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A Publisher Extra® Newspaper
- Publication:
- The Olympiani
- Location:
- Olympia, Washington
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
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A9 The Daily Olympian Monday August 25 1 975 LACEY AREA Olympiana SHELTON SCENE sometime Saturday or mailbox Sunday Two seats were taken from a Jeep parked outside the home of Robert Colson Allyn deputies were told Colson reported the heist Sunday night IN JAIL AND 'OUT Jose Trinidad Mundz 27 Los Angeles was released after he ed $100 bail on a traffic law violation charge Joanne Lee 45 Shelton was released oa her personal recognizance on a traffic law violation -charge Saturday 6ary Lee Leeberg Shelton was cited by police over the'week-end on a traffic law violation charge and released on his personal recognizance Bail was set at 385 3 2 POLICE COURT arrested after a warrant was issued charging him with non-appearance after having made a written- promise to do so He posted $40 bail police said then as he was leaving the station apparently decided to commept The result was a second arrest and booking involving a charge of disorderly conduct for which Stewart paid an additional $100 bail to gain his freedom He lives at 2310 Trillium St SE -May Clark 804 Eastside St yesterday told police someone broke into her home by cutting a screen door and breaking glass from the front door and made off with a portable radio a 30-00 rifle a hunting knife in a sheath light meter a box of old and new coins a bracelet three watches a box of pennies and a 35 millimeter camera -valued at $400 Total value of all items stolen amounted to about $800 A Grant 1909 Forest Hill Drive told police he returned from his vacation and discovered someone had entered his home Missing was a 22 Browning automatic pistol worth $200 Accident Maxine Lou Ber-gerson 4408 24th Ave SE was' listed in fair condition Monday following a two-car accident ftfteraoon Police said a vehicle driven by John Clark Bellevue collided with the Ber-gerson car at the intersection of Sleater Kinney Road and 14th Avenue SE Police' said the Clark vehicle was attempting to stop on Mth Avenue when its brakes failed BAs Bergerson was taken to St Peter Hospital with head' injuries Her car received S600 damage and the Clark vehicle received 11000 damage Police said an 18-y ear-old Lacey girl was raped Sunday afternoon at Ft Lewis She was taken hoiheby a friend who reported it to the police Police said three black men from 20 to 25 years of age were her attackers Cited Sherie Spence 37 Kirit-land and Bruce Dross 31 Olympia were cited for traffic law violations Saturday afternoon following a two-car accident' at Golf Club Road and 14th Avenue SE Police said the Spence vehicle westbound on Mth Avenue tried to make a left turn in front of the Dross vehicle The Spence car received $1500 damage and the Dross vehicle $100 damage Moil Melvin Sylsberry 3928 21st Ave SE told police Sunday that two $10 bills and several photographs were stolen from his Citod Marion Maxine Hill 2211 43rd Ave SE Lacey was-cited for investigation of a traffic law violation by Olympia police yesterday after her car was involved in an accident at 7:35 pm on State Avenue and Washington Street with one driven by Arnold Hauser Breece Route 12 (Box 528-19) in which the Hilt car sustained $350 damage and the Breece car $500 damage Police said Ms Hill was going the wrong way on State Avenue when the accident occurred A passenger in the Breece car Mildred Breece complained of an injured' right elbow and Breece complained of back pains Jailed An adult and a juvenile were arrested at 11 pm yesterday by Olympia police after a witness told officers he saw the two at the scene of a car prowl at Hoover Pontiac The adult was being held in Olympia dty jail today for investigation of grand larceny alter police said they discovered a stolen tire near the suspect's vehicle Car Prowl Mike Lingley Or-ting told police yesterday some-' one prowled his car while it was parked at the Greenwood Inn and made off with a band radio valued at $850 Wrong Word It cost Dale Edward Stewart $100 last night to voice his opinion of an Olympia police officer Police said he was Accident Gregory Vipond 19 Olympia was cited for a traffic law violation Sunday afternoon after an accident at Sleater-Kin- ney Road and Pacific Avenue in Lacey A car driven by Wayne Callison age unknown Oroville received $250 damage and the Vi-: pond car received $1000 damage la And Out Of Ernest Fields 42 Olympia posted $75 bail Sunday evening on a charge of failure to post bail He had been booked into Thurston County jail the same (toy: Mine'll Lacey City Council will hold an executive session Tuesday evening starting at 8 to discuss contract negotiations Hog Tranquilizer Adulterates Pot des Moines Iowa (ap) Some drug dealers are spiking' Iowa-grown marijuana with a hog tranquilizer and selling it on the street as an expensive and potent imported variety officials report can imagine what a capsule that can knock out a 209-pound boar can do to a 14-year- -old girl" Mitch Work an-official of a drug treatment program here said in an interview Burglars Hit Shelton Firms Police are still investigating the burglary of two drug stores and a nursery over the weekend Burglars pried open two glass doors at the Evergreen Drugstore sometime Friday night or Sunday morning and took about 500 to 800 pills Nothing else was taken police said The Money Saver Drug Store was hit sometime Sunday afternoon Thieves made off with $49 in cash and various quantities Of different narcotics Police found a pry bar on the floor About $50 to $100 in cedar shakes were taken from the Homewood Nursery Sunday morh-i However the thief was spotted by the owner and dashed out after a brief confrontation There was minimal damage to a tray of plants police said Charles Denton Podre 18 Sonoma Calif pleaded guilty in Olympia Municipal Court to a charge of reckless driving and was fined $250 Janet Mault 31 248 St Tumwater pleaded innocent to a charge of destruction of private property but was found guilty and fined $200 James Anthony Horn 18 (Box 3368) Lacey pleaded innocent to a charge of negligent driving but was found guilty anid fined $65 Kenneth Lee Dunkin 19 711 13th Ave No 204 pleaded innocent to a charge of negligent driving and was found innocent by the court Eric Athur Bergh 25 1316 Fir St forfeited $150 bail after he was charged with negligent driving Morgan Frank Johanson 34 2136A Overhulse Road pleaded innocent to a charge of destruction of private property The charge was dismissed by the court at the request of the arresting officer IHJSgSsOSgMs FREE ESTIMATES Kaiser Reynolds Altco Aluminum Siding 1 Vinyl A Steel Available STORM WINDOWS Evergreen Aluminum 357-6179 24 hours 0:00 pm (Jl): head cold is naking Don That Girl NEWCOMERS Birth la St Pater Heipital: Mr and Mrs Donald Willott Vaughan a girl Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Ignacia Michel 5200 Donnelly Drive' a girl Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Timothy Cosden 818 Olympia Ave a girl Aug 24 Mr and Mrs Nathan Radichel Yelm a girl Aug 25 Birth in Masan General Hetgi-tal: Mr and Mrs Leonard Rice Route 2 (Box 851D) Shelton a boy Aug 22 Mr and Mrs George Valencia Route 5 (Box 88) Shelton a boy Aug 22 Mr' and Mrs Jerome Elliott 121 Queens Way Shelton a boy Aug 23 i Mr and Mrs Thomas Shields Route 3 (Box 850) a boy Aug 24 I Get Far YAKIMA Wash (AP) A beer truck stolen while the driver was making a delivery wu spotted about ah hour later in nearby Wapato Another beer truck driver saw it slammed its back doors on a man inside and called police 0:30 pm (7): Cohost is Jimmie Walker Ernest Borgnine Rick Barry and AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE JUST GIVE US A RING 491-7777 for READY MIX CONCRETE PIT RUN GRAVEL WASHED GRAVEL OLYM PI A SAND RAVE 1 1839 Carpenter Road NE 9:00 pm' Movie (4): Legend of Lizzie (1975) Elizabeth Montgomery as one of crime most fascinating women Lizzie was accused of the ax murders of her father and step-mother Emma Bden: Katherine Helmond Bridget Sullivan Fionnuala Flanagan Ed Flanders: George Robinson Hosea Knowlton: Ed Flanders Andrew Bor-1 den: Fritz Weaver Repeat Beacon Hill (7): Focuses on the Lassiter household a nouveau riche family of Irish descent' living in Boston during the '20s Benjamin: Stephen Elliott Robert: David Dukes Hacker: George Rose Fawn Kathryn Walker Debut Movie (11): (1901) Love and anguish in Georgia Diane McBain Arthur Kennedy Will Hutchins Claude Akins Constance Ford 10:00 pm Swoonoy (8): pursuit of a gang of thieves is hindered by the theft of photographs he took of the crooks 11:00 pm Daniel Boone (11): Yadkin (Albert Salmi) in- sists that Mingo (Ed Ames) led the band of Creeks who wounded him Daniel: Fess Parker 11:30 pni Wide World Mystery (4): the Girl He Wants to Julie Sommars as a secretary tunning out of time Repeat Johnny Carton (5): Bill Cosby is scheduled as guest host Protectors (7): Mysterious dispatch base and a sinister Italian prince lead the Protectors to a neo-Fascist plot 13:00 Midnight Movie (7): (1953) Adulterous wife (Marilyn Monroe) drives her husband (Joseph Cot- ten) to murder and madness Mike Dewglot Guests include Ralph Nader 7:00 pm FBI (11): Psychic uses his gift to rob the wealthy of their Jewels and dreams Postponed from a previous evening 7:30 pm Lost of the Wild (4): Cameras record the role of shark lookouts in Australian waters- of the South Pacific Hollywood Squares (5): Squares are Ethel Merman Michael Landon Arte Johnson Jimmie Walker Barry Newman Jonathan Winters Karen Valentine Rose Marie aind-Paul Lynde 8:00 pm Rookies (4): Police search for an arsonist who murders firemen Jack Lem bo: Lou Antonio Terry: Georg Stanford: Mike: Sam Melville Ryker: Gerald Repeat Joe Gorogiola (5): Joe talks with Edward Vil-lella star of the New York Ballet about the aim- ilarities between baseball and dance Cher -(7): Elton John Bette Midler and Flip Wilson are guests Tennis (9): Singles and doubles finals in the $100000 USPro Championships Ironside (11): Ironside is trapped inside a bank with a trio of robbers and a group of hostages- 8:15 pm Baseball (5): Baltimore Orioles meet the Roy als at Kansas City Mo Rain game: Atlanta Braves vs Pirates at Pittsburgh a FOR NOW AND BACK-TO-SCHOOL FABRICS! white TERRY CLOTH Great for robes beach tops or any comfortable apparel White only Machine wash tumble dry 45" wide Cottonpolyester blend REGULAR $269 YD SAVE 81 YD The Television Log M0NDAYEYHNG DOUBLE KNITS PONTE ROMA STITCH CREPE STITCH All new fall colors to select from Machine wash wide 100 Textured polyester VALUES TO $298 YARD MC 4290 TUESDAY AnBNOON SOUTH SOUND CENTER THE DIAL 491 -4480.
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