADE TOUGH MUGS BELIEVE IN FAIRIES 1 Showed domoa end wito guyt how dumb thoy woro about lovo under her left shoulder and pena-23 accused of harboring the fugtLrfd her left lung five he also said Dillinger had Tha appearance of died but the desperado's father wife accompanied by her daughter INDIANAPOLIS July 22 OP) federal men did a good job and they deserve all the credit' was the comment of Feeney state director of public safety when Informed of the death of John Dillinger tonight "I guess it is a fitting end for tne boy" Feeney said "and It Just shows the way they all Capt Matt Leach of the atate police who spent most of his time for almost a year trailing Dlllin ger and his companions was out of the city tonight on another matter Gov Paul Mcnu*tt was at hla cottage at the Dunes Slate park on Lake Michigan tonight and efforts to roach him were unavailing At the park It waa said he would not be disturbed until I a Monday and her brother while police were Investigating the shooting waa attributed to a coincidence Officers said they were convinced Mrs Hsn-drixon ths daughter and the I brother merely happened to be in In-1 the vicinity ot the eouth etde park John Sr stated at Mooreavllla the following day that a letter received from his son three weeks earlier contradicted these reports Ths government on June 24 offered these rewards 910000 DlUlnger's capture 95000 for for iry a Palm Bead Linen Tropic formation leading to his arrest I whsrs tha shooting occurred 95000 for Nelson's seizure and I Sport APP Of AH ft4 Twenty-one youths have been arrested charged with trying to break up a United Ireland Party dance in the Mayoralty House in Drogheda Irish Free State Class CS- Add to Comfwt 1 92800 for information aiding his TWO BATHERS DROWNED apprehension The only federal charge against Dillinger at the time was transportation of a stolen car A Iwindlt quintet led by Dillinger Mormed tha Merchants Nstionsl Pank on June 30 at South llend Ind They made away with 923000 after firing promiscuously In ths crowded downtown streets killing Patrolmen Harold Wagner and wounding four men Nelson and Hamilton were also believed tolClssell 30 Tha have figured in the daring raid swimming about Dillinger began Ms crime career in 1924 after living a normal Ilfs in Mooresville and Indlsnapolia With another youth he attempted to roh a Mooresville resident Ha waa sentenced to two to 14 yeara Thoae who figured with Dillinger I Cuatomers of fashionable shops of in Ms esrlv rampages did not fare I London may now be photographed so well Besides Klutaa Younr-Itn gowns and jewelry they think of blood Green Carroll rierpont I purchasing and make their final Makley Clark and Reilly these choice after studying tha prlnta PADUCAH Ky July 23 I Two eistere Mra Germs Newport 21 and Mrs Arms Watson 19 were drowned in the Ohio river I late today just below dam 92 Clarence Osborn 21 who triad I to save ths two young women wa pulled under flv times by Mrs Watson but was rescued by Csnlie four had bean 40 feet from a I beach where a number of other bathers were taking a dip on this hot Sunday afternoon Ths bodies were not recovered I immediately HEM PEI ADA MEADE NOW SOUTH IBN A RSrsMMS RkSks mA ADOLPHE MENJOU DOROTHY CHARLES BICKFORD OMEOY NORTH OF ZERO Exclusive gtAll with WILL ROGERS JANET GAYNOR l-fW AYRES 10c Till 6.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

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Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.